Morir in english


pronunciation: daɪ part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

morir = die ; pass on ; bite + the dust ; die away ; give up + the ghost ; kick + the bucket ; pass away ; pop + Posesivo + clogs ; meet + Posesivo + demise ; meet + Posesivo + death ; meet + Posesivo + fate ; meet + Posesivo + destiny ; go for + a Burton ; leave + feet first ; cash in + Posesivo + chips ; conk out. 

Example: I understand that Mr. Haykin was hoping to develop a code for subject practice, but he died and it was never done, so that today we lack a code.Example: Further, it is true in nature that organisms are born, grow and mature, decline and pass on.Example: The article 'Interchange bites the dust' comments on the decision by AT&T to abandon the Interchange online service technology.Example: The desire soon dies away and the book is forgotten if copies are not handy = The desire soon dies away and the book is forgotten if copies are not handy.Example: This article examines one such example, Cherrie Moraga's 'Giving Up the Ghost' where, for the first time, the issue of Chicana lesbian sexuality is addressed on the stage.Example: The author hypothesized that schizophrenia patients would show impaired idiom processing for literally plausible idioms (e.g., kick the bucket) but not for literally implausible idioms (e.g., be on cloud nine).Example: A great deal of traditional indigenous knowledge is being irretrievably lost in New Zealand as the Maori elders age and pass away.Example: A tenth of the population is planning on working until popping their clogs in an attempt to pay the bills.Example: Circled in red is the approximate location where the young woman is said to have met her demise in the parking lot, with the words 'crime scene'.Example: About three months ago a woman about thirty-two years old met her death in a suicide bomb attack near a bus stop.Example: It is dedicated to the lost soul of a poor girl who met her fate too soon in strange circumstances.Example: In April 1656 she would meet her destiny on the shores of Western Australia when it crashed onto the reef and broke in two immediately.Example: He lost several good mates, and explained that they would stoically simply remark 'he's gone for a Burton' when one was lost.Example: We come into this world head first and leave feet first -- everything in between is a matter of balance.Example: The day my mother won't eat a smoked salmon sandwich I'll know she's ready to cash in her chips.Example: One can conk out at any time of life so I have arranged to leave what I own to the poor.


» amar hasta morirlove + Nombre + to death .

Example: I love her to death and don't know what I would do without her -- we have the craziest times together!.

» antes morir quewould rather + Verbo + than .

Example: I would rather a great book or a great picture fell into the hands of the corporation than into the hands of an individual.

» a punto de moriron + Posesivo + deathbed .

Example: The seminar explored whether the journal as we know it is on its deathbed.

» bicho malo nunca muerea bad penny always turns upturn up like + a bad pennylook what the cat (has) dragged in! .

Example: However, like my professor likes to say, 'A bad penny always turns up'.

Example: To make matters worse, Rebecca seems to be after Mark, turning up like a bad penny at every social event that he and Bridget are attending.

Example: When I said hello he turned to his gaggle of friends and said 'look what the cat dragged in!' or something lame like that.

» casi + morirnearly + die [Utilizado para expresar sorpresa] .

Example: All he said was that she nearly died when she saw him wrapped up in bandages.

» casi morircome + close to deathcome + close to dying .

Example: For someone that comes close to death some say they have 'cheated death'.

Example: When we think about near death experiences we picture someone that has come close to dying, but does not actually die.

» deseo inconsciente de morirdeath-wish .

Example: The main character in the novel viewed his death as the solutions to his problems and was therefore motivated enough by the death-wish to kill with the hopes of retributive capital punishment.

» estar a punto de morircome + close to deathcome + close to dying .

Example: For someone that comes close to death some say they have 'cheated death'.

Example: When we think about near death experiences we picture someone that has come close to dying, but does not actually die.

» lista de cosas para hacer antes de morirbucket list [Relacionado con la expresión kick the bucket (estirar la pata)

Example: Most items on your bucket list probably don't have much to do with finance, other than that they'll need to be paid for.

» lista de cosas por hacer antes de morirbucket list [Relacionado con la expresión kick the bucket (estirar la pata)

Example: Most items on your bucket list probably don't have much to do with finance, other than that they'll need to be paid for.

