Movida in english


pronunciation: muv part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

la movida = the happening ; the action ; the scene. 

Example: Friday or Saturday nights I will be wherever 'the happening' will be!.Example: They're never apart, and always seem to pop up wherever the action is.Example: At night, we've been going out on the town wherever the scene is on any given night.

mover = shift ; move ; wiggle ; swill around ; move over ; wag. 

Example: In general, then, a post-co-ordinate index is simpler to produce than a pre-co-ordinate index, because it shifts the responsibility for co-ordination of index terms to the searcher.Example: This article describes a special dolly designed to move stack ranges easily and quickly using a minimum of labour.Example: I have read that 'Spanish men are twice as likely to wiggle their ears as are women,' but don't know the trustworthiness of this statistic.Example: Before swilling the wine around the glass notice the strong aroma of red and black fruit, especially cassis mingling with undertones of spice.Example: Then press the tabulator key once to move the cursor over to the language field.Example: Perhaps the most common misinterpretation of dogs is the myth that a dog wagging its tail is happy and friendly.


» el dinero mueve al mundomoney makes the world go (a)round .

Example: The article 'Money makes the world go round' analyses the problems facing data base producers when attempting to balance online and print subscription income = El artículo "El dinero mueve al mundo" analiza los problemas a los que enfrentan los productores de las bases de datos al intentar equilibrar sus ingresos de las suscripciones en línea con los de las suscripciones impresas.

» estar moviéndose en terreno segurobe on secure ground .

Example: I'm not sure you're on secure ground when you frisk people's briefcases this way.

» la fe mueve montañasfaith will move mountains .

Example: A wise man once said 'Faith will move mountains but you better bring along your shovel and be prepared to help with the work'.

» mover Algomake + Nombre + spin .

Example: In addition, he suggests that the City men who made the markets spin exploited the gullible through insider dealing and rigged markets.

» mover cielo y tierramove + heaven and earth .

Example: I say in the interests of the club and its supporters, Phil Gartside should swallow his pride and move heaven and earth to get Sam back here.

» mover de aquí para allámove (a)round .

Example: It is now up to captains on each flight to decide whether passengers can have blankets and other items on their laps or can move around.

» mover el culoshake + a legrattle + Posesivo + dags [Término coloquial usado en Australia y Nueva Zelanda]get + a wiggle onget off + Posesivo + assget off + Posesivo + arseget off + Posesivo + duff .

Example: Before daylight on the following morning, we were abruptly awakened by a guard and told to shake a leg or miss breakfast.

Example: We were often told to 'rattle our dags' as kids when we were getting ready to go out somewhere.

Example: The commission asked the legislators to get a wiggle on, start making changes now.

Example: The reason this country is going to shit is because we're not willing to give up our creature comforts, not willing to get off our asses and do something about it.

Example: It's a clever way of telling someone to get off their arse and get on with their life.

Example: I wonder if she ever got off her duff and got her ass to the doctor like she said she would.

» mover el dedo hacia arriba y haciacurl + Posesivo + finger up and down .

Example: And simultaneously he curled his index finger up and down that in the vocabulary of his gesture was meant to signify 'Come over here'.

» mover el esqueletotrip + the light fantastic .

Example: The article is entitled 'Tripping the Light Fantastic with Theodore de Banville'.

» mover fichamake + the next movemake + a move .

Example: Greece will need to make the next move if it wants any more help from Europe.

Example: If a buyer finds something they like they should be prepared to make a move because chances are there's someone else making a move on the same property.

» mover la cabezashake + Posesivo + head [Normalmente en señal de asentimiento o disconformidad] .

Example: The director shook his head from side to side.

» mover la cabeza de arriba abajobob .

Example: The males are the ones who bob and bow and hop around, warbling all the while.

» mover la cabeza de forma brusca hacia delante y hacia atrásjerk + Posesivo + head .

Example: 'This man won't open his briefcase for me,' the checker answered resentfully jerking his head in the direction of Dexter Rundle, who was standing off to the side as immobile as a statue = "Este hombre se niega a abrir su cartera", repondió con resentimiento el inspector moviendo la cabeza de forma brusca hacia delante y hacia atrás en la dirección de Dexter Rundle, quien se mantenía a distancia en un lado tan inmóvil como una estatua.

» mover lateralmentemove from + side to side .

Example: Manufacturers have produced screens which can be tilted and moved from side to side, together with detachable keyboards which can be placed in the most comfortable position.

» mover los hilosbe behindpull + the strings .

Example: She is the one who is behind all this chaos and commotion.

Example: Secretary Kerry is a recalcitrant puppet, but a puppet nevertheless, with Russian and Iranian ventriloquists pulling the strings.

» mover montañasmove + mountains .

Example: She was convinced that passionate faith could move mountains.

» moverseshift aboutget aroundwigglewavebudgeget aboutscoot over .

Example: The cheeks were braced from their tops to the ceiling, to prevent the press from twisting or shifting about in use.

Example: The main reasons for non use were reported as being: not enough time to read (46 per cent); lack of confidence in how to use the library (5 per cent); unable to drive (4 percent); unable to get around (2 per cent); sight or hearing too poor (less than 1 per cent).

Example: I have read that 'Spanish men are twice as likely to wiggle their ears as are women,' but don't know the trustworthiness of this statistic.

