Mucosa in english

Mucous membrane

pronunciation: mjukəsmembreɪn part of speech: noun
In gestures

mucosa = mucous [mucus] ; mucous membrane. 

Example: A lifesyle that has included taking medications of any kind, eating too much cooked food, processed/refined food, meat, dairy and poultry causes your body to become congested with mucous.Example: Drugs get into the body by mouth, inhalation into the lungs, by injection into a vein, muscle or under the skin, and by absorption through mucous membranes.


» membrana mucosamucous membrane .

Example: Drugs get into the body by mouth, inhalation into the lungs, by injection into a vein, muscle or under the skin, and by absorption through mucous membranes.

» mucosa intestinalintestinal mucous membrane .

Example: The ingestion of metal shards is dangerous since they can cut the intestinal mucous membrane.

» secreción mucosamucous secretion .

Example: Balsam is used topically for scabies, prurigo, and pruritus as well as taken internally for bronchitis and to lessen mucous secretions.

mucoso = mucousy [mucusy]. 

Example: A chronic persistent wet cough is a mucousy, phlegmy-sounding cough that lasts more than four weeks and is present most days.
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