Muerte in english


pronunciation: deθ part of speech: noun
In gestures

muerte = death ; loss of life ; last breath ; passing ; fatality ; die-off ; demise. 

Example: Typically, the additions to the name will fall within the following categories: title of nobility, title of honour, form of address, date of birth, and date of death.Example: The war involved not only extensive loss of life and destruction of property, but also widespread damage to cultural monuments and objects.Example: When she died in a bus accident in Bolivia while serving in a women's cooperative, her legacy did not stop with her last breath.Example: The Rutgers University Libraries are sad to report on the passing of Thelma Tate.Example: A summary is then presented of the number and percentage of snowmobile fatalities in these three states during winter 2002-03.Example: We all know that there is no guarantee that, even if we do everything we can, the result won't be human die-off and environmental devastation.Example: Her sudden demise after a brief illness was something that we could not comprehend.


» acercarse a la muertenear + death .

Example: I don't know if it's coldness or just how the body, overloaded,
tends to shut down, but as my brother neared death I felt nothing that resembled grief.

» afligido por la muerte de un familiar cercanobereaved .

Example: This paper discusses the ways in which books may be used to help bereaved children to understand death and other aspects of grief.

» agarrar un resfriado de muertecatch + Posesivo + death (of cold) .

Example: Her mother had to drag her back into the house, afraid she would catch her death of cold.

» agonía de muertedeath throesdeath pangs .

Example: It seems these huge explosions are caused by the death throes of stars twenty times the size of our Sun, which burn themselves out and explode.

Example: We stand on the threshold of an age whose convulsions proclaim alike the death pangs of the old order and the birth pangs of the new.

» a las puertas de la muerteon + Posesivo + deathbed .

Example: The seminar explored whether the journal as we know it is on its deathbed.

» al borde la muerteon the brink of death .

Example: A group of orphaned baby owls snuggle up to a cuddly toy which has become their surrogate mum after they were found on the brink of death in the wild.

» amar hasta la muertelove + Nombre + to death .

Example: I love her to death and don't know what I would do without her -- we have the craziest times together!.

» amenaza de muertedeath threat .

Example: He's considering entering the witness protection program after he received a mountain of death threats for besmirching their idol's good name.

» a muertebitterbitterly .

Example: The author notes the work of Melvyl Dewey in espousing library education and the bitter opposition from some library leaders.

Example: They took part in many small-scale but often bitterly fought operations across the coastal lowlands.

» ángel de la muerteangel of death .

Example: A woman is taken by an angel of death, and needs to prove herself to him that she is a good enough person to continue living her life.

» apedrear hasta la muertestone + Nombre + to death .

Example: The killing was committed in the traditional and extremely gruesome way Islam has in store for women accused of adultery: she was stoned to death.

» bailar con la muertehave + a close shave with deathstare + death in the facehave + a (close) brush with deathhave + a close encounter with death .

Example: She had a close shave with death recently when she was on her way to a friend's place to attend a small get-together.

Example: British holidaymaker has told how she stared death in the face during a horror boating accident in Ibiza.

Example: People who have close brushes with death, or recover from clinical death, have strikingly similar 'death experiences'.

Example: You may hear once in a while where someone had a close encounter with death, but they never made it six feet under -- death is something we can escape easily.

» cámara de la muerteexecution chamberdeath chamber .

Example: The inmate was escorted into the execution chamber and was strapped onto a gurney with ankle and wrist restraints.

Example: This is a new death chamber at San Quentin where the condemned are put to death by lethal injection.

» causa de muertecause of death .

Example: In the past few years, the mortality rates associated with infectious diseases have decreased, making cancer the leading cause of death in children.

» causar la muerteinflict + deathcause death .

Example: Armed violence -- the use of arms to inflict death or injury -- is an epidemic of global proportions.

Example: Antidepressant drugs do more harm than good, and even cause the deaths of elderly patients, say researchers.

» cercano a la muertenear-death .

Example: After a near-death moment, people recall bright lights or seeing dead relatives.

» cine de mala muerteflea housefleapit .

