Mote in english


pronunciation: nɪkneɪm part of speech: noun
In gestures

mote = sobriquet [soubriquet]. 

Example: Typically, the subelements will fall within the following categories: forename, patronymic, family name, sobriquet, and dynastic name.

Mote synonyms

moniker in spanish: apodo, pronunciation: mɑnɪkɜr part of speech: noun dub in spanish: doblar, pronunciation: dʌb part of speech: verb sobriquet in spanish: sobrenombre, pronunciation: soʊbrəkeɪ part of speech: noun cognomen in spanish: nombre, pronunciation: kɑnhoʊmən part of speech: noun soubriquet in spanish: apodo, pronunciation: subrɪkət part of speech: noun
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