Mozo in english


pronunciation: weɪtɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

mozo = porter ; swain. 

Example: Thus charwomen and porters in a university work in an institution where books are used a great deal but they themselves are highly unlikely to use them.Example: In all three novels, a love-stricken swain believes that he is disporting himself with the handsome object of his affections, when actually he lies abed with the grotesquely ugly maidservant of his mistress.


» en + Posesivo + años mozosin + Posesivo + salad days .

Example: Mandela, in his salad days, described himself as a communist, and throughout his life allied himself with communists.

» mozo de almacénstock boy .

Example: He sold the store to the first stock boy he hired in 1988.

» mozo de cuadrastable boygroomstable handostler .

Example: The van was arriving, so he told the stable boys to return the steeds to their stalls and be ready for new steeds being delivered.

Example: They are looking for someone with a minimum of 5 years experience at the racetrack as a groom -- responsible for 4 horses.

Example: Becoming a stable hand is the best way to start any career with horses.

Example: With the loss of his job as an ostler, separated from his intimate working relationship with horses, Bill became an anachronism of an ancient world.

» mozo de hotelbellhopbellboy .

Example: Tipping bellhops or porters is at your discretion (in general $1 per bag carried) = Las propinas a los botones y porteros dependen de su criterio, aunque suele ser de un dólar por bolso transportado.

Example: This is made possible because the 'skipper' comes with little luggage to avoid bringing the attention of the bellboys to his 'secretive' check out.

Mozo synonyms

server in spanish: servidor, pronunciation: sɜrvɜr part of speech: noun
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