Mudada in english


pronunciation: mudɑdə part of speech: none
In gestures

mudarse a = move to ; take up + residence in. 

Example: He says he moved to Denver for culinary school, but quickly realized he wanted to go back home.Example: The hawk has a nest nearby where it has taken up residence to protect its young.

mudarse a = move in(to). 

Example: A teenager's dreams come true when a former porn star moves in next door and they fall in love.

mudar = move. 

Example: This article describes a special dolly designed to move stack ranges easily and quickly using a minimum of labour.


» mudar el pelomoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» mudar el plumajemoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» mudar la pielmoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» mudar las plumasmoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» mudarserelocateget changed .

Example: Also many subjects were relocated and the index was drastically pruned.

Example: The two played around on the beach before getting changed into bathing costumes and going into the water.

» mudarse amove in(to)move totake up + residence in .

Example: A teenager's dreams come true when a former porn star moves in next door and they fall in love.

Example: He says he moved to Denver for culinary school, but quickly realized he wanted to go back home.

Example: The hawk has a nest nearby where it has taken up residence to protect its young.

» mudarse al extranjeromove + abroadmove + overseas .

Example: I'm one of several million Americans who has moved abroad to find a better way of life at a lower price.

Example: Many future expats want to move overseas, but don't think everything through.

» mudarse a vivir amove tomove in(to)take up + residence in .

Example: He says he moved to Denver for culinary school, but quickly realized he wanted to go back home.

Example: A teenager's dreams come true when a former porn star moves in next door and they fall in love.

Example: The hawk has a nest nearby where it has taken up residence to protect its young.

» mudarse de apartamentomove + apartments .

Example: He's moving apartments and has a big project at work, so will be quite occupied for the next week or so.

» mudarse de casamove + housemove outmove + home .

Example: Most important, moving house is very thirsty work for everyone involved so keep the kettle boiling and the biscuits flowing.

Example: This booklet covers how to give notice, legal ways to move out early, and what can happen if you do not follow the rules about moving out.

Example: We know moving home can be stressful, which is why we have a dedicated team who are here to make things run as smooth as possible.

» mudarse de pisomove + flatsmove + apartments .

Example: She's moving flats quite soon but staying in the same area.

Example: He's moving apartments and has a big project at work, so will be quite occupied for the next week or so.

» mudarse de ropaget changed .

Example: The two played around on the beach before getting changed into bathing costumes and going into the water.

» mudarse amove in(to)move totake up + residence in .

Example: A teenager's dreams come true when a former porn star moves in next door and they fall in love.

Example: He says he moved to Denver for culinary school, but quickly realized he wanted to go back home.

Example: The hawk has a nest nearby where it has taken up residence to protect its young.

» voz + mudarvoice + break .

Example: But then one day my voice broke, and now it's very husky.
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