Mosca in english


pronunciation: flaɪ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

mosca = fly [flies, -pl.]. 

Example: From 'Huckleberry Finn' to 'Catcher in the Rye', from 'Coral Island' to 'The Lord of the Flies,' from 'Aesop's Fables' to 'Animal Farm': we can all find family trees for dozens of books.


» acudir como moscas a la mielcrawl out of + the woodwork [Sinónimo de come out of the woodwork] .

Example: Summer vacation is the time for scammers to crawl out of the woodwork.

» acudir como moscas (a la miel)crawl out of + the woodwork [Sinónimo de come out of the woodwork]come out of + the woodwork .

Example: Summer vacation is the time for scammers to crawl out of the woodwork.

Example: And I'm sure there's plenty more unknowns or 'brand-news' yet to come out of the woodwork.

» caer como moscasdrop like + flies .

Example: Rural post offices are dropping like flies, taking with them village shops for whom the postal business made the difference between life and death.

» como moscas en panallike bees around a honey pot .

Example: Men always did flock around you like bees around a honey pot.

» cuando el diablo está aburrido mata moscas con el raboidle hands are the devil's workshop/tools/playgroundthe devil finds work for idle hands .

Example: The saying the 'idle hands are the devil's workshop' may be particularly apt in the case of Islamic rioters and terrorists.

Example: They can easily turn into delinquents and cause social disturbances, for, as we all know, the devil finds work for idle hands.

» cuando el diablo no tiene qué hacer, con el rabo mata moscasidle hands are the devil's workshop/tools/playgroundthe devil finds work for idle hands .

Example: The saying the 'idle hands are the devil's workshop' may be particularly apt in the case of Islamic rioters and terrorists.

Example: They can easily turn into delinquents and cause social disturbances, for, as we all know, the devil finds work for idle hands.

» en boca cerrada no entra moscasthe less said (about it), the better .

Example: In fact, when it comes to spying on employees Internet surfing behavior, perhaps the less said, the better.

» en boca cerrada no entran moscasmum's the word!silence is goldenloose lips sink shipsif you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it .

Example: Mum's the word: Weis not giving hints on the player's future.

Example: They say silence is golden but some people really just don't get it and they go on and on and on!.

Example: If you do actually care about poor kids then this sort of unsubstantiated rumour is far more pernicious -- loose lips sink ships.

Example: But a wise man once said: 'If you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it'.

» estar con la mosca detrás de la orejasmell + a rat .

Example: 'Something doesn't seem right, and I don't know exactly what it is, but I kind of smell a rat,' Cooper said = "Algo parece que no está bien, y no sé exactamente qué es, pero yo como que tengo la mosca detrás de la oreja", dijo Cooper.

» incapaz de matar una moscawouldn't hurt a fly .

Example: Whoever said Moby is the leader of dickheads that beat people up? He is just a bald-headed hippie who wouldn't hurt a fly.

» matar moscas a cañonazosuse + a sledgehammer to crack a (wal)nut .

Example: But a father of one of the boys today accused the police of wasting their time and resources and for 'using a sledgehammer to crack a nut'.

» mosca de la frutafruit fly .

Example: This article reports the results of a quantitative analysis of co-cited author retrieval performance in the area of the genetics of the fruit flies.

» mosca negrablack fly .

Example: The particular problem posed is the reproduction of mosquitoes and black flies in domestic animal troughs.

» oír una moscahear a pin drop .

Example: The acoustics were so clear we could actually hear a pin drop.

» pájaro moscahummingbird .

Example: A sampling technique was applied to measure and quantify visitor behavior at an enclosed hummingbird aviary in a museum.

» pesca con moscafly fishing .

Example: This is far from traditional fly fishing and some anglers will throw their arms up in horror but others will love it.

» por si las moscasjust in case [En biblioteconomía, principio por el cual la prioridad de la biblioteca es acumular material "por si acaso" le es útil a alguien]on spec [Abreviatura de on speculation] .

Example: The project shifts the paradigm for information services in support of research from a 'just in case' collection centred approach to 'just in time' service oriented operation.

Example: You are lucky to find anywhere to stay if you just turn up on spec in Amsterdam in the middle of August.

» tener la mosca detrás de la orejasmell + a rat .

Example: 'Something doesn't seem right, and I don't know exactly what it is, but I kind of smell a rat,' Cooper said = "Algo parece que no está bien, y no sé exactamente qué es, pero yo como que tengo la mosca detrás de la oreja", dijo Cooper.

Mosca synonyms

flee in spanish: huir, pronunciation: fli part of speech: verb pilot in spanish: piloto, pronunciation: paɪlət part of speech: noun alert in spanish: alerta, pronunciation: əlɜrt part of speech: adjective, noun, verb wing in spanish: ala, pronunciation: wɪŋ part of speech: noun fell in spanish: cayó, pronunciation: fel part of speech: verb vanish in spanish: desaparecer, pronunciation: vænɪʃ part of speech: verb aviate in spanish: aviar, pronunciation: eɪvieɪt part of speech: verb take flight in spanish: tomar vuelo, pronunciation: teɪkflaɪt part of speech: verb fly ball in spanish: Pelota voladora, pronunciation: flaɪbɔl part of speech: noun fly sheet in spanish: hoja de vuelo, pronunciation: flaɪʃit part of speech: noun tent flap in spanish: solapa de tienda, pronunciation: tentflæp part of speech: noun tent-fly in spanish: mosca de la tienda, pronunciation: tentflaɪ part of speech: noun fly front in spanish: volar frente, pronunciation: flaɪfrʌnt part of speech: noun
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