Mostrar in english

To show

pronunciation: tuʃoʊ part of speech: none
In gestures

mostrarse = appear. 

Example: The statement of authorship is also transcribed and it appears in the work.

mostrar = betray ; bring to + the attention ; display ; evidence ; exhibit ; manifest ; reveal ; show ; disclose ; give + evidence ; showcase ; flash ; hold up ; report ; parade. 

Example: Deliberately to pay less attention to a query because it comes from the mayor of the city, or the chairman of the company, or the vice-chancellor of the university, would betray a perversity foreign to the normal well-adjusted librarian.Example: Many displays are changed from time to time (for example, once a week, or once a month) so that various sections of the stock may be brought to the attention of the library's public over a period of time.Example: The command function 'DISPLAY' is used to display a list of alphabetically linked terms.Example: Although in this case there is no SLIS presence in the teaching, it is noteworthy that the same concern as that evidenced in the City University programme is present.Example: These headings, therefore, in addition to exhibiting a bias in favor of the majority, actively hinder access.Example: A catalog, on the other hand, should manifest the attributes of a data base.Example: A study of the major general schemes reveals a wide gulf between theory, as outlined in the previous chapter, and practice, as reflected in the major schemes.Example: This shows a record in an abstracts based bibliographic data base.Example: In the cafeteria, she disclosed to him what had happened at her meeting with Jay.Example: No conclusive evidence is given in support of digitising over other storage media.Example: Officially known as SOLEX, this exhibition showcases mainly IT based products for the legal profession.Example: Since Disc #1 is not in the CD-ROM drive the system 'queues' your requests by placing it into the 'disc queue' (shown flashing below).Example: Banning's decision to hold up Madison and Jefferson as models without discussing in some depth the practical ways in which they politicked shortchanges the reader.Example: Criticism is not appropriate in a style which aims to report, but not comment upon the content of the original document.Example: A boy was paraded naked with "I am thief" written on his stomach and back for allegedly stealing a dress from a boutique where he worked = A boy was paraded naked with "I am thief" written on his stomach and back for allegedly stealing a dress from a boutique where he worked.


» historia + mostrarhistory + show .

Example: History shows that people who are hatefully remembered always leave behind followers or admirers.

» mostrar afectoshow + Posesivo + affection .

Example: While the term 'boss' might be used to show respect or even affection, it is generally believed to provide authority with a derogatory connotation.

» mostrar agradecimientotake + a bow .

Example: Thank you so much for teaching me, take a bow, I worked out the first part by ear but I couldnt work out the rest.

» mostrar asombroraise + an eyebrow [Arqueando las cejas] .

Example: We may indeed raise an eyebrow when we find in Botany and Zoology the note 'Further systematic subdivisions, alphabetically arranged'.

» mostrar claramenteshow + clearly .

Example: The results show clearly that occupational prestige does not depend upon salary or money factors (teaching being ranked second only to medical doctor).

» mostrar contrasteshow + contrast .

Example: Didot's first neo-classic type did not show marked contrast, but later developments of the form, by Didot himself and by Bodoni in Italy, resulted by 1800 in faces of great contrast combined with vertical stress and unbracketed, hairline serifs.

» mostrar de nuevoredisplay  .

Example: When the end code is entered on the name summary screen and the document summary screen is redisplayed, the zero opposite the names label will be changed to the number of names added.

» mostrar desprecio porshow + contempt for .

Example: Hungary's new media law shows contempt for democracy, the separation of powers and core European ideals.

» mostrar determinaciónshow + determination .

Example: Librarians in Guyana show great determination in trying to keep library services alive.

» mostrar ejemploshighlight + examples .

Example: The author highlight examples where the idea of directionality in electron transfer has been put into practice.

» mostrar el caminoblaze + the waylight + the way .

Example: The article is entitled 'Blazing the way: the WPA Library Service demonstration project in South Carolina'.

Example: The article 'Compact discs: a laser lights the way' provides an overview of the compact disc, how it works, the uses to which it can be put, and the advantages and disadvantages of the format.

» mostrar el camino a seguirpoint + the way forwardprovide + the way forwardshow + the way forward .

Example: What he did do was bring order into a previously haphazard process, and in doing so point the way forward for later developments.

Example: In any case, it was international communication by high-speed telegraphy that was considered to provide the way forward.

Example: Microsoft lifts the veil on two new tablets meant to show the way forward for Windows.

» mostrar el camino parapoint + the way toshow + the way to/for .

Example: Several divisions are already taking advantage of these capabilities in their daily work and their experience has pointed the way to refinements in the system.

Example: Experience does, time after time, show the way to the solution of a problem.

» mostrar el prompt del sistemaprompt .

Example: After the computer has obeyed this command, the searcher is prompted again.

