Mortal in english


pronunciation: mɔrtəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

mortal1 = mortal. 

Example: I think of someone like Zuckerberg to be more in the realm of Einstein than of mere mortals like most.


» simple mortallesser mortal .

Example: The range and depth of Gesner's talents are disconcerting for lesser mortals to contemplate for his bibliographic endeavours were but one small aspect of his work.

mortal2 = lethal ; mortal ; life threatening ; fatal ; deadly ; deathly . 

Example: The lethal effect of displacement of oxygen by an inert gas, such as nitrogen, on insect populations was investigated.Example: Individuals are mortal, but an organization can continue indefinitely.Example: The study also investigated whether persons who had consulted the book before committing suicide had life threatening medical illnesses.Example: Quite apart from the great toll of unasked questions, any hint of mutual antipathy between enquirer and librarian is fatal to the reference interview.Example: Sin City is a bustling, violent metropolis where the police department is as corrupt as the streets are deadly.Example: As we all know, arsenic is deathly poisonous.


» accidente mortalfatal crashfatal accidentfatal collision .

Example: Although teenagers accounted for only 5 percent of the total number of licensed drivers in the county, they were involved in 13 percent of the fatal crashes.

Example: A man is dead and a woman may be charged after a fatal accident in Bethel, Ohio.

Example: A stretch of the M1 motorway remains closed tonight after a fatal collision earlier on today.

» accidente mortal automovilísticofatal car accident .

Example: One woman is dead and a man is in jail, after a fatal car accident late Friday night.

» accidente mortal de carreterafatal road accident .

Example: Driver error was responsible for 86% of all fatal road accidents in Ireland last year.

» accidente mortal de cochefatal car accident .

Example: One woman is dead and a man is in jail, after a fatal car accident late Friday night.

» accidente mortal de tráficofatal car accidentfatal road accidentfatal traffic accident .

Example: One woman is dead and a man is in jail, after a fatal car accident late Friday night.

Example: Driver error was responsible for 86% of all fatal road accidents in Ireland last year.

Example: Bumper to bumper everywhere and fatal traffic accidents happening daily, this tiny country needs more cars like a hole in the head.

» asestar un golpe mortaldeal + a death blowstrike + a death blowdeal + a killer blowdeliver + a killer blowdeliver + a death blowstrike + a killer blow .

Example: It has been said that Cutter in developing his method of alphabetic subject indexing 'dealt the death blow' to ninenteenth-century title-term indexing.

Example: Moreover, military operations, whatever they may be, will not be able to strike a death blow to international terrorism, indicating that its high time that we probe the topic from a fresh standpoint.

Example: Pakistan has vowed to target Taliban leaders and deal a killer blow to the Islamists.

Example: Some of these remedies would undoubtedly have delivered a killer blow to the parasites in a horse's gut, but unfortunately harmed the horse in the process.

Example: Lebanon is in such turmoil that war at the present time would deliver a death blow to the economy.

Example: Merick quickly sprang to his feet and rushed forward to strike a killer blow, but the troll was already dead.

» casi mortalnear-fatal .

Example: Much of the verve and shimmer of her lyrics can be connected to the near-fatal liver abscess she suffered in 1996.

» dar un salto mortalsomersault [También escrito summersault]do + a somersaultsummersault [También escrito somersault] .

Example: They somersaulted and looped the loop.

Example: She died after injuring herself while trying to do somersaults.

Example: But when his rear wheel clipped the last bus he summersaulted through the air and broke his pelvis -- ending his career.

» echar una mirada mortallook + daggers atglare at .

Example: We stood in our driveway looking daggers at each other -- the tension was like the air before lightning, even the cat ran for her life.

Example: Wren glared at her for a second, then shut the door in her face.

» enemigo mortalmortal foe .

Example: Dead men have no friends; consequently, Israel must abandon its love affair with its putative, feckless friends and kill, once for all, its mortal foes.

» enemistad mortalblood feudvendetta .

Example: Modernity & vendetta are contradictory social phenomena, & yet globalization brings to light the existence of blood feud in a modernized world.

Example: Modernity & vendetta are contradictory social phenomena, & yet globalization brings to light the existence of blood feud in a modernized world.

» espasmos mortalesdeath rattle .

Example: One could then ask: Does this represent the death rattle of their belief system?.

» golpe mortalmortal blowdeath blowkiller blow .

Example: This ultimately resulted in a Supreme Court decision that supported the defendants, striking what the music industry claimed would be a 'mortal blow' to its livelihood.

Example: Another employee said the plant's closure would be the death blow for the entire region.

Example: Three times she tracked him down and fought him, only to be thwarted as he somehow evaded her killer blow and disappeared into the night.

» herida mortalfatal injury .

Example: When a car hits a pedestrian, the pedestrian takes the full brunt of the severe and sometimes fatal injuries.

» inmortalimmortal [Nombre y adjetivo] .

Example: This article describes Ranganathan as a good samaritan and considers him among the immortals of the country.

» miedo mortalmortal fear .

Example: As I have a mortal fear of dentists this would have put me in a cold sweat.

» pecado mortalmortal sindeadly sin .

Example: According to Shakespeare's age, if she had agreed, she would have committed a mortal sin and been in danger of hell.

Example: Two of the 'deadly sins' of a contemporary librarian would be a preference to work 'in silence', i.e. no contact with users and no advertising, and put on blinkers, i.e. no research and no analysis of the librarian's work.

» peligro mortalmortal danger .

Example: In the face of resistance, public ridicule, or even mortal danger, these women listened to their hearts and their unshakeable faith.

» persona mortalmortal .

Example: I think of someone like Zuckerberg to be more in the realm of Einstein than of mere mortals like most.

» salto mortalsomersault [También escrito summersault]summersault [También escrito somersault] .

Example: He carefully traces Churchill's twists and turns on this subject and concludes that his 'apparent somersaults were mere digressions and often only tactical in character'.

Example: He ended up biting his lip and drawing some blood after doing a few summersaults and landing on his face.

» salto mortal hacia atrásbackflip .

Example: Then he did several backflips and wailed aloud in his misery and woe, his yelps of distress quite filling the empyrean.

» siete pecados mortales, losseven deadly sins, the .

Example: The seven deadly sins are 'pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth/acedia'.

» trampa mortaldeath trap .

Example: The highways across the country have virtually become death traps as there are apparently no authorities to control reckless driving.

» víctima mortalfatality .

Example: A summary is then presented of the number and percentage of snowmobile fatalities in these three states during winter 2002-03.

Mortal synonyms

person in spanish: persona, pronunciation: pɜrsən part of speech: noun soul in spanish: alma, pronunciation: soʊl part of speech: noun individual in spanish: individual, pronunciation: ɪndəvɪdʒəwəl part of speech: adjective, noun human in spanish: humano, pronunciation: hjumən part of speech: adjective, noun fatal in spanish: fatal, pronunciation: feɪtəl part of speech: adjective deadly in spanish: mortal, pronunciation: dedli part of speech: adjective someone in spanish: alguien, pronunciation: sʌmwən part of speech: noun somebody in spanish: alguien, pronunciation: sʌmbɑdi part of speech: noun deathly in spanish: mortal, pronunciation: deθli part of speech: adverb, adjective earthborn in spanish: mortal, pronunciation: ɜrθbɔrn part of speech: adjective
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