Example: We cannot live there, we have a small child and I'm not allowing her to sleep in a flea house!.

Example: Destitute, Vivaldi was forced to sell further scores for a pittance before dying in a fleapit, aged 63, at the end of July 1741.

» cirugía de vida o muertelife-saving surgery .

Example: She refused to allow surgeons to perform what could have been life-saving surgery on her pancreatic cancer.

» coger un resfriado de muertecatch + Posesivo + death (of cold) .

Example: Her mother had to drag her back into the house, afraid she would catch her death of cold.

» condenado a muertedeath row .

Example: Participants commented on ethical aspects of two fictitious case studies: an inmate on a hunger strike and a death row inmate who wishes to be an organ donor.

» condenar a la pena de muertesentence + Nombre + to death .

Example: A 23-year old has been sentenced to death for downloading information about women's rights in Afghanistan.

» condenar a muertesentence + Nombre + to deathcondemn + Nombre + to death .

Example: A 23-year old has been sentenced to death for downloading information about women's rights in Afghanistan.

Example: Socrates was put on trial for corrupting the youth of Athens and condemned to death by drinking the poision hemlock.

» con peligro de muertelife threatening .

Example: The study also investigated whether persons who had consulted the book before committing suicide had life threatening medical illnesses.

» corredor de la muertedeath row .

Example: Participants commented on ethical aspects of two fictitious case studies: an inmate on a hunger strike and a death row inmate who wishes to be an organ donor.

» cuestión de vida o muertelife or death issue .

Example: Nowadays, however, such occurrences are not common, yet we react to many daily situations as if they were life or death issues.

» dar el golpe de muertestrike + a death blowdeal + a death blowdeal + a killer blowdeliver + a killer blowdeliver + a death blowstrike + a killer blow .

Example: Moreover, military operations, whatever they may be, will not be able to strike a death blow to international terrorism, indicating that its high time that we probe the topic from a fresh standpoint.

Example: It has been said that Cutter in developing his method of alphabetic subject indexing 'dealt the death blow' to ninenteenth-century title-term indexing.

Example: Pakistan has vowed to target Taliban leaders and deal a killer blow to the Islamists.

Example: Some of these remedies would undoubtedly have delivered a killer blow to the parasites in a horse's gut, but unfortunately harmed the horse in the process.

Example: Lebanon is in such turmoil that war at the present time would deliver a death blow to the economy.

Example: Merick quickly sprang to his feet and rushed forward to strike a killer blow, but the troll was already dead.

» dar muerteput to + death .

Example: This is a new death chamber at San Quentin where the condemned are put to death by lethal injection.

» darse un susto de muertejump out of + Posesivo + skin .

Example: It was there that my husband about jumped out of his skin when he saw a shadowy figure suddenly dart out of the kitchen.

» dar un susto de muertefrighten + the (living) daylights out offrighten + Nombre + to deathscare + the hell out ofhave + the scare of + Posesivo + lifefrighten + the hell out offrighten + the shit out ofscare + the shit out offrighten + the wits out ofscare + the wits out ofscare + the life out offrighten + the life out offrighten + the pants offscare + the pants offscare + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + wits .

Example: Presumably they got their name from their habit of frightening the living daylights out of unsuspecting passers-by.

Example: He didn't kill them, but frightened them to death and made them run away.

Example: Moreover, if you happen to be suffering from dental phobia, where the idea of visiting a dentist's surgery scares the hell out of you, you will be glad to learn that 'do it yourself' dental veneer kits exist.

Example: A teacher had the scare of her life yesterday when a man walked into the staff-room, held a knife at her and then demanded money.

Example: What turns one person on can frighten the hell out of others.

Example: I was out for my usual nightly stroll recently and a car full of young lads shouted at me and actually frightened the shit out of me.

Example: I don't condone these acts but they are guaranteed to scare the shit out of someone you are dating.

Example: They are dark, bloodthirsty stories written to delight small children by frightening the wits out of them.

Example: The sound in that game played via the surround sound literally scared the wits out of me at times.

Example: If I'm not mistaken, Halloween is about eating too much sugar and scaring the life out of people.