Example: The floor lamp swayed and the window curtains waved back and forth.

Example: They tried with all their might, but the safe would not budge = Lo intentaron con todas sus fuerzas, pero no había manera de mover la caja fuerte.

Example: Locomotor disability is a term that means difficulty in walking, climbing stairs and general 'getting about'.

Example: As she was about to leave, a woman motioned to her and scooted over to make room for her on her chair.

» moverse a saltitostrip .

Example: She seemed perfectly radiant with happiness, tripping lightly before us, and distributing kind compliments to each.

» moverse a toda mechazap along .

Example: Feel the power of these jet skis as you zap along the Cornish coastline = Siente el poder de estas motos de agua mientras te mueves a toda mecha por las costas de Cornualles.

» moverse de aquí para allámove aboutmove (a)round .

Example: As the scientist of the future moves about the laboratory or the field, every time he looks at something worthy of the record, he trips the shutter and in it goes.

Example: It is now up to captains on each flight to decide whether passengers can have blankets and other items on their laps or can move around.

» moverse en el sitioshuffle .

Example: 'It's not mystifying if you know him well,' Carmichael reflected, shuffling uneasily under her steady gaze.

» moverse en terreno desconocidobe out of + Posesivo + depthbe in over + Posesivo + head .

Example: This one is one of the lame excuses almost always used when an individual is not coping, out their depth and in over their head.

Example: This one is one of the lame excuses almost always used when an individual is not coping, out their depth and in over their head.

» moverse hacia atrás y hacia delantemove back and forth .

Example: The cartridge moves horizontally back and forth across a document and a scanning head digitises the document.

» moverse muy rápidozap along .

Example: Feel the power of these jet skis as you zap along the Cornish coastline = Siente el poder de estas motos de agua mientras te mueves a toda mecha por las costas de Cornualles.

» moverse nerviosamentejig .

Example: They reacted immediately to the music and began jigging up and down in their seats!.

» moverse pesadamentelumber .

Example: I watched as he lumbered up the road toward the mountains.

» moverse portravel aroundmove around .

Example: If you plan to travel around Britain, a combination of trains and rental cars is usually the best way to do this.

Example: Chloroplasts move around the cell by circulating in response to external factors such as light, temperature and nourishment.

» mover un dedostir + a finger .

Example: He could not raise his head or stir a finger for the trance that held him, and Peroo was smiling vacantly at the lightning.

» no moversestay + put .

Example: No matter how much more another job pays or how much more a person would like another part of the country or another job, the person should stay put for a minimum of two years.

» no mover un dedonot lift a finger .

Example: He doesn't lift a finger and pays off a bunch of technicians to make the equipment for him.

» sentarse sin moversesit + still .

Example: An ancient Roman poet once oddly admonished his readers to 'make haste slowly,' and a modern American one asked above all to learn 'to sit still'.

» sin moverse del sitioin place .

Example: I told him about the doctor's explanation for my lack of weight loss and he did a few hops in place, excited for me that there's an explanation for not losing weight.

» tocar mover fichathe ball is in + Posesivo + court .

Example: The article 'Looks like the ball is in our court -- library support services from vendors' describes how vendors have responded to cuts in library staff by offering more services, such as book processing, cataloguing, and acquisitions plans.

movida = scene ; . 

Example: Scenes that include conflict, emotions, prejudices, misunderstandings, and unreasonableness but also kindliness, humor, friendliness, and goodwill are acted out daily in different kinds of libraries.


» la movidathe happeningthe actionthe scene .

Example: Friday or Saturday nights I will be wherever 'the happening' will be!.

Example: They're never apart, and always seem to pop up wherever the action is.

Example: At night, we've been going out on the town wherever the scene is on any given night.



» movido por objetivos concretosgoal-driven .

Example: Being goal driven most of my life and now retired, I seem to be at a loose end and dont know what to do with myself for the next 20 years.

Movida synonyms

run in spanish: correr, pronunciation: rʌn part of speech: verb, noun go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb affect in spanish: afectar, pronunciation: əfekt part of speech: verb strike in spanish: Huelga, pronunciation: straɪk part of speech: noun, verb act in spanish: acto, pronunciation: ækt part of speech: noun, verb prompt in spanish: rápido, pronunciation: prɑmpt part of speech: adjective, verb travel in spanish: viaje, pronunciation: trævəl part of speech: noun, verb proceed in spanish: proceder, pronunciation: prəsid part of speech: verb movement in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: muvmənt part of speech: noun motion in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: moʊʃən part of speech: noun incite in spanish: incitar, pronunciation: ɪnsaɪt part of speech: verb impress in spanish: impresionar, pronunciation: ɪmpres part of speech: verb propel in spanish: impulsar, pronunciation: prəpel part of speech: verb motivate in spanish: motivar, pronunciation: moʊtəveɪt part of speech: verb displace in spanish: desplazar, pronunciation: dɪspleɪs part of speech: verb locomote in spanish: locomote, pronunciation: loʊkoʊmoʊti part of speech: verb make a motion in spanish: hacer un movimiento, pronunciation: meɪkəmoʊʃən part of speech: verb be active in spanish: ser activo, pronunciation: biæktɪv part of speech: verb
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