Motivo in english


pronunciation: rizən part of speech: noun
In gestures

motivar = cause ; lead + Nombre + on ; motivate ; prompt ; be fired with ; actuate ; fuel. 

Example: As usage of the language causes terms to become anachronistic, or as increases in our level of awareness reveal undesirable connotations, we seek to change subject heading terms.Example: While poking about among books children naturally discuss those they have read, swopping responses, and so leading each other on.Example: It is, in general, quite difficult to motivate an administrator to divert the resources necessary to upgrade an existing file of poor quality.Example: An earlier leakage had prompted library staff to make arrangements with a nearby firm of book conservation specialists in the event of a further disaster.Example: Librarians and bibliographers are as deeply fired with the idealistic fervour which is alleged to have imbued the medieval knights.Example: CRG has always remained an amateur organization in the sense that it does not dispose of large funds, and its members are actuated by enthusiasm for the subject rather than by the hope of wealth.Example: This is in line with recent trends in the historical sciences generally fuelled by the feeling that in the past historians did not pay enough attention to what is, after all, the majority of humanity.

motivo = cause ; ground ; motive ; reason ; peg ; motif ; trigger. 

Example: The commandment KOLN see COLOGNE should be sufficient cause for the rejection of the illicit proposal to establish OPERA -- KOLN.Example: I think there are grounds for dispute on certain terms.Example: Other title information is any title borne by an item indicative of the character, contents, etc. of the item or the motives for, or occasion of, its production or publication.Example: The reason for its popularity was largely that it was based upon a principle of conformity in essentials, and freedom in details.Example: The concepts currently being floated by UNESCO are such as will make convenient pegs to hang pleas for resources for bibliographic and library development to national governments.Example: Two pre-coordinated approaches have been used for the indexing of motif and subject content.Example: They will however always have some kind of springboard or trigger which has led to their question, and we can work forwards from this.


» con motivofor good reason .

Example: It is by no means certain that Congress will vote soon enough to increase the debt ceiling and some people, for good reason, are hitting the ceiling about that.

» con motivo deon the occasion of .

Example: This article reviews the scientific output of the State of Kuwait on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its independence.

» delito por motivos discriminatorioshate crime .

Example: The shootings have all the earmarks of a hate crime as nothing was stolen and 'Go Home' was written above them.

» el motivo + estar enthe reason + lie in .

Example: The reason behind this requirement of digital data lies in the engineering aspects of digital computers: they can only manipulate digital signals.

» existir motivo para la esperanzathere + be + reason for hope .

Example: There is still reason for hope, but here's the catch: We all need to work to make change happen, because our leaders won't just do it for us.

» haber motivo para la esperanzathere + be + reason for hope .

Example: There is still reason for hope, but here's the catch: We all need to work to make change happen, because our leaders won't just do it for us.

» hay suficientes motivos para pensar quethere + be + every reason to think that .

Example: There is every reason to think that the same will be true of digital resources = Hay suficientes motivos para pensar que lo mismo ocurrirá con las colecciones digitales.

» los motivos dethe reason behindthe thinking behindthe reasoning behindthe idea behind .

Example: In addition, their involvement in the planning process will go a long way towards allaying any fears over automation and will ensure that staff are aware of the reasons behind the decision to automate.

Example: This article describes the thinking behind a new book event for countries in the Pacific region which will take place in May 93.

Example: Each library response should be signed by the librarian and should show the reasoning behind the answer.

Example: The idea behind metadata is that there is some Third Way of organizing and giving access to electronic resources that is approximately half way between cataloguing (expensive and effective) and keyword searching (cheap and ineffective).

» motivo de alarmacause for alarm .

Example: This is no cause for alarm, however.

» motivo de conversaciónconversation startericebreaker  .

Example: These glowing drink coasters are not only functional, they're also a great conversation starter for your next party!.

Example: But if you never learned how to approach women, here are some icebreakers that could come in handy when it comes to picking up women.

» motivo de irritaciónpet peeve .

Example: But many people have said that fag ends are merely the tip of the iceberg, with chewing gum and dog muck being some of the top pet peeves.

» motivo de preocupacióncause for alarmcause for concerncause of concernsource of worry .

Example: This is no cause for alarm, however.