Example: I was in the room at the time with my curtains closed and the sound of the bird hitting the glass frightened the life out of me!.

Example: But themes haven't changed all that much, and the goal remains the same -- to frighten the pants off the viewer.

Example: If this does not scare the pants off you, nothing will.

Example: Scared out of her wits, she stepped back and fell into her bougainvillea bush, yelling her lungs out as she fell.

» dar un susto de muertoscare + the (living) daylights out of .

Example: Alfred Hitchcock dedicated himself to scaring the living daylights out of people with an oeuvre of taut, well-crafted mystery-thrillers.

» delito castigado con la pena de muertecapital offence .

Example: During the First World War, self-inflicted wounds were a capital offence and if discovered, a man found guilty of this faced execution by firing-squad.

» de mala muerteshitty [shittier -comp., shittiest -sup.]  .

Example: This was a shitty, horrible wedding gift, but I could be more or less excused for it due to my youthful impetuousnes.

» de mala puerteshitty-ass .

Example: After a shitty-ass day, this is the one out of two things that can make me smile.

» derecho a la muerteright to die .

Example: This article reviews a selection of valuable books, periodical articles, organizations and agencies providing information on euthanasia and right-to-die laws of US states.

» de vida o muertelife-savinglife threateningdeath-defying .

Example: The more experienced physicians, however, told a different story about lifesaving practices in pediatrics.

Example: The study also investigated whether persons who had consulted the book before committing suicide had life threatening medical illnesses.

Example: A Russian daredevil has been charged for carrying out death-defying acrobatics atop a downtown Toronto tower earlier this month.

» encontrar la muertemeet + Posesivo + demisemeet + Posesivo + deathmeet + Posesivo + fatemeet + Posesivo + destinycome by + Posesivo + death .

Example: Circled in red is the approximate location where the young woman is said to have met her demise in the parking lot, with the words 'crime scene'.

Example: About three months ago a woman about thirty-two years old met her death in a suicide bomb attack near a bus stop.

Example: It is dedicated to the lost soul of a poor girl who met her fate too soon in strange circumstances.

Example: In April 1656 she would meet her destiny on the shores of Western Australia when it crashed onto the reef and broke in two immediately.

Example: How she came by her death I do not know, but I am sure that he had made her life a misery to her.

» encontrarse con la muertemeet with + death .

Example: Through ill-fortune he met with death, and his good work remained unfinished.

» encuentro con la muerteclose shave with deathclose encounter with death .

Example: A father-of-two is trying to get back in touch with his old school chums from 50 years ago, after a close shave with death.

Example: The result was that I survived six high-dose chemotherapy treatments and a very close encounter with death.

» en el momento de + Posesivo + muerteby the time of + Posesivo + death .

Example: By the time of his death, Hoggart, then 95, had been suffering from dementia for some time and had long been out of public life.

» enemigo a/de muertebitter enemysworn enemy .

Example: False friends are worst than bitter enemies.

Example: I wouldn't quite call them our sworn enemies, any more than a mosquito is a human's sworn enemy.

» enemistad a muerteblood feud .

Example: Modernity & vendetta are contradictory social phenomena, & yet globalization brings to light the existence of blood feud in a modernized world.

» enfrentarse a la muerteface + death .

Example: Librarians who have to choose between Congress and Dewey are in the dilemma of the proverbial lady facing death or a fate worse than death.

» engañar a la muertecheat + death .

Example: For someone that comes close to death some say they have 'cheated death'.

» entre la vida y la muertenear-death .

Example: After a near-death moment, people recall bright lights or seeing dead relatives.

» enzarzarse en una lucha a muerteget into + a fight to the death .

Example: If it doesn't, and she gets outvoted, she'll probably choose to give it to him instead of getting into a fight to the death over ten dollars.

» escuadrón de la muertedeath squadrondeath squad .

Example: According to Hussein, the death squadrons acted without authority and instructions from the Minister = Según Hussein, los escuadrones de la muerte actuaron sin la autoridad e instrucciones del ministro.

Example: These death squads abducted members of the civilian population torturing and often executing them.

» estar al borde de la muertehave + a close shave with deathstare + death in the facehave + a (close) brush with deathhave + a close encounter with death .

Example: She had a close shave with death recently when she was on her way to a friend's place to attend a small get-together.

Example: British holidaymaker has told how she stared death in the face during a horror boating accident in Ibiza.

Example: People who have close brushes with death, or recover from clinical death, have strikingly similar 'death experiences'.

Example: You may hear once in a while where someone had a close encounter with death, but they never made it six feet under -- death is something we can escape easily.

» estar bajo sentencia de muertebe under sentence of death .

Example: Sometimes it seems to me as if poor old Europe were under sentence of death, and as if she had reached her zenith and will from now on slowly decline.

» estar cerca de la muertehave + a close shave with deathstare + death in the facehave + a (close) brush with deathhave + a close encounter with death .

Example: She had a close shave with death recently when she was on her way to a friend's place to attend a small get-together.

Example: British holidaymaker has told how she stared death in the face during a horror boating accident in Ibiza.

Example: People who have close brushes with death, or recover from clinical death, have strikingly similar 'death experiences'.

Example: You may hear once in a while where someone had a close encounter with death, but they never made it six feet under -- death is something we can escape easily.

» estar condenado a muertebe under sentence of death .

Example: Sometimes it seems to me as if poor old Europe were under sentence of death, and as if she had reached her zenith and will from now on slowly decline.

» estertores de la muertedeath rattle .

Example: One could then ask: Does this represent the death rattle of their belief system?.

» estertores de muertedeath throesdeath pangs .

Example: It seems these huge explosions are caused by the death throes of stars twenty times the size of our Sun, which burn themselves out and explode.

Example: We stand on the threshold of an age whose convulsions proclaim alike the death pangs of the old order and the birth pangs of the new.

» experiencia cercana a la muertenear-death experience .

Example: A fisherman ordered to remain at sea by his employer as a cyclone battered Bangladesh has spoken of his near-death experience.

» firmar la sentencia de muertesound + the death knell for .

Example: Terror threats have sounded the death knell for traditional Christmas festivities in Peshawar.

» firmar una sentencia de muertesign + a death warrant (for) .

Example: If libraries do not catalog as many electronic resources as possible, this may effectively sign the death warrant for the library OPAC.

» frío de muertefreezing cold .

Example: This novel was written to cheer herself up when she and her baby were trapped inside their freezing cold flat in a blizzard, unable to get to the library.

» hasta la muerteuntil the endforeveruntil the bitter end .

Example: Iran's president said yesterday his country would press on with its nuclear program 'until the end and would not be stopped by the West.

Example: Documents and information can be lost forever by faults in inputting.

Example: The Liberals are refusing to give up the fight against forced mergers, and are vowing to keep the pressure on the government until the bitter end.

» Hasta que la muerte nos separeTill death do us part .

Example: 'Till death do us part' is a 'comedy' programme in the sense that it treats significant issues in a mature way = "Hasta que la muerte nos separe" es un programa de "humor" en el sentido de que trata asuntos importantes de una forma madura.

» herido de muertemortally woundedfatally injured .

Example: Problems were defined as superficially wounded, mortally wounded, or critical but treatable, and staff time directed to the treatable problems.

Example: He was fatally injured when run over by an army lorry while on point duty.

» herir de muertefatally + shoot .

Example: A man accused of fatally shooting a Philadelphia police officer during a robbery is headed back to Philadelphia after he was arrested in Florida.

» hotel de mala muertedoss house .

Example: An escaped convict is on the loose, and the police are searching all the doss houses in the hopes of finding him there.

» la hora de + Posesivo + muertethe time of + Posesivo + death .

Example: Abraham Lincoln wore these carpet slippers until the time of his death.

» lecho de muertedeathbed [death bed]dying bed [Uso arcaico] .

Example: For instance, Bernard Ruffin's 'Last words: a dictionary of deathbed quotations' is not very well known.

Example: Very soon after graduation, he was summoned to attend the dying bed of the mother whom he loved so much.

