Moroso in english


pronunciation: dɪfɔltɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

moroso1 = slow-to-pay. 

Example: An ultra-violent Bronx cocaine gang killed at least 15 people, lobbed grenades at slow-to-pay customers and bombed a suspected informant's car.


» cobrador de morososdebt collector .

Example: The important moral crux at the heart of the novel 'The debt collector' is that the odds are stacked against the rehabilitation of violent criminals.

» inclusión en la lista de morososblacklisting .

Example: Entry of the number '11' reverses the present blacklisting status.

» lector morosoblacklisted borrower .

Example: For example, a list of all blacklisted borrowers with information about their overdue documents and fines could be useful.

» ser morosobe in defaultbe slow to pay .

Example: In the event that you do not pay the amount due within this period, you shall be considered to be in default, without any further notice of default being required = En el caso de que no pague la cantidad debida dentro de ese período, se le considerará como moroso sin que sea necesario ninguna otra notificación al respecto.

Example: When your customers are slow to pay, it forces you to eat into your cash reserves to pay for raw goods and salaries.

moroso2 = sluggish. 

Example: Standing in the early morning on the balcony of her apartment, she was smote as she always was by the grandeur of the sky turning to scarlet as the rim of darkness in the east released the sun for its sluggish trek through the heavens.

Moroso synonyms

deadbeat in spanish: perezoso, pronunciation: dedbit part of speech: noun
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