Example: This article considers that the potential for cannibalising existing data base products should be a cause for concern for those database products planning to introduce information products based on CD-ROM = Este artículo considera que la posibilidad de "fusilar" las bases de datos existentes debería ser motivo de preocupación para aquellos productores que planean introducir productos informativos en CD-ROM.

Example: The author examines trends in the field of higher education which have been the cause of concern in publishing.

Example: While fevers can be a source of worry for parents, they are actually quite common.

» motivo de quejapet peeve .

Example: But many people have said that fag ends are merely the tip of the iceberg, with chewing gum and dog muck being some of the top pet peeves.

» motivo de risaa laughing matter .

Example: This is a report of an incident at a library in which a student destroyed a set of photographs claiming that they 'made rape a laughing matter'.

» motivo ornamentalmotifdecorative motif .

Example: Novelty was increasingly achieved by adapting some exotic or more or less explicitly historical motif within this framework.

Example: The author documents a variety of shapes and decorative motifs characteristic of biscuit tins produced for commercial British bakeries, 19th-20th cs.

» motivo para empezar una conversaciónconversation startericebreaker  .

Example: These glowing drink coasters are not only functional, they're also a great conversation starter for your next party!.

Example: But if you never learned how to approach women, here are some icebreakers that could come in handy when it comes to picking up women.

» motivo principalprime cause .

Example: Fog banks are a major hazard to navigation and are a prime cause of shipwreck.

» motivosgrounds .

Example: It has been criticised on various grounds.

» motivos ocultosulterior motiveshidden agenda .

Example: From the very beginning I have been hard on him because I didn't trust him -- sometimes biting his head off and others accusing him of having ulterior motives.

Example: This paper looks at the hidden agendas and values that conflict with the concept of cheap, easy-to-get, comprehensive, accurate information.

» no ser motivo de risabe no laughing matter .

Example: The article 'Libraries: no laughing matter' explores why National Library Week presents an important opportunity for the library and information science profession to make a case for libraries at a national level.

» por algún motivofor whatever reason .

Example: For whatever reason, Shera chose to disparage rather than to take seriously the substance of Briet's ideas.

» por cualquier motivofor whatever reason .

Example: For whatever reason, Shera chose to disparage rather than to take seriously the substance of Briet's ideas.

» por diferentes motivosfor some reason or anotherfor one reason or another .

Example: My cat woke me up at about 7 a.m. this morning -- she was trying her hardest to wake me up for some reason or another.

Example: There are loads of really talented but unqualified people who never get a chance to shine for one reason or another and there are loads of crapsters and bullshitters who land a cushy deal.

» por ese motivothat's why .

Example: My dad got shingles, my wife got whooping cough, that's why I'm getting the vaccines I need.

» por este motivofor this reason .

Example: Nevertheless, it is important to envisage the appearance of a catalogue and for this reason we shall refer, almost exclusively, to the widely adopted card catalogue.

» por los siguientes motivoson the following counts .

Example: Both Sears' and the Library of Congress List of Subject Headings have been criticized on the following counts:...

» por motivo dein the interest(s) of [Más común en plural]for the interest(s) of .

Example: In the interest of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.

Example: A number of Iraqi army and police elements have participated in the circulation of electoral propaganda for the interest of certain electoral lists.

» por motivos defor the sake ofon grounds .

Example: The advocates of ISBD originally argued that it was for the sake of the computer.

Example: Apart from differing needs of users, indexing approaches may differ on policy grounds.

» por motivos de drogason drug charges .

Example: A carload of people including a mother and son were arrested on various drug and alcohol charges.

» por motivos de + Nombrefor + Nombre's sake .

Example: I will not be discussing catalogs from a viewpoint of bibliographic principles, and for simplicity's sake I am going to treat catalogs as though they contain only entries for monographs.

» por varios motivosfor a number of reasonsfor one reason or anotherfor some reason or another .

Example: That means more construction and, for a number of reasons, more accidents.

Example: There are loads of really talented but unqualified people who never get a chance to shine for one reason or another and there are loads of crapsters and bullshitters who land a cushy deal.

Example: My cat woke me up at about 7 a.m. this morning -- she was trying her hardest to wake me up for some reason or another.

» ser motivo de preocupaciónloom + large .

