Movimiento in english


pronunciation: muvmənt part of speech: noun
In gestures

movimiento1 = flow ; motion ; move ; navigation ; shift ; stream of traffic ; mechanical stress ; movement ; wag. 

Example: The vocabulary used in conjunction with PRECIS is split in two sections, one part for Entities (or things) and the other for Attributes (properties of things, for example colour, weight; activities of things, for example flow, and properties of activities, for example, slow, turbulent).Example: For instance 'Sculpture-Technique' precedes 'Sculpture in motion'.Example: Better flexibility is achieved if the heating, ventilation and lighting can accommodate this move without the need for any alterations.Example: The function of the index is examined both technically and philosophically as a tool for navigation and spatial orientation in large textual data bases.Example: Transitory circumstances of daily life are what cause these shifts.Example: Laura Carpozzi head of the circulation department, who was on the far side of the desk, heard the checker's outburst and espied the bottleneck in the stream of traffic.Example: This type of non-skid polyurethane flooring is hygienic and resistant to chemical substances and mechanical stress.Example: She is a dynamic dancer and expresses her movements with ultimate power.Example: On the morning of the 5th day I went to her and when I called her name she responded with a few wags of her tail.


» acertar a un blanco en movimientohit + a moving target .

Example: Hawkmoths slow down their brains so they can hit a moving target.

» acostumbrarse al movimiento de un barcofind + Posesivo + sea legs [Sin sentir náuseas] .

Example: Having first set sail at the tender age of two months, Mikaela Wulff most definitely found her 'sea legs' before she could even walk!.

» blanco en movimientomoving target .

Example: Pandemic preparedness is a moving target -- you need to keep adjusting your expectations and preparations as the situation changes around you.

» con figuras en movimientoanimated .

Example: Students have responded enthusiastically to the animated display, and the library staff believes that this technology greatly enhances the training.

» con imágenes en movimientoanimated .

Example: Students have responded enthusiastically to the animated display, and the library staff believes that this technology greatly enhances the training.

» darle a un blanco en movimientohit + a moving target .

Example: Hawkmoths slow down their brains so they can hit a moving target.

» de movimientos rápidosquick-moving .

Example: The image which the majority of girls have of the sports woman is as of a healthy, slim, clean, quick-moving, intelligent, strong-willed, self-assured & natural person.

» de movimiento totalfull-motion .

Example: A multimedia computer system can integrate two or more types of media materials in digital form, such as audio, image, full-motion video, and text information.

» detectar el movimientodetect + motion .

Example: A third of the libraries in the sample plan to introduce sensors that detect motion and turn lights off and on when needed.

» detector de movimientomotion detectormotion sensor .

Example: Motion detectors that control lights can save you money on your electricity bill.

Example: Motion sensors are better at 'seeing' objects passing across them than coming toward them.

» dispositivo de control del movimiento del cursorcursor-control device .

Example: Icons can be addressed by pointing at them with a mouse or another similar cursor-control device.

» documento de imagen en movimientomoving image document .

Example: Images bear a different relationship to objects and events from that of words, and the manner in which moving image documents generate meaning differs from the way strings of words communicate.

» el movimiento se demuestra andandoactions speak louder than wordstalk the talk walk the walkthe proof is in the eating [Forma abreviada del proverbio the proof of the pudding (is in the eating)]the proof of the pudding (is in the eating) [También abreviado a the proof is in the eating] .

Example: But in the end, although I've talked myself blue in the face, I'm afraid actions speak louder than words.

Example: Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk -- if you believe that women can change the world, donate to a charity that will help them to do so.

Example: I could rave on for pages about how this program can help you lose weight, but the proof is in the eating.

Example: So, the proof of the pudding is in the eating: in other words, results count.

» en constante movimientoon the moveon the go .

Example: This article considers use of Internet electronic mail forwarding services to solve the problem faced by Internet users who are constantly on the move or changing Internet providers.

Example: The article is entitled 'Online without the line: cellular technology for searching on the go'.

» en movimientoin transiton the gomoving .

Example: Now, with computerized data-bases and vast amounts of data in transit, access to it -- authorized and unauthorized -- is more practicable.

Example: The article is entitled 'Online without the line: cellular technology for searching on the go'.

Example: A newborn baby has fallen through the toilet on a moving train after being prematurely born.

» gente en movimiento, lapeople on the go [La gente que siempre está haciendo cosas y tiene poco tiempo que perder] .

Example: Microwaving is a simple, convenient cooking option for people on the go.

» golpear a blanco en movimientohit + a moving target .

Example: Hawkmoths slow down their brains so they can hit a moving target.

» gráfico en movimientoanimated graphic .

Example: Different media will be supported: text, still graphics, animated graphics, sound, still images, video images, etc.

» graficos en movimientoanimated media .

Example: The CINE project will explore the potential of visual and animated media as a supplement or as an alternative to text.

» hacer un movimiento en falsomake + a false move .

Example: A man with a gun said, 'If you make a false move, you're dead'.