» lista de cosas que a Uno le gustaría hacer antes de morirbucket list [Relacionado con la expresión kick the bucket (estirar la pata)

Example: Most items on your bucket list probably don't have much to do with finance, other than that they'll need to be paid for.

» luchar hasta morirbattle it out .

Example: 12 poets from UK and Ireland battled it out in a war of words to defend their region's cultural honour.

» luchar hasta morir porbattle it out for .

Example: People are unimpressed so far with the campaigns of the two Democrats battling it out for the nomination.

» mala hierba nunca muerea bad penny always turns upturn up like + a bad pennylook what the cat (has) dragged in! .

Example: However, like my professor likes to say, 'A bad penny always turns up'.

Example: To make matters worse, Rebecca seems to be after Mark, turning up like a bad penny at every social event that he and Bridget are attending.

Example: When I said hello he turned to his gaggle of friends and said 'look what the cat dragged in!' or something lame like that.

» morir ahogadodrown .

Example: In recent years, then, there has been much less scaremongering about the imagined horrors of drowning in a sea of paper.

» morir al instantedie + there and thendie on + the spot .

Example: About two weeks into the battle Fusilier Turrington was shot in the neck by a sniper and died there and then.

Example: Three persons died on the spot, while one was declared dead on arrival al the hospital.

» morir al pie del cañóndie in + harnessdie in + Posesivo + bootsdie with + Posesivo + boots ondie with + Posesivo + clogs on .

Example: One in ten expects to be so skint in old age, they plan on dying in harness.

Example: Nancy was beginning to tire of the workload and, as she kiddingly told her husband, George, worried that she'd 'die in her boots at Stoneymead'.

Example: She said she was grieving, but that she was proud that her son died with his boots on.

Example: He applied for an engagement at a variety theatre, saying, 'I know I am dying, and I want to die with my clogs on'.

» morir antes de tiempodie before + Posesivo + time .

Example: From suicide to auto accidents and airplane crashes, these music legends died before their time.

» morir aplastadocrush to + death .

Example: This article presents a hypothetical case in which a lawyer is crushed to death when a bookcase collapses on him = Este artículo presenta una caso hipotético en el que un abogado murió aplastado al caérsele encima una estantería.

» morir como un héroedie + heroically .

Example: I think he wanted to die heroically, but didn't quite manage it.

» morir con dignidaddie with + dignityhave + a dignified deathdie + a dignified death .

Example: I feel that's what we have to do; let this type of library service die with dignity, and not keep patching it up with money and people.

Example: The article demonstrates that many older people do not have dignified deaths in hospitals.

Example: To me, a head of state, however an evil dictator he was (and he WAS), should die a dignified death at the hand of state.

» morir con las botas puestasdie in + harnessdie in + Posesivo + bootsdie with + Posesivo + boots ondie with + Posesivo + clogs on .

Example: One in ten expects to be so skint in old age, they plan on dying in harness.

Example: Nancy was beginning to tire of the workload and, as she kiddingly told her husband, George, worried that she'd 'die in her boots at Stoneymead'.

Example: She said she was grieving, but that she was proud that her son died with his boots on.

Example: He applied for an engagement at a variety theatre, saying, 'I know I am dying, and I want to die with my clogs on'.

» morir de agotamientodie of + exhaustion .

Example: He was unmarried and died of exhaustion through overwork, leaving many debts.

» morir de amordie of + a broken heartdie of + love .

Example: She was extremely upset and heartbroken so we think she died of a broken heart.

Example: Rees sums it up by saying: 'As for her death, whatever explanation one may give of it will amount in the end to saying that she died of love'.

» morir de cáncerdie from + cancer .

Example: Monte Rissell, who killed five women, upon learning that one of his victims had a father dying from cancer, let her go free because his own father had died from cancer.

» morir de forma naturaldie + naturallydie + a natural deathdie of + natural causes .

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

Example: Jamaica police have confirmed that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and was not murdered.

» morir de hambrestarve to + deathdie of + hungerstarve of + hungerdie of + starvation .

Example: The book focuses on the story of the elephants that were starved to death in Ueno Zoo, Japan, during the War.

Example: He who is dying of hunger must be fed rather than taught.