» llamar a las puertas de la muerteknock on + death's door .

Example: My alcohol and opiate addiction eventually had me knocking on Death's door.

» llevarse un susto de muertehave + the scare of + Posesivo + life .

Example: A teacher had the scare of her life yesterday when a man walked into the staff-room, held a knife at her and then demanded money.

» llorar + Posesivo + muertemourn + Posesivo + death .

Example: I couldn't understand why people were mourning her death in such a hysterical way when they didn't actually know her for real.

» lucha a muertefight to (the) deathbattle to (the) death .

Example: If they come face to face in a fight to death, is it really that hard to imagine who would win?.

Example: The premise is that you and your opponent are locked in a battle to the death and only one can come out alive.

» lucha hasta la muertefight to (the) deathbattle to (the) death .

Example: If they come face to face in a fight to death, is it really that hard to imagine who would win?.

Example: The premise is that you and your opponent are locked in a battle to the death and only one can come out alive.

» luchar a muertefight to + (the) deathget into + a fight to the deathgo at it + hammer and tongsbattle to + (the) death .

Example: Hitler ordered his Nazi troops at Stalingrad to fight to death.

Example: If it doesn't, and she gets outvoted, she'll probably choose to give it to him instead of getting into a fight to the death over ten dollars.

Example: The second half commenced as before with both teams going at it hammer and tongs.

Example: The two faced off, ready to battle to the death and when they engaged, the entire world shook with their might.

» luchar entre la vida y la muertebattle for + Posesivo + lifefight for + Posesivo + life .

Example: Everyone is demanding justice for a 23-year-old physiotherapist who was brutally gang-raped and is battling for her life.

Example: The bear was shot in his cage and was never given a sporting chance to fight for his life.

» luchar entre la viday la muertebattle between + life and death .

Example: The third boy is critically ill and is in hospital battling between life and death.

» luchar hasta la muertefight to + (the) deathbattle it outbattle to + (the) death .

Example: Hitler ordered his Nazi troops at Stalingrad to fight to death.

Example: 12 poets from UK and Ireland battled it out in a war of words to defend their region's cultural honour.

Example: The two faced off, ready to battle to the death and when they engaged, the entire world shook with their might.

» luchar hasta la muerte porbattle it out for .

Example: People are unimpressed so far with the campaigns of the two Democrats battling it out for the nomination.

» lugar de mala muerteshitholeflea housefleapitjointdump of a place .

Example: Is it true that Harbin is a shithole full of angry people who love nothing more than to start fights with foreigners?.

Example: We cannot live there, we have a small child and I'm not allowing her to sleep in a flea house!.

Example: Destitute, Vivaldi was forced to sell further scores for a pittance before dying in a fleapit, aged 63, at the end of July 1741.

Example: We stayed at a joint called Hotel Tabanan (we couldn't find any other places to stay), which was very cheap but had a few mosquitos.

Example: Tourists are easy meat for this dump of a place that passes itself off as a pub.

» miedo a la muertefear of deaththanatophobia  .

Example: The fear of death is a common cause and effect of anxiety, and even those without anxiety often experience this fear in some ways.

Example: Necrophobia and thanatophobia are allied maladies, one being the fear of dead bodies and the other the fear of death itself.

» morir de muerte naturaldie + a natural deathdie of + natural causesdie + naturally .

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

Example: Jamaica police have confirmed that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and was not murdered.

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

» morir una muerte horriblesuffer + a horrible deathdie + a horrible death .

Example: Many who were wounded and still alive when this was going on a suffered a horrible death at the hands of the enemy.

Example: The article is entitled 'Making friends with the Web: traditional vendors must accept the Web, or die a horrible death'.

» muerte accidentalaccidental death .

Example: The second part of each section presents ideas for preventing accidental deaths of children.

» muerte aparentesuspended animation .

Example: But equilibrium can be a lot like suspended animation and, if it lasts too long, it is like being locked in ice.

» muerte asistidaassisted deathassisted dying .

Example: This volume includes discussions of issues in globalization and public health, justice and human rights, assisted death, and terrorism.

