Mostrador in english


pronunciation: kaʊntɜr part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

mostrador = counter ; reception desk ; service desk ; public service desk ; service counter. 

Example: Arrangements vary, but one possibility is to place more popular books near to the counter, and less popular subjects in more remote areas of the library.Example: This article discusses planning for automation within the library building, particularly the physical layout of the reception desk.Example: The system works best at small branches with only one service desk and an integrated collection.Example: Information service quality largely depends on the person at the public service desk who should have no qualms about working with people of any age, minority group, religious or socio-economic background.Example: It was decided, for example, that service counters should serve fewer readers that in the round reading room at the BL Reference Division.


» mostrador de atención al públicoservice deskpublic service deskservice counter .

Example: The system works best at small branches with only one service desk and an integrated collection.

Example: Information service quality largely depends on the person at the public service desk who should have no qualms about working with people of any age, minority group, religious or socio-economic background.

Example: It was decided, for example, that service counters should serve fewer readers that in the round reading room at the BL Reference Division.

» mostrador de atención al usuarioservice area .

Example: Each library will have to determine how long the shifts at the service area will be = Cada biblioteca tendrá que determinar la duración de los turnos en el mostrador de atención al usuario.

» mostrador de ayudahelp desk [helpdesk] .

Example: With large computer-based data bases it is common to have some type of 'help desk' facility through which personal assistance with special searching problems can be obtained.

» mostrador de circulacióncirculation desk .

Example: For example, books close to the door and the circulation desk may be intended for the user who merely wishes to make a swift selection of items to take away and read elsewhere.

» mostrador de facturacióncheck-in desk [Generalmente en los aeropuertos]check-in counter .

Example: Check-in desks generally open 2 hours before departure.

Example: You will need to go to a check-in counter at the airport in order to complete your check-in process.

» mostrador de informacióninformation deskenquiry desk .

Example: As a stranger enters the portals of the library, he is not overwhelmed by the high visibility of the reference or the information desk.

Example: The alternative programmes were evaluated qualitatively from student groups and from enquiry desk staff, with extremely positive results from both groups.

» mostrador de inscripciónregistration desk .

Example: Budget cuts, staff shortages, and increasing patron numbers are causing public libraries to give very little educational information to new patrons at registration desks.

» mostrador de la charcuteríadeli counter .

Example: My friend Cesar works the deli counter at my neighborhood grocery store.

» mostrador del cajerocashier's desk .

Example: Just ask for audio tours when purchasing tickets at the cashier's desk.

» mostrador de los embutidosdeli counter .

Example: My friend Cesar works the deli counter at my neighborhood grocery store.

» mostrador de préstamocirculation deskcontrol countercheck-out desklibrary issue deskfront desk [Generalmente usado con el artículo the front desk] .

Example: For example, books close to the door and the circulation desk may be intended for the user who merely wishes to make a swift selection of items to take away and read elsewhere.

Example: The control counter and associated screening are part of a co-ordinated modular system comprised of units which are readily reassembled into different configurations.

Example: When you arrive at the check-out desk you have a laden trolley and many more items than on your shopping list.

Example: This study was initiated to provide ergonomics information concerning the design and layout of library issue desks.

Example: While we do not envision library customers pulling out their wallets at the front desk, they are still expending a valuable resource -- time.

» mostrador de préstamosissue deskissue counter .

Example: Short-loans could move adjacent to the main issue desk at the south by moving furniture, or at the north by rearranging the catalogue.

Example: Monotony can be avoided by special lighting for individual cubicles, issue counters and exhibition areas.

» mostrador de recepciónreception deskcheck-in counterfront desk [Generalmente usado con el artículo the front desk] .

Example: This article discusses planning for automation within the library building, particularly the physical layout of the reception desk.

Example: The hotel lobby is quite impressive and rich looking, we walked up to the check-in counter and were greeted with fruit drinks and a warm smile.

Example: The front desk is staffed 24 hours a day and controls access to the residence halls.

» mostrador de referenciareference deskenquiry point [En una biblioteca de libre acceso, aquellas mesas ocupadas por bibliotecarios a donde el lector puede dirigirse para hacer todo tipo de preguntas de referencia]inquiry point [En una biblioteca de libre acceso, aquellas mesas ocupadas por bibliotecarios a donde el lector puede dirigirse para hacer todo tipo de preguntas de referencia] .

Example: The authors of this work have had experience behind both reference desks and classroom lecterns and have felt strongly the lack of an adequate text on the training and education of the reference librarian.

Example: Library administration covers a number of topics, ranging from those paralleling the business world, such as personnel records and salaries, to routines more peculiar to the library world such as the timetabling of staff at enquiry points etc.

Example: All the things that follow in the chapter are subservient to the inquiry point and its proper manning.

» mostrador de seguridadsecurity desk .

Example: Visitors going to the library will receive a library pass at the security desk, and should go directly to the library circulation desk to register.

» mostrador virtual de referenciavirtual reference desk (VRD) .

Example: A virtual reference desk (VRD) is a personal service delivered to the invisible user via library portals.

» personal del mostradorcounter staff .

Example: Many of the counter staff are female, poorly paid and have misgivings about the impact of technology on their work.

» personal del mostrador de préstamocounter staff .

Example: Many of the counter staff are female, poorly paid and have misgivings about the impact of technology on their work.

Mostrador synonyms

foresee in spanish: prever, pronunciation: fɔrsi part of speech: verb anticipate in spanish: prever, pronunciation: æntɪsəpeɪt part of speech: verb heel in spanish: tacón, pronunciation: hil part of speech: noun buffet in spanish: buffet, pronunciation: bʌfət part of speech: noun negative in spanish: negativo, pronunciation: negətɪv part of speech: adjective forestall in spanish: prevenir, pronunciation: fɔrstɔl part of speech: verb parry in spanish: parar, pronunciation: peri part of speech: noun antagonistic in spanish: antagonista, pronunciation: æntægənɪstɪk part of speech: adjective sideboard in spanish: aparador, pronunciation: saɪdbɔrd part of speech: noun counterpunch in spanish: contragolpe, pronunciation: kaʊntɜrpəntʃ part of speech: noun tabulator in spanish: tabulador, pronunciation: tæbjəleɪtɜr part of speech: noun
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