Example: He will dwell in the church that is built by martyrs fighting for justice, by children starving of hunger, by mothers and fathers walking the streets of misery.

Example: Duc was dethroned three days after he was crowned, he was then jailed and died seven days later of starvation.

» morir de inaniciónstarve to + deathdie of + hungerstarve of + hungerdie of + starvation .

Example: The book focuses on the story of the elephants that were starved to death in Ueno Zoo, Japan, during the War.

Example: He who is dying of hunger must be fed rather than taught.

Example: He will dwell in the church that is built by martyrs fighting for justice, by children starving of hunger, by mothers and fathers walking the streets of misery.

Example: Duc was dethroned three days after he was crowned, he was then jailed and died seven days later of starvation.

» morir de manera naturaldie + naturallydie + a natural deathdie of + natural causes .

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

Example: Jamaica police have confirmed that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and was not murdered.

» morir de muerte naturaldie + a natural deathdie of + natural causesdie + naturally .

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

Example: Jamaica police have confirmed that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and was not murdered.

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

» morir de partodie + in childbirth .

Example: The number of women dying in childbirth worldwide has dropped dramatically.

» morir de penadie of + a broken heart .

Example: She was extremely upset and heartbroken so we think she died of a broken heart.

» morir de/por causas naturalesdie + naturallydie + a natural deathdie of + natural causes .

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

Example: Jamaica police have confirmed that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and was not murdered.

» morir desintegrándose en la tierradie back to + the ground [Generalmente referido a las plantas]die back [Generalmente referido a las plantas] .

Example: Perennial plants are often called herbaceous, meaning they have soft or succulent green stems that will die back to the ground in the winter.

Example: The valley turns a dramatic rusty orange colour over the autumn as the bracken starts to die back.

» morir después queoutlive  .

Example: 69% of women who marry will outlive their husbands, they are widowed at an average age of 56, and often experience a loss of half their income with the death of their spouse.

» morir de viejodie of + old age .

Example: The article is entitled 'The library movement: dying of old age at thirty: a personal view'.

» morir de/por causas naturalesdie + naturallydie + a natural deathdie of + natural causes .

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

Example: Jamaica police have confirmed that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and was not murdered.

» morir dignamentehave + a dignified deathdie with + dignitydie + a dignified death .

Example: The article demonstrates that many older people do not have dignified deaths in hospitals.

Example: I feel that's what we have to do; let this type of library service die with dignity, and not keep patching it up with money and people.

Example: To me, a head of state, however an evil dictator he was (and he WAS), should die a dignified death at the hand of state.

» morir en el destierrodie in + exile .

Example: Everyone is born a king, and most people die in exile, like most kings.

» morir en el exiliodie in + exile .

Example: Everyone is born a king, and most people die in exile, like most kings.

» morir en el intentodie in + the attemptdie + tryingdie in + the process .

Example: He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt.

Example: He didn't get rich but he died trying.

Example: We will continue fighting until we succeed or die in the process.

» morir en estado de graciadie in + a state of grace .

Example: If the person died in a state of grace, Christ will reward the individual in proportion to his good works.

» morir en graciadie in + a state of grace .

Example: If the person died in a state of grace, Christ will reward the individual in proportion to his good works.

» morir en la hogueradie at + the stake .

Example: He refused all attempts to convert him, and died at the stake on 2 June 1529 at Innsbruck.

» morir en la horcadeath by hanging .

Example: In Britain, death by hanging was the principal form of execution from Anglo-Saxon times until capital punishment was suspended in 1964.

» morir en la miseriadie in + poverty .

Example: A life long gambler, he ended up dying in poverty in 1762 at the age of 87.

» morir en la pobrezadie in + poverty .

Example: A life long gambler, he ended up dying in poverty in 1762 at the age of 87.

» morir gradualmentedie off .

Example: Bees in southern Germany have been dying off in their hundreds of thousands.

» morir heroicamentedie + heroically .

Example: I think he wanted to die heroically, but didn't quite manage it.

» morir instantáneamentedie + there and thendie on + the spot .

Example: About two weeks into the battle Fusilier Turrington was shot in the neck by a sniper and died there and then.

Example: