Mosaico in english


pronunciation: moʊzeɪɪk part of speech: noun
In gestures

mosaico = mosaic. 

Example: Instead of a mosaic of small squares, pictures are composed of basic graphic elements -- points, lines, arcs, polygons and rectangles.


» impresora en mosaicotile printer [Impresora capaz de producir imágenes o texto cuyas dimensiones son muy superiores al papel estándar imprimiento la parte proporcional de la imagen o texto; una vez terminado el proceso las hojas impresas deben ensamblarse para producir la imagen o texto deseado] .

Example: If tile printer cannot cope with the graphic output from the program, additional devices such as a graph plotter may be required.

» mosaico geométricogeometric mosaic .

Example: The external walls of the mausoleum are decorated with geometric mosaics, calligraphic inscriptions, and floral patterns, created by inlaying white marble into the red sandstone.

» un mosaico dea patchwork of .

Example: Weaving together the stories of three generations of women this novel is a patchwork of love, jealousy and human frailty set against a backdrop of war and political ambition.

Mosaico synonyms

adorned in spanish: adornado, pronunciation: ədɔrnd part of speech: adjective decorated in spanish: decorado, pronunciation: dekɜreɪtəd part of speech: adjective tessellated in spanish: teselado, pronunciation: tesəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective
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