Example: The philosophy of central collections providing back up for local libraries will loom large on the British library scene for some time.

» sin motivo algunowantonly .

Example: Anyone who wilfully or wantonly and without cause writes upon, injures, defaces, tears or destroys any book, plate, picture, engraving, or statue belonging to the Library shall be punished to the full extent of the law of the State.

» sin motivo aparentefor no apparent reasonfor apparently no reason .

Example: These outbursts often happen for no apparent reason and may be due to the child's inability to tolerate the present environment.

Example: The formatting on my main page has gone haywire for apparently no reason.

» sin motivo aparente algunofor no apparent reason whatsoever .

Example: What annoys people about Americans is that we have these big cheesy smiles on our faces all of the time, for no apparent reason whatsoever.

» sin motivo justificadowithout justified reason .

Example: According to this draft, employers would be allowed to dismiss workers without justified reason = Según este anteproyecto de ley, los empresarios podrán despedir a los trabajadores sin causa justificada.

» sin ningún motivofor no reasonfor no specific reasonfor no particular reasonfor no good reason .

Example: When women frequently go to family restaurants, this leads to them going out of their homes excessively for no reason, which goes against the command of Allah.

Example: On February 20, 2000, she was arrested at home by police for no specific reason and illegally detained for fifteen days.

Example: Nearly a third of internet users go online on a typical day for no particular reason, just for fun or to pass the time.

Example: He was refering to the unbelievable action taken by the riot police who for no good reason decided to go to town on innocent fans.

» sin ningún otro motivo(just) for the hell of (doing) it(just) for the sake of it(just) for the devil of it .

Example: The article is entitled 'A Marshland index - or ìndexing for the hell of it'.

Example: When they started to eff and blind just for the sake of it, I felt they lost the plot a bit.

Example: He would steal from the hawkers just for the devil of it, raising a hullabaloo in the dense, crowded streets.

» tener como motivo centralplan around + Nombre .

Example: It outlines the college's programme which includes updates on library activities, lists of current acquisitions, contributions to the student newspaper, and the monthly displays planned around specific themes.

» tener motivobe right .

Example: Publishers are right to be concerned about uncontrolled republication.

» tener motivo justificadohave + good cause .

Example: Online hosts, who have no control over the data they supply, have good cause to be worried and should seek to diversify their markets.

» tener motivo parahave + cause to .

Example: Carpozzi, grinning from ear to ear, asked when a person would have cause to write upon, injure, deface, tear, or destroy a book, plate, picture, engraving, or statue.

» tener motivos ocultospush + Posesivo + (personal) agendapush + a hidden agenda .

Example: She interrupted other speakers to push her agenda, and failed to keep her answers relevant to the questions.

Example: This week the frontline blogosphere has been picking holes in Government policy and wondering whether Ministers are reckless or are pushing a hidden agenda.

» ver el motivo de Algoglean + the reason for .

Example: The reason for this can be gleaned when one considers that a magnetic tape drive might transfer data to and from the processor at 20,000 characters per second.

» viaje por motivos académicosstudy trip .

Example: Her views on the relationship between educational librarianship and information technology were influenced as a result of a study trip to the UK in 1984.

» visita por motivos de investigaciónresearch tripresearch visit .

Example: Microform offers a less costly alternative to purchasing original materials, on the one hand, and to trans-Atlantic research trips, on the other.

Example: The author presents the findings of a research visit to the USA to assess the production, management and use of electronic theses.

Motivo synonyms

ground in spanish: suelo, pronunciation: graʊnd part of speech: noun cause in spanish: porque, pronunciation: kɑz part of speech: noun, verb argue in spanish: discutir, pronunciation: ɑrgju part of speech: verb understanding in spanish: comprensión, pronunciation: əndɜrstændɪŋ part of speech: noun conclude in spanish: concluir, pronunciation: kənklud part of speech: verb intellect in spanish: intelecto, pronunciation: ɪntəlekt part of speech: noun grounds in spanish: jardines, pronunciation: graʊndz part of speech: noun rationality in spanish: racionalidad, pronunciation: ræʃənælɪti part of speech: noun reasonableness in spanish: sensatez, pronunciation: rizənəbəlnəs part of speech: noun reason out in spanish: sin motivo, pronunciation: rizənaʊt part of speech: verb
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