Movilidad in english


pronunciation: moʊbɪləti part of speech: noun
In gestures

movilidad = mobility ; movement. 

Example: Today, because of increasing mobility, people learn about other cultures not just from reading books, going to museums, and visiting abroad, but also by getting to know people from these cultures living in their midst.Example: She is a dynamic dancer and expresses her movements with ultimate power.


» beca de movilidadtravel grantmobility grant .

Example: IFLA study grant and travel grant to study library legislation in three European countries was a tremendous help.

Example: Mobility grants are intended to offset the additional costs of student mobility, such as travel costs, foreign language preparation where necessary and a higher cost of living in the host country.

» movilidad educativaeducational mobility .

Example: As a result, educational mobility is considered to be above average in Britain as compared to other affluent countries.

» movilidad estudiantilstudent mobility .

Example: Student mobility and accompanying academic recognition are assumed to be necessary prerequisites to aid European integration.

» movilidad geográficageographical mobilitygeographical relocation .

Example: This article discusses the importance of job mobility of public librarians and focuses on geographical mobility.

Example: Upward job mobility, if it leads to geographical relocation, is unacceptable to the majority of professionals.

» movilidad laboraljob mobility .

Example: Irvine considers status and job security, and Matarazzo discusses career development and job mobility.

» movilidad reducidareduced mobility .

Example: Persons placed at a disadvantage by reduced mobility, whether caused by disability, age or another factor, should have opportunities for air travel comparable to those of other citizens.

» tener movilidadbe mobile .

Example: In general, off-campus graduates were older, less mobile, had more family responsibilities, and used support structures generally available to mature adults.
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