Mortaja in english


pronunciation: ʃraʊd part of speech: noun
In gestures

mortaja = mortise ; shroud. 

Example: The winter was not adjustable for height within its mortises, but the head was tenoned into long mortises in which it could be raised and lowered to adjust the height of the impression assembly.Example: The majority were buried in shrouds and laid in wooden coffins.


» mortaja de la somerahead mortise [En la prensa antigua de madera, muescas que se hacían en las columnas verticales de madera de las primeras prensas tipográficas y en donde se insertaban las dos vigas horizontales de madera que soportaban el tornillo] .

Example: A printer would use incompressible packing in the head mortises to intensify the effect of the pressman's pull by bringing it up with a jolt.

» unir mediante mortajamortise .

Example: The chief members of the impression carriage were two upright cheeks about 2 m. high and placed 60-65 cm. apart, carrying between them the winter and, above it, the head, two massive cross timbers mortised into the cheeks which contained the vertical thrust of the impression.

Mortaja synonyms

sheet in spanish: hoja, pronunciation: ʃit part of speech: noun cover in spanish: cubrir, pronunciation: kʌvɜr part of speech: verb, noun hide in spanish: esconder, pronunciation: haɪd part of speech: verb, noun tack in spanish: virar, pronunciation: tæk part of speech: noun pall in spanish: féretro, pronunciation: pɑl part of speech: noun enshroud in spanish: amortajar, pronunciation: ɪnʃraʊd part of speech: verb cerement in spanish: mortaja, pronunciation: sermənt part of speech: noun mainsheet in spanish: hoja principal, pronunciation: meɪnʃit part of speech: noun winding-clothes in spanish: ropa sinuosa, pronunciation: wɪndɪŋkloʊðz part of speech: noun winding-sheet in spanish: mortaja, pronunciation: waɪndɪŋʃi part of speech: noun weather sheet in spanish: hoja de clima, pronunciation: weðɜrʃit part of speech: noun
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