Mortificar in english


pronunciation: mɔrtɪfaɪ part of speech: verb
In gestures

mortificar = chagrin ; spite ; torture ; eat away at ; mortify ; crucify ; grind away at. 

Example: In the course of my explanation I became not only chagrined, but ashamed for our profession and for how, in this particular case, rules had made finding the material that this person wanted so difficult.Example: Men's abuse of children is in many instances instrumental in order to coerce or retaliate against women, echoing the Greek myth of Medea who killed her own children to spite her father.Example: They tortured her into revealing her Pin number and safe code before cutting her up and disposing of her in bin liners.Example: Rather than catalog departments going out of business, they could turn their attention once again to cataloging special local materials, eating away at store-rooms of uncataloged materials, and making their collections as a whole more responsive to their local constituency.Example: We're assailed by doubts, mortified by our own shortcomings, surrounded by freaks, testy over silly details.Example: I'm really trying to understand why she is being crucified by the media.Example: He looked sick, really sick, like he had the mother of all headaches grinding away at the inside of his skull.


» conciencia + mortificarconscience + smiteconscience + trouble .

Example: But most men have so much natural conscience remaining that they cannot commit open sin without their conscience smiting them.

Example: He then confessed that his conscience had troubled him so that he had buried the money he had received for the work.

Mortificar synonyms

humble in spanish: humilde, pronunciation: hʌmbəl part of speech: adjective chagrin in spanish: disgusto, pronunciation: ʃəgrɪn part of speech: noun abase in spanish: humillar, pronunciation: ɑbɑsi part of speech: verb subdue in spanish: dominar, pronunciation: səbdu part of speech: verb humiliate in spanish: humillar, pronunciation: hjumɪlieɪt part of speech: verb gangrene in spanish: gangrena, pronunciation: gængrin part of speech: noun necrose in spanish: necrosar, pronunciation: nekroʊz part of speech: verb sphacelate in spanish: esfacela, pronunciation: sfæsəleɪt part of speech: verb
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