Example: The book's thesis is that assisted dying should be one of the options available to terminally ill patients in the event of palliative measures being inadequate.

» muerte cerebralbrain deathbrain dead .

Example: Providing artificial ventilation will not facilitate 'brain death'.

Example: Patients classified as brain-dead can have their organs surgically removed for organ donation.

» muerte clínicabrain deathclínical death .

Example: Providing artificial ventilation will not facilitate 'brain death'.

Example: People who have close brushes with death, or recover from clinical death, have strikingly similar 'death experiences'.

» muerte de un familiarbereavementdeath in the family .

Example: This paper discusses the extension of the library staff benefits (sickness, bereavement, parental leave) enjoyed by heterosexual couples to lesbian, bisexual, and gay library staff as part of a drive towards equal rights at the workplace.

Example: Payment for time not worked includes vacations, sick leave, holidays, and leave because of National Guard duty, jury duty, death in the family, and personal business.

» muerte dignadignified death .

Example: It's a nonprofit shelter two blocks from the ocean dedicated to giving old cats dignified deaths, and abandoned cats new lives through adoption.

» muerte embrionariaembryonal death .

Example: This strain of virus causes neonatal deaths as well as infertility due to embryonal death, abortion and stillbirths in breeding kennels.

» muerte fetalfoetal death .

Example: High levels of coffee consumption were associated with an increased risk of fetal death.

» muerte, laReaper, theGrim Reaper, the .

Example: The film parades a frenzy between an old woman being taken by the Reaper and being saved continuously by a playboy doctor with a team of pin-up nurses.

Example: These days, the Grim Reaper is usually portrayed as a skeleton or a cadaverous figure, garbed from head to foot in a black habit and hood, and carrying a large scythe.

» muerte naturalnatural death .

Example: Ischemic heart disease was the predominant cause of natural death behind the wheel.

» muerte neonatalneonatal death .

Example: This strain of virus causes neonatal deaths as well as infertility due to embryonal death, abortion and stillbirths in breeding kennels.

» muerte por ahogamientodrowning death .

Example: Digestion cramps are attributed to 80% of drowning deaths in the US each year, or, to put a number on it, well over four-million deaths annually.

» muerte por disparodeath from gunshot wounds .

Example: Sgt. Joe Harris and a cornered burglar fought hand-to-hand in the struggle leading to their deaths from gunshot wounds.

» muerte por negligenciawrongful death .

Example: The family is suing Stewart for the wrongful death of their son.

» muerte por suicidiosuicidal death .

Example: The current study examines the monthly variation in suicidal deaths in Singapore to determine if any seasonal patterns exist in an equatorial region.

» muerte prematurapremature deathuntimely death .

Example: The author reanalyses George Zipf's data on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of his premature death in Rome from legionella.

Example: It is an epic story of rags to riches, of a black man's struggle in a white world, of untimely death, and of the tragedy of a mission unfulfilled.

» muerte súbitacot death [Bebé que muere mientras duerme sin causa aparente alguna]crib death [Bebé que muere en el sueño sin causa aparente alguna]sudden death .

Example: Find articles on the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (also known as SIDS, crib death and cot death).

Example: Find articles on the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (also known as SIDS, crib death and cot death).

Example: To date medical research has provided no adequate explanation for these sudden deaths.

» odiar a muertehate + Posesivo + gutsbe at daggers drawn (with) .

Example: They gladly and avariciously take our money, but make no bones about hating our fucking guts and trying to fuck us over every chance they get!.

Example: Throughout Mr Blair's time in office Mr Mandelson and Mr Brown were at daggers drawn.

» odiarse a muertebe at each other's throats .

Example: What keeps you riveted to the action of his plays or movies is the certain knowledge that sooner or later these characters will be at each other's throats.

» operación de vida o muertelife-saving surgerylife-saving operation .

Example: She refused to allow surgeons to perform what could have been life-saving surgery on her pancreatic cancer.

Example: A three-year-old boy whose brain has swelled to twice its normal size urgently needs life-saving operation.