» horas de poco movimientoslack hours .

Example: Some libraries will accept questions only during slack hours and have arranged to have an answering device explain that telephone service is not available at that particular time.

» imagen en movimientomoving imageanimated image .

Example: Electronic publishing enables moving image and sound information to be stored with text.

Example: This book introduces some of the more advanced Web graphics techniques, including: clickable image maps; and animated images.

» imágenes en movimientoanimation .

Example: The Web offers many downloadable CGI scripts for basic functions, including counters, timers, guest books, image maps, and server-push animations.

» libertad de movimientofreedom of movement .

Example: As regards freedom of movement no limitations have been foreseen except perhaps for librarians at directorial level.

» mantener las cosas en movimientokeep + the ball rollingkeep it + rolling .

Example: This process is also an important tool for keeping the ball rolling in your organization or small business group.

Example: I think that they can keep it rolling no matter who is in charge.

» movimiento circularcircular movement .

Example: Wait 7 to 8 hours between coats, then using a plastic trowel polish by sleeking the surface with circular movements.

» movimiento de bailedance move .

Example: Have you ever been jealous of a girl's dance moves you've seen in a club and secretly wished you could dance just like her?.

» movimiento de fondogroundswell .

Example: The groundswell of movement towards integrating previously unrelated technologies and markets is now gathering a reasonable head of steam.

» movimiento de la poblaciónpopulation turnoverpopulation transfer .

Example: First was a rapid increase in population turnover, marked by a massive movement of whites into the suburbs and a subsequent rise in the number of low-income blacks in the central city.

Example: The librarian would at the end of such a search have a list of terms such as the following: emigres, evacuees, fugitives, immigration, migrants, migration, naturalisation, population transfers, transients.

» movimiento de librosbookshift .

Example: She admitted she hadn't read the article 'Planning and executing a major bookshift o bookmove using an electronic spreadsheet'.

» movimiento de los dedosfingering .

Example: For such students who have an ear for music, it is equally important that they must visualize the fingering of the piece of music on the keyboard.

» movimiento de los labioslip movement .

Example: When dubbing a film into another language, syncing the translation with the character's lip movements is crucial to the pace of the film.

» movimiento de personalstaff turnoverturnoverlabour turnover .

Example: The financial impact of staff turnover for the library profession has not yet been considered in depth.

Example: Inadequate compensation leads to poor performance, absenteeism, excessive turnover, grievances, and strikes.

Example: The variables were production, quality, costs, job satisfaction of operatives, job satisfaction of supervisors, work anxiety, accidents, absence, labor turnover, and industrial unrest.

» movimiento de tierraearthwork .

Example: Some 360000 cubic meters of vertical earthwork was done at the mine without any evaluation of how it was likely to affect the ecosystem.

» movimiento en falsofalse move .

Example: In this perspective, fallacies are false moves employed in the attacker's efforts to refute the defender's thesis.

» movimiento giratoriorotary motion .

Example: They are used to transmit rotary motion from one shaft to another by means of toothed wheels, which are in direct mesh with each other.

» movimiento ondulatoriowave motion .

Example: There are two basic types of wave motion for mechanical waves: longitudinal waves and transverse waves.

» movimiento oscilanterocking motion .

Example: The beater moved his balls over the forme with a rocking motion while the press was open.

» movimiento peatonalfoot traffic .

Example: Hidden among the shops (and foot traffic) of Reid Street, this new product requires sleuthlike skills to find.

» movimiento rotatoriorotary motion .

Example: They are used to transmit rotary motion from one shaft to another by means of toothed wheels, which are in direct mesh with each other.

» movimientos de efectivoscash flow .

Example: Spreadsheet programs allow the manager to set up mathematical models of various aspects of the organization such as cash flow and production rates.

» movimiento voluntariovoluntary movement .

Example: Voluntary movement is the expression of thought through action.

» poner las cosas en movimientoget + the ball rollingset + the ball rollingstart + the ball rollingget + things rollingget + things goingset + the wheels in motion .

Example: Now is as good a time as any to get the ball rolling.

Example: The moment your alarm goes off, just get up and set the ball rolling!.

Example: That was the incident that started the ball rolling and now things have got out of hand.

Example: 'You know,' she had said amiably, 'there might be a better job for you here once things get rolling with this new regional setup'.

Example: A lot of work is being done to organise the zones and get things going.

Example: Steinhagen conducted database searching demonstrations for information professionals and set the wheels in motion for the establishment of the country's first demonstration center of compact disc databases.

» razones del movimiento de personalturnover behaviour .

Example: Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.

» reconocedor del movimiento de los ojoseye tracker .

Example: Data gloves, gesture recognizers, speech recognizers, eye trackers, and other devices can provide alternative input modes for users.

» ritmo de movimiento de mercancíasturnover rate .

Example: Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.

» ritmo de movimiento de personalturnover rate .

Example: Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.

» sensor de movimientomotion sensormotion detector .

