Motor in english


pronunciation: endʒən part of speech: noun
In gestures

motor = prime mover ; engine ; driving force ; driver ; motor. 

Example: The implementation of successive programmes for supplying educational institutions with microcomputer equipment seems to be the principal prime mover of computerisation processes.Example: These companies have been racing to define the information superhighway for themselves, and to stake a claim in what they view as the economic engine of the information age.Example: On-line services have been one of the most powerful driving forces moving information away from its traditional definition and towards the commodity view.Example: The realization that knowledge and information provide the fundamental drivers of economic growth is beginning to permeate economic and management thinking.Example: The motor running but the fan not turning has me confused.


» barco a motormotorboat .

Example: Today, people are looking for solutions that make motorboats more streamlined and seaworthy.

» calentar motoresprime + the pump .

Example: Some users start with an article which has aroused their interest and use it as the starting point for a search in a citation index to 'prime the pump'.

» carrera de coches improvisados sin motorsoapbox derby race [Costumbre anglosajona de organizar carreras de coches generalmente hechos por las familias de los niños que los conducen cuesta abajo sin ningún otro medio que propulsión que la propia gravedad de la inclinación ]soapbox derby [Costumbre anglosajona de organizar carreras de coches generalmente hechos por las familias de los niños que los conducen cuesta abajo sin ningún otro medio que propulsión que la propia gravedad de la inclinación ] .

Example: Soapbox derby races have been taking place atop Bernal Hill since the 1970s.

Example: Soapbox derbies attract scores of loyal, serious competitors who appreciate gravity, engineering and the art of making things go fast.

» compartimento del motorengine compartment .

Example: I seem to recall that there are two locations for chassis numbers, one in the boot (trunk) next to the battery and another somewhere in the engine compartment.

» compartimiento del motorengine compartment .

Example: I seem to recall that there are two locations for chassis numbers, one in the boot (trunk) next to the battery and another somewhere in the engine compartment.

» dejar el motor en marchakeep + the engine runningkeep + the motor running .

Example: Keep the fuel tank at least 1/4 full in case you are diverted or stranded and need to keep the engine running to stay warm.

Example: Besides the danger of vehicle catching on fire there is one other reason not to keep the motor running while fueling.

» deporte del motormotosport [moto sport] .

Example: He is undoubtedly one of the most promising young talents in world motorsport.

» el motor dethe power behind .

Example: He is the power behind an annual megaselling books and popular movies business.

» encender el motorstart + the engine .

Example: Convicted drink drivers could have breathalysers installed in their cars to prevent them starting the engine if they are over the limit = A los conductores alcohólicos que han sido condenados se les podría instalar en su vehículos alcoholímetros que les impidiese <b>encender el motor</b> si han bebido demasiado.

» industria del motor, lamotor industry, themotor trade, the .

Example: In the present climate of national reconstruction the Ministry of motor industry was one of the first to focus on questions of economics.

Example: Prestel is being used in an increasing number of commercial applications including: travel; the motor trade; insurance broking; medicine; and farming.

» lancha a motormotorboat .

Example: Today, people are looking for solutions that make motorboats more streamlined and seaworthy.

» lancha de motorpower boat .

Example: Library staff and volunteers used power boats and struggled waist high in water to rescue books and files.

» lancha motoraspeedboatmotorboat .

Example: The results indicate that recreational boating is the main component of all boat traffic, being composed chiefly by sailing yachts, with a small contribution of jet-skis and speedboats.

Example: Today, people are looking for solutions that make motorboats more streamlined and seaworthy.

» mantener el motor arrancadokeep + the motor runningkeep + the engine running .

Example: Besides the danger of vehicle catching on fire there is one other reason not to keep the motor running while fueling.

Example: Keep the fuel tank at least 1/4 full in case you are diverted or stranded and need to keep the engine running to stay warm.

» mantener el motor encendidokeep + the motor runningkeep + the engine running .

Example: Besides the danger of vehicle catching on fire there is one other reason not to keep the motor running while fueling.

Example: Keep the fuel tank at least 1/4 full in case you are diverted or stranded and need to keep the engine running to stay warm.

» motor a chorrojet engine .

Example: All of a sudden we heard the roar of jet engines and looked up to see two military jets lifting off the runway in hot pursuit of this object.

» motor a reacciónjet engine .

Example: All of a sudden we heard the roar of jet engines and looked up to see two military jets lifting off the runway in hot pursuit of this object.

» motor + calarseengine + stall .

Example: However, if you try to brake below this speed without depressing the clutch, the engine will stall because it's being forced to carry a load while operating below idle speed.

» motor de arranquestarter motor .

Example: If your starter motor doesn't turn give it a few thumps of a hammer and try again.

» motor de búsquedaportal [En Internet, ordenador que se dedica a recoger las direcciones o URL de las páginas Web y a clasificarlas de algún modo para que el usuario pueda acceder a ellas por su contenido]search engine [En Internet, ordenador que se dedica a recoger las direcciones o URL de las páginas Web y a clasificarlas de algún modo para que el usuario pueda acceder a ellas por su contenido]crawler  .

Example: Portals are those Web sites which tend to be the starting points for Internet users and are the most intensively used consumer Web sites in the world.

Example: The number of World Wide Web (WWW) databases or search engines has grown rapidly = El total de bases de datos o buscadores World Wide Web ha aumentado rápidamente.

Example: Automated 'crawlers' index the complete text of Web documents = Los 'motores de búsqueda' indizan el texto completo de los documentos web.

» motor de combustióncombustion engine .

Example: The different types of fuel commonly used for car combustion engines are gasoline (or petrol), diesel, and kerosene.

» motor de combustión internainternal combustion engine .

Example: To draw an analogy, it is perfectly possible to drive from A to B without knowing how the internal combustion engine works.

» motor de explosióncombustion engine .

Example: The different types of fuel commonly used for car combustion engines are gasoline (or petrol), diesel, and kerosene.

» motor de explosión internainternal combustion engine .

Example: To draw an analogy, it is perfectly possible to drive from A to B without knowing how the internal combustion engine works.

» motor de gasoildiesel engine .

Example: For example, an index user may desire information on diesel engines.

» motor de gasolinagasoline engine .

Example: This new gasoline engine can produce fuel savings of up to 20%.

» motor del cambiodriver of change .

Example: However, less attention has been paid to the technological and social drivers of change in the music industry.

» motor del cochecar engine .

Example: Then the car engine blew in an explosion that made the hood bunch up from the impact of thrown pistons.

» motor de pistonespiston engine .

Example: From the dawn of powered flight, all aircraft were powered by piston engines until August 27, 1939, when the first gas turbine engine took to the air.

» motor de propulsión a chorrojet engine .

Example: All of a sudden we heard the roar of jet engines and looked up to see two military jets lifting off the runway in hot pursuit of this object.

» motor dieseldiesel engine .

Example: For example, an index user may desire information on diesel engines.

» motor eléctricoelectric motor .

Example: They supply capstans and winches powered by electric motors to the industrial marine industry and shipyards.

» motor fuera bordajet boat .

Example: He led an expedition across the Antarctic, stood at the North Pole and rode a jet boat up the River Ganges in India.

» tráfico a motormotor traffic .

Example: On most bridle paths cycling is allowed, but motor traffic is barred.

» vehículo de tierra a motormotor land vehicle .

Example: Other branches of engineering include: 629.1 Aerospace engineering, .2 motor land vehicles and cycles, .3 Air-cushion vehicles (Hovercraft), and .4 Astronautics.

Motor synonyms

locomotive in spanish: locomotora, pronunciation: loʊkəmoʊtɪv part of speech: noun, adjective railway locomotive in spanish: locomotora de ferrocarril, pronunciation: reɪlweɪloʊkəmoʊtɪv part of speech: noun locomotive engine in spanish: motor locomotor, pronunciation: loʊkəmoʊtɪvendʒən part of speech: noun
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