Morriña in english


pronunciation: hoʊmsɪknəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

morriña = homesickness. 

Example: Homesickness occurs to some degree in nearly everyone leaving familiar surroundings and entering a new environment.


» con morriñahomesicklongingly .

Example: You were probably the most homesick person in your dorm, with the possible exception of the hawaiians.

Example: New structures do not simply appear, they emerge by keeping our eyes fixed upon the future rather than looking longingly over our shoulders at the past.

» sentir morriñafeel + homesickbe homesick .

Example: Most people will have felt homesick at some time in their lives and it is easy to forget just how overwhelming it can be.

Example: But all through my growing years, I've been around a mother who was homesick for Pakistan and a grandmother who was homesick for Mumbai.

» tener morriñabe homesickfeel + homesick .

Example: But all through my growing years, I've been around a mother who was homesick for Pakistan and a grandmother who was homesick for Mumbai.

Example: Most people will have felt homesick at some time in their lives and it is easy to forget just how overwhelming it can be.
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