» mostrar en pantalladisplay + on screenscreen .

Example: Since only twenty or so items can be displayed on the screen at a time, the ↑ (Up), ↓ (Down), Page Up and Page Down keys are used to scroll through the listing.

Example: The database contains 12 of the most requested songs and screens the lyrics in time with the music = La base de datos contiene 12 de las canciones más solicitadas y muestra en pantalla las letras junto con la música.

» mostrar extrañezaraise + an eyebrow [Arqueando las cejas] .

Example: We may indeed raise an eyebrow when we find in Botany and Zoology the note 'Further systematic subdivisions, alphabetically arranged'.

» mostrar incredulidadexpress + disbelief .

Example: 'What luck!' The division chief's face expressed disbelief and honest concern.

» mostrar indiferenciagive + Nombre + the cold shoulderturn + a cold shoulder tocold-shoulder .

Example: Sorry Castlegr, I thought that by giving you the cold shoulder you might get the hint and realise the bond has gone.

Example: With its usual rhetoric, Iran has turned a cold shoulder to the latest sanctions.

Example: He cold-shouldered his teammates, who cold-shouldered him back.

» mostrar interés enshow + interest inmark + interest inevince + interest in .

Example: Berlin scholars have shown interest in the deciphering and publication of Mexican Indian manuscripts since the early 19th century.

Example: At the 2nd London Book Fair, attendance was down from 508 in 1982 to 497 in 1983 and some major publishers were absent although overseas interest was marked.

Example: Recently, many national and global players have evinced interest to enter the sector and are expected to make huge investments.

» mostrar interés porexpress + (an) interest in .

Example: Students also expressed low interest in the core curriculum subjects which are taught in the first year of the course.

» mostrar interés por conseguirmake + a move (on/for) .

Example: If a buyer finds something they like they should be prepared to make a move because chances are there's someone else making a move on the same property.

» mostrar las diferenciasturn up + differences .

Example: However, a detailed comparison of the fourth with the third edition turned up only 13 differences that pertained to card catalogs, and these differences were minute.

» mostrar las piernasbare + Posesivo + legs .

Example: With the summer sunshine and hot weather approaching, lace up sandals are the trendiest accessory you can wear when you decide to bare your legs.

» mostrar las razones por las queshow + cause why .

Example: One obligation of a public institution is to render an account of itself to the people and show cause why they should continue to support it.

» mostrar los dientesshow + Posesivo + teeth [En señal de amenaza y/o defensa]bare + Posesivo + teeth [En señal de amenaza y/o defensa] .

Example: Wind raged over the sea; waves snarled and showed their teeth.

Example: He kept his eyes on Aethon and bared his teeth in a silent snarl as he allowed himself to be led backward.

» mostrar los resultadosdisplay + results .

Example: We recommend using the TYPE command to display the results and then transferring the results to disk with the F8 key.

» mostrar los sentimientos de Unoshow + Posesivo + feelings .

Example: Teenagers may find it difficult to put their feelings into words, and may not show their feelings openly, for fear of upsetting others.

» mostrar los sentimientos en públicowear + Posesivo + heart on + Posesivo + sleeve .

Example: Miss Clough's privacy was legendary; she did not wear her heart on her sleeve, but she did put her heart into her painting.

» mostrar los términos relacionadosexpand .

Example: Although, no program will ever include a complete vocabulary, these programs mean that users can now benefit from the search commands 'explode' and 'expand'.

» mostrar miedoshow + fear .

Example: Critics of the digital world show fear of depersonalization, inauthenticty, subjugation to the mechanical and the substitution of quantity over quality.

» mostrar orgullosamenteshow off .

Example: The district will proudly show off its historical heritage: the monastic library at Broumov, founded in the 13th century by Benedictine monks.

» mostrar perplejidadlook + puzzled .

Example: Aladyn looked puzzled for a moment, and then he replied: 'All parties desire universal suffrage -- naturally that includes women'.

» mostrar por medio de cambio de intensidad en el brilloflash up .

Example: On completion of the search, the VDU will flash up details of the costs accrued for which the library will later be billed.

» mostrar por primera vezpremiere .

Example: But subscription and sales of spin-off products turns out not to be the only financial model, so (a free site sponsored by advertising) premiered last September.

» mostrar + Posesivo + agradecimientopay + Posesivo + respects .

Example: I am honored to have been invited to share in this most important occasion and to have the opportunity to pay my deep respects to your head of department.

» mostrar + Posesivo + fuerza(s)flex + Posesivo + musclesshow + Posesivo + strength .

Example: The article 'Flexing a different set of muscles' is an interview with David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker, who has been, wrongly, portrayed as a low key intellectual with little appetite for the limelight.

