Movedizo in english


pronunciation: ʃɪftɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

movedizo = shifting ; inconstant ; unstable ; loose ; restless. 

Example: He wrote a report on the shifting cultivation of hill rice.Example: His inconstant and bizarre behavior in a crisis makes me more convinced than ever that he's not mentally fit to hold the office.Example: The library automation marketplace is unstable, immature and unprofitable, causing vendors to fail.Example: The main rule, however, is do not have loose cables hanging all over the place -- not only is it unsightly but also extremely dangerous.Example: While scanning the area under supervision, the librarian may detect persons who appear restless or puzzled.


» arenas movedizasquicksandshifting sands .

Example: Countless movies depict quicksand as some kind of living creature that sucks its victims down into a bottomless pit, never to be heard.

Example: The conference focused on the following themes, seminars and break-out discussions: books in a post paper society; the shifting sands of retail trends; no more bunting on the publishing boat; and consumer attitudes to price.

» piedra movediza nunca moho la cobijaa rolling stone gathers no moss .

Example: There's a saying that many people are familiar with that goes: 'A rolling stone gathers no moss'.

» tierras movedizasshifting sands .

Example: The conference focused on the following themes, seminars and break-out discussions: books in a post paper society; the shifting sands of retail trends; no more bunting on the publishing boat; and consumer attitudes to price.

Movedizo synonyms

loose in spanish: suelto, pronunciation: lus part of speech: adjective, adverb shift in spanish: cambio, pronunciation: ʃɪft part of speech: noun, verb variable in spanish: variable, pronunciation: veriəbəl part of speech: adjective, noun moving in spanish: emocionante, pronunciation: muvɪŋ part of speech: adjective unfirm in spanish: poco firme, pronunciation: ənfɜrm part of speech: adjective
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