Mosquito in english


pronunciation: məskitoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

mosquito = mosquito [mosquitoes -pl.] ; gnat. 

Example: But there are signs of a change as new and powerful instrumentalities come into use, such as thermionic tubes capable of controlling potent forces under the guidance of less power than a mosquito uses to vibrate his wings.Example: Has your line of vision ever been invaded by what looks like tiny black gnats swarming around you?  .


» enfermedad transmitida por (los) mosquitosmosquito-borne illnessmosquito-borne disease .

Example: Hawaii has been hit by an outbreak of dengue fever, a mosquito-borne illness also known as 'breakbone fever' because of the debilitating joint pain it causes.

Example: In addition to dengue, two other mosquito-borne diseases are spreading rapidly in the Western Hemisphere: chikungunya and Zika.

» infestado de mosquitosmosquito-ridden .

Example: It was damp and mosquito-ridden and one day a fierce northwesterly blew down most of the tents, but the weather was generally kind.

» lleno de mosquitosmosquito-ridden .

Example: It was damp and mosquito-ridden and one day a fierce northwesterly blew down most of the tents, but the weather was generally kind.

» mosquito de la malariamalarial mosquito .

Example: Hot and humid conditions would normally be a fertile breeding ground for malarial mosquitoes.

» mosquito del paludismomalarial mosquito .

Example: Hot and humid conditions would normally be a fertile breeding ground for malarial mosquitoes.

» mosquito gigantedaddy longlegs .

Example: This insect is a relative of the far more familiar daddy longlegs but its legs are stubby rather than long.

» mosquito pequeñomidge .

Example: Africa has lions, Alaska has grizzlies, Nepal has yeti. Britain has the worst of the lot - midgies! They make life hell for campers, walkers and hill-goers alike.

» nube de mosquitosmosquito cloudcloud of mosquitoes .

Example: Dirt roads, no electricity, one-room school a mile away, below zero blizzards in the winter, and mosquito clouds in the summer.

Example: At the same time, however, the clouds of mosquitoes themselves support a rich tapestry of bird life.

» picadura de mosquitomosquito bite .

Example: For the most part, mosquito bites are just a nuisance -- they can, however, deliver viruses like malaria and encephalitis.

» plagado de mosquitosmosquito-ridden .

Example: It was damp and mosquito-ridden and one day a fierce northwesterly blew down most of the tents, but the weather was generally kind.

» repelente de mosquitosmosquito repellent .

Example: Our report is the first empirical evidence for an endogenous mosquito repellent in birds.

» repeler los mosquitosrepel + mosquitoes .

Example: Besides repelling mosquitoes, marigolds repel insects which prey on tomato = Además de repeler los mosquitos, la caléndula repele los insectos que se comen los tomates.

» tener memoria de mosquitohave + a memory like a sievePosesivo + memory + be + like a sievePosesivo + head + be + like a sieve .

Example: I usually have a memory like an elephant, yet when it comes to supermarket shopping, it seems I have a memory like a sieve.

Example: Sometimes she surprises us with the things she remembers, but sometimes her memory is like a sieve.

Example: Your mother has always been absent-minded but these days her head is like a sieve.

» transmitido por (los) mosquitosmosquito-borne .

Example: In addition to being mosquito-borne, Zika may be sexually-transmitted and most human hosts carrying the virus may be asymptomatic after having been infected.
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