Example: For more than a year, Cassandra gracefully battled her disease, showing her strength and being a role model to us all.

» mostrar + Posesivo + gratitudshow + Posesivo + gratitude .

Example: Hernandez preferred to show his gratitude and loyalty to Crane by staying on as a professional at CPFPL after he had earned his MLS.

» mostrar + Posesivo + lealtadshow + Possivo + loyalty .

Example: Hernandez preferred to show his gratitude and loyalty to Crane by staying on as a professional at CPFPL after he had earned his MLS.

» mostrar + Posesivo + poderíoflex + Posesivo + musclesshow + Posesivo + strength .

Example: The article 'Flexing a different set of muscles' is an interview with David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker, who has been, wrongly, portrayed as a low key intellectual with little appetite for the limelight.

Example: For more than a year, Cassandra gracefully battled her disease, showing her strength and being a role model to us all.

» mostrar + Posesivo + sincero agradecimientopay + Posesivo + deep respects .

Example: I am honored to have been invited to share in this most important occasion and to have the opportunity to pay my deep respects to your head of department.

» mostrar posibilidadesshow + potential .

Example: It was observed that this type of string showed potential for alphabetical index headings.

» mostrar preferencia porslant .

Example: Initially the course was oriented towards academic library services, but in recent years has become more slanted towards information technology.

» mostrar preocupación (por)express + concern (at)express + Posesivo + dismay (at) .

Example: A number of observers and critics of professional education for library and information work has expressed concern at the failure of SLIS to respond rapidly and sensitively to such IT induced changes.

Example: He expressed his dismay at being charged $120 for two injections of cortisone into his shoulder for tendinitis.

» mostrar respetoshow + Posesivo + respect .

Example: While the term 'boss' might be used to show respect or even affection, it is generally believed to provide authority with a derogatory connotation.

» mostrar satisfacciónexpress + satisfaction .

Example: Participants expressed great satisfaction with all aspects of the summer school.

» mostrarseappear .

Example: The statement of authorship is also transcribed and it appears in the work.

» mostrarse como Uno realmente esshow + Reflexivo + in + Posesivo + true coloursreveal + Posesivo + true coloursshow + Posesivo + (true) colours .

Example: No sooner were the ceremonies of the wedding over than the stepmother began to show herself in her true colors.

Example: However, the president revealed his true colors when he ordered the shoot-down of an unarmed aircraft over international waters.

Example: But then they showed their true colors by voting against the changes necessary to make the program effective.

» mostrarse indiferentegive + Nombre + the cold shoulderturn + a cold shoulder tocold-shoulder .

Example: Sorry Castlegr, I thought that by giving you the cold shoulder you might get the hint and realise the bond has gone.

Example: With its usual rhetoric, Iran has turned a cold shoulder to the latest sanctions.

Example: He cold-shouldered his teammates, who cold-shouldered him back.

» mostrarse magnánimo con los perdedoresbe magnanimous in victory .

Example: They were magnanimous in victory, offering kind words to the losing team.

» mostrarse reacio abaulk at [balk at] .

Example: Bloomington has a well-used circulating periodicals collection and library users responded enthusiastically to InfoTrac2, although staff baulked at the $2,500 annual cost.

» mostrarse vulnerableleave + Nombre/Reflexivo + vulnerable .

Example: There must be few other ways of leaving oneself so vulnerable to the slings and arrows of outrageous (or outraged) critics.

» mostrar signos deshow + signs of .

Example: But the relationship between the source of most of the shared cataloging data, the Library of Congress, and nonresearch libraries shows signs of deteriorating rather than improving.

» mostrar signos de cansancioshow + signs of tiredness .

Example: Each child may show signs of tiredness in slightly different ways.

» mostrar sorpresaraise + an eyebrow [Arqueando las cejas]register + surprise .

Example: We may indeed raise an eyebrow when we find in Botany and Zoology the note 'Further systematic subdivisions, alphabetically arranged'.

Example: The committeeman registered surprise.

» mostrar temorshow + fear .

Example: Critics of the digital world show fear of depersonalization, inauthenticty, subjugation to the mechanical and the substitution of quantity over quality.

» no mostrar signos deshow + no sign(s) of .

Example: The whole work hard, play hard mantra unfortunately shows no sign of stopping even though it's quite frankly a marketing con.

» orden de mostrar los términos relacionadosexpand command .

Example: It is possible to use the expand command to display terms in the data base being searched related to the original search term.

» resultados + mostrarresults + show .

Example: Results show that the 10 titles most requested educational journals are not stable over time.

» volver a mostrarredisplay  .

Example: When the end code is entered on the name summary screen and the document summary screen is redisplayed, the zero opposite the names label will be changed to the number of names added.
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