» pelea a muertefight to (the) deathbattle to (the) death .

Example: If they come face to face in a fight to death, is it really that hard to imagine who would win?.

Example: The premise is that you and your opponent are locked in a battle to the death and only one can come out alive.

» pelea hasta la muertefight to (the) deathbattle to (the) death .

Example: If they come face to face in a fight to death, is it really that hard to imagine who would win?.

Example: The premise is that you and your opponent are locked in a battle to the death and only one can come out alive.

» pelear a muertefight to + (the) deathgo at it + hammer and tongsbattle to + (the) death .

Example: Hitler ordered his Nazi troops at Stalingrad to fight to death.

Example: The second half commenced as before with both teams going at it hammer and tongs.

Example: The two faced off, ready to battle to the death and when they engaged, the entire world shook with their might.

» pelear hasta la mueertefight to + (the) death .

Example: Hitler ordered his Nazi troops at Stalingrad to fight to death.

» pelear hasta la muertebattle to + (the) death .

Example: The two faced off, ready to battle to the death and when they engaged, the entire world shook with their might.

» peligro de muertemortal danger .

Example: In the face of resistance, public ridicule, or even mortal danger, these women listened to their hearts and their unshakeable faith.

» peligro de vida or muertelife-threatening danger .

Example: In fact, children face many life-threatening dangers on a daily basis that are often times overlooked by adults.

» pena de muertedeath row .

Example: Participants commented on ethical aspects of two fictitious case studies: an inmate on a hunger strike and a death row inmate who wishes to be an organ donor.

» pena de muerte, ladeath penalty, the .

Example: The book considers critical issues, such as civil disobedience, war crimes, and the death penalty.

» penado con la muertepunishable by death .

Example: Probably only one in a hundred girls who give birth clandestinely even knows that an edict of King Henry II, now fallen into desuetude, once made their action punishable by death.

» pensión de mala muertedoss house .

Example: An escaped convict is on the loose, and the police are searching all the doss houses in the hopes of finding him there.

» pillar un resfriado de muertecatch + Posesivo + death (of cold) .

Example: Her mother had to drag her back into the house, afraid she would catch her death of cold.

» precipitarse a la muerteplunge to + Posesivo + death .

Example: A young woman plunged to her death in a horror quad biking accident while on her dream holiday in Turkey.

» pulsión de muertedeath-wish .

Example: The main character in the novel viewed his death as the solutions to his problems and was therefore motivated enough by the death-wish to kill with the hopes of retributive capital punishment.

» que desafía (a) la muertedeath-defying .

Example: A Russian daredevil has been charged for carrying out death-defying acrobatics atop a downtown Toronto tower earlier this month.

» regresar de la muertecome back from + the dead .

Example: While the Bible speaks of the resurrection of Jesus it also speaks of a number of others that have come back from the dead.

» rival a muertebitter rival .

Example: The two men have been bitter rivals for years and disagree on many domestic issues.

» roce con la muerteclose shave with deathclose encounter with death .

Example: A father-of-two is trying to get back in touch with his old school chums from 50 years ago, after a close shave with death.

Example: The result was that I survived six high-dose chemotherapy treatments and a very close encounter with death.

» sentencia de muertedeath sentencedeath warrantdeath knell .

Example: The spectre that has been raised of reference librarians as the handloom weavers of the library revolution by the turn of the century is as insubstantial as the prediction fifty years ago that the coming of radio meant the death sentence for gramophone records.

Example: This document appeared to be a death warrant for Sarah Good who was executed for practicing witchcraft in Salem.

Example: We understand that 'out-of-print' is a sort of final death knell, but the current out-of-stock limbo is bewildering.

» sentenciar a la pena de muertesentence + Nombre + to deathcondemn + Nombre + to death .

Example: A 23-year old has been sentenced to death for downloading information about women's rights in Afghanistan.

Example: Socrates was put on trial for corrupting the youth of Athens and condemned to death by drinking the poision hemlock.

» sentenciar a muertesentence + Nombre + to deathcondemn + Nombre + to death .

Example: A 23-year old has been sentenced to death for downloading information about women's rights in Afghanistan.

