Mueca in english


pronunciation: grɪn part of speech: noun
In gestures

mueca = grimace. 

Example: She was once photographed in a slaughterhouse showing disgust as she turned away from a bloody carcass with a grimace on her face.


» hacer una muecaquirkgrimacepull + a facemake + a face (at) .

Example: He was drumming on his desk with exasperated fingers, his mouth quirked at the corners, as if saying: 'Wriggle out of that!'.

Example: 'I couldn't report directly to her,' Beck grimaced.

Example: She winced and pulled a face, which only made her friend laugh harder.

Example: I think people make faces to show an emotion they have such as pain, sadness, fear or joy.

» hacer una mueca con la bocatwitch + Posesivo + mouth [Generalmente en señal de disgusto o desaprobación] .

Example: Some reference librarians tapp their finger(s) on the counter when a request is made and twitch their mouth upon movement to fulfil the request.

» hacer una mueca con los labioscurl + Posesivo + lips .

Example: 'Well, there's something else you might want to consider too,' said Passantino, curling her lips amicably.

» hacer una mueca de dolorwince .

Example: Librarians across the country winced at that notion.

» mueca de dolorwince of painwince .

Example: When people think about healthcare the thought is accompanied with a wince of pain stemming from the lower regions of their inner being!.

Example: He will be remembered with a wince, a scar on American history, the man who turned the world against America, a man who leaves the country much worse than he received it.

Mueca synonyms

smile in spanish: sonreír, pronunciation: smaɪl part of speech: noun smiling in spanish: sonriente, pronunciation: smaɪlɪŋ part of speech: noun grinning in spanish: sonriendo, pronunciation: grɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun
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