Example: Motion sensors are better at 'seeing' objects passing across them than coming toward them.

Example: Motion detectors that control lights can save you money on your electricity bill.

» sin movimientounmovingmotionless  .

Example: The dynamic path generation problem of robots in environments with other unmoving and moving objects is considered.

Example: In a control condition, participants recited memorized text to the research assistant who sat motionless.

» tasa de movimiento de mercancíasturnover rate .

Example: Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.

» tasa de movimiento de personalturnover rate .

Example: Particular emphasis is placed on establishing base line turnover rates and examining the relationship of gender to turnover behaviour.

» tecla de control del movimiento horizontalhorizontal positioning key .

Example: The horizontal and vertical positioning keys move the cursor without inserting characters on the screen.

» tecla de control del movimiento verticalvertical positioning key .

Example: The horizontal and vertical positioning keys move the cursor without inserting characters on the screen.

movimiento2 = drive ; tide ; push ; movement. 

Example: Hierarchical bibliometry would act as a positive drive to support the authorship requirements now stipulated by some international editorial committees.Example: What has happened is that yet another institution has so overlapped with our own that we are being swept along on the tide of the technological revolution.Example: The key issue to note here is that the global push to describe and document Indigenous knowledge is gaining momentum.Example: The cathedral-like hush contrasted strangely with the clamor and movement outside.


» movimiento artísticoart movementartistic movement .

Example: Their work constitutes a new art movement, drawing on, and straddling divisions between, pop art, performing arts, popular culture, and fashion.

Example: Futurism has long been recognized as an important and influential artistic movement.

» movimiento bibliotecariolibrary movement .

Example: In those early days, so the story goes, the library movement was in danger of being captured by an aristocratic intellectual class designing to make the public library an elitist center for scholarly research.

» movimiento culturalcultural movement .

Example: The arts can serve the heightening of our sensibilities to the theological dimensions of cultural movements.

» movimiento de liberaciónliberation movement .

Example: There was a pervading romanticised notion that all the liberation movements needed to do was train a few guerrillas and send them home to fire a few shots in order to spark an uprising.

» movimiento de liberación nacionalnational liberation movement .

Example: At our library in Minnesota we have clearly identified material that deals with many types of business and consumer frauds, national liberation movements, bedtime, Kwanza, the Afro-American holiday.

» movimiento de protestaprotest movement .

Example: Through exploitation rose resistance and protest movements which took on their own momentum.

» movimiento de resistenciaresistance movement .

Example: With changing political circumstances there is an increased likelihood of low-intensity conflicts which may take the form of guerrilla warfare, coups d'etat, ethnic violence, terrorism, resistance movements or insurgency.

» movimiento en defensa de los derechos de los animalesanimal rights movement .

Example: The animal rights movement is opposed to all forms of animal exploitation and abuse.

» movimiento en defensa de los derechos de la mujerwomen's rights movement .

Example: Historians have generally held that before the Civil War the popular press did little to help the women's rights movements.

» movimiento feminista, elwomen's movement, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The women's movement and those concerned with women and development have long recognized that information is a means of empowerment for women.

» movimiento políticopolitical movement .

Example: The political movements of the 19th century that used public libraries and reading rooms as camouflage are described.

» movimiento por los derechos civilescivil rights movement .

Example: Their views reflect the importance of libraries not only in their own lives but also for African Americans in general and the civil rights movement in particular.

» movimiento scout, elScouts Movement, the .

Example: The basic philosophy of the Scouts Movement is to create cohesion, service to humanity and unselfishness among different segments of the society.

» movimiento socialsocial movement .

Example: In all social movements across the world, you see that when a movement goes underground the activists become slower.

» publicación de movimientomovement publication [Toda aquella publicación que propaga las ideas defendidas por un movimiento ideológico, político o social] .

Example: Some librarians have found opposition to the setting up of 'alternative rooms' containing 'movement publications and trade books on women's and gay liberation, the third world, imperialism, yoga, rock music, the draft, prisons, the counter-culture, communes, social change'.

Movimiento synonyms

drive in spanish: conducir, pronunciation: draɪv part of speech: noun, verb cause in spanish: porque, pronunciation: kɑz part of speech: noun, verb move in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: muv part of speech: verb, noun motion in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: moʊʃən part of speech: noun front in spanish: frente, pronunciation: frʌnt part of speech: noun effort in spanish: esfuerzo, pronunciation: efɜrt part of speech: noun campaign in spanish: Campaña, pronunciation: kæmpeɪn part of speech: noun crusade in spanish: cruzada, pronunciation: kruseɪd part of speech: noun bm in spanish: bm, pronunciation: bm part of speech: noun bowel movement in spanish: defecación, pronunciation: baʊəlmuvmənt part of speech: noun apparent motion in spanish: movimiento aparente, pronunciation: əperəntmoʊʃən part of speech: noun apparent movement in spanish: movimiento aparente, pronunciation: əperəntmuvmənt part of speech: noun
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