Example: Socrates was put on trial for corrupting the youth of Athens and condemned to death by drinking the poision hemlock.

» sentido de la vida y al muerte, elmeaning of life and death, the .

Example: Funeral services always raise profound questions about the meaning of life and death.

» ser la diferencia entre la vida y la muertebe the difference between life and death .

Example: She said such decisions could have been the difference between life and death as those who left hours later perished.

» ser una cuestión de vida o muertebe a matter of life and death .

Example: Find out why you need a second opinion, when to get a second opinion, and why it may be a matter of life and death.

» síndrome infantil de muerte súbita (SIMS)sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) .

Example: Find articles on the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (also known as SIDS, crib death and cot death).

» sitio de mala muerteflea housefleapitjointshitholedump of a place .

Example: We cannot live there, we have a small child and I'm not allowing her to sleep in a flea house!.

Example: Destitute, Vivaldi was forced to sell further scores for a pittance before dying in a fleapit, aged 63, at the end of July 1741.

Example: We stayed at a joint called Hotel Tabanan (we couldn't find any other places to stay), which was very cheap but had a few mosquitos.

Example: Is it true that Harbin is a shithole full of angry people who love nothing more than to start fights with foreigners?.

Example: Tourists are easy meat for this dump of a place that passes itself off as a pub.

» temer por la muerte de Alguienfear + Nombre + dead .

Example: Police feared her dead, as her car was found abandoned near a lake.

» temerse por + Posesivo + muertebe feared dead .

Example: Also fear dead are 5 Gabonese, 10 Somalis and 5 Congolese students whose bodies were set ablaze during the attack.

» tener a Alguien sentenciado a muertehate + Posesivo + guts .

Example: They gladly and avariciously take our money, but make no bones about hating our fucking guts and trying to fuck us over every chance they get!.

» tener una muerte dignadie with + dignityhave + a dignified deathdie + a dignified death .

Example: I feel that's what we have to do; let this type of library service die with dignity, and not keep patching it up with money and people.

Example: The article demonstrates that many older people do not have dignified deaths in hospitals.

Example: To me, a head of state, however an evil dictator he was (and he WAS), should die a dignified death at the hand of state.

» tener una muerte horribledie + a horrible deathsuffer + a horrible death .

Example: The article is entitled 'Making friends with the Web: traditional vendors must accept the Web, or die a horrible death'.

Example: Many who were wounded and still alive when this was going on a suffered a horrible death at the hands of the enemy.

» valle de la muerte, elvalley of death, the .

Example: However, the gap between the lab and the market -- the 'valley of death' -- continues to widen as both government and investor funding of biomedicine decline.

» ver la muerte de cercahave + a (close) brush with deathstare + death in the facehave + a close shave with deathhave + a close encounter with death .

Example: People who have close brushes with death, or recover from clinical death, have strikingly similar 'death experiences'.

Example: British holidaymaker has told how she stared death in the face during a horror boating accident in Ibiza.

Example: She had a close shave with death recently when she was on her way to a friend's place to attend a small get-together.

Example: You may hear once in a while where someone had a close encounter with death, but they never made it six feet under -- death is something we can escape easily.

» vida después de la muerteafterlife [after-life] .

Example: Acceptance of the belief in an afterlife shows a slight decrease when the findings are compared with those of earlier studies = La aceptación de la creencia de que existe la vida después de la muerte muestra un ligero descenso si se compara con los resultados de estudios anteriores.

» vida or muertelife or death .

Example: Man looks after himself both in the extremities of life or death and in the modern affluent society.

Muerte synonyms

end in spanish: fin, pronunciation: end part of speech: noun last in spanish: último, pronunciation: læst part of speech: adjective demise in spanish: fallecimiento, pronunciation: dɪmaɪz part of speech: noun dying in spanish: moribundo, pronunciation: daɪɪŋ part of speech: noun destruction in spanish: destrucción, pronunciation: dɪstrʌkʃən part of speech: noun decease in spanish: fallecimiento, pronunciation: dɪsis part of speech: noun
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