Mudanza in english


pronunciation: muv part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

mudanza = move ; moving. 

Example: Although microcomputers are relatively robust, they do not take kindly to frequent moves from one location to another, particularly on wheeled trollies.Example: Qualifiers function as an integral part of the index terms, so that terms of the form 'Moving (House)', 'Mergers (Industrial)' are created and used.


» camión de mudanzasmoving van .

Example: The whole affair, assembled and compressed, could be lugged off in a moving van.

» empresa de mudanzasmover  .

Example: A decision by university administrators to rely on existing campus resources rather than commercial movers for the relocation of collections is not unusual.

Mudanza synonyms

run in spanish: correr, pronunciation: rʌn part of speech: verb, noun go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb affect in spanish: afectar, pronunciation: əfekt part of speech: verb strike in spanish: Huelga, pronunciation: straɪk part of speech: noun, verb act in spanish: acto, pronunciation: ækt part of speech: noun, verb prompt in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: prɑmpt part of speech: adjective, verb travel in spanish: viaje, pronunciation: trævəl part of speech: noun, verb proceed in spanish: proceder, pronunciation: prəsid part of speech: verb movement in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: muvmənt part of speech: noun motion in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: moʊʃən part of speech: noun incite in spanish: incitar, pronunciation: ɪnsaɪt part of speech: verb impress in spanish: impresionar, pronunciation: ɪmpres part of speech: verb propel in spanish: impulsar, pronunciation: prəpel part of speech: verb motivate in spanish: motivar, pronunciation: moʊtəveɪt part of speech: verb displace in spanish: desplazar, pronunciation: dɪspleɪs part of speech: verb locomote in spanish: locomote, pronunciation: loʊkoʊmoʊti part of speech: verb make a motion in spanish: hacer un movimiento, pronunciation: meɪkəmoʊʃən part of speech: verb be active in spanish: ser activo, pronunciation: biæktɪv part of speech: verb
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