Motivación in english


pronunciation: moʊtəveɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

motivación = motivation ; encouragement ; impulse ; sense of purpose ; motive force ; sense of direction. 

Example: What is the motivation for studying and preparing abstracts?.Example: Nevertheless my debts are real, and I particularly want to thank David Foxon for his illuminating commentary on the final sections, and D. F. McKenzie for his encouragement throughout.Example: The impulse to learn is a ruling passion in very few people; in most of us it is so weak that a frowning aspect can discourage it.Example: This article argues that those in leadership roles bear a special responsibility for creating a sense of purpose in the organisation.Example: The motive force is that inner, irresistible drive, the very essence of all our energy, which impels us to shun evil and to seek after the good.Example: The important thing, however, is how to stop feeling miserable and regaining your unshakeable sense of direction.


» con gran motivaciónhighly-motivated .

Example: They are looking for a highly-motivated, high-calibre student with aspirations to develop a career as a professional geoscientist.

» despertar la motivaciónspark + motivation .

Example: Library media specialists can entertain children with holiday storytelling to enhance interest and stir curiosity and with visual aids to spark motivation.

» perder la motivaciónlose + motivation .

Example: Maybe, just maybe losing motivation is a way that our body tells us we need to break away for a while.

» sentir motivaciónhave + motivation .

Example: Low-income urban families simply do not have any use for the traditional library or indeed any motivation for self-improvement and getting ahead = Las familias urbanas con ingresos bajos simplemente no tienen la necesidad de usar la biblioteca tradicional o de hecho no sienten motivación para la superación personal y para avanzar.

» teoría de la motivaciónmotivational theory .

Example: This article considers the application of decentralized decision making as an important technique of library management with particular reference to motivational theory.

Motivación synonyms

need in spanish: necesitar, pronunciation: nid part of speech: verb, noun motive in spanish: motivo, pronunciation: moʊtɪv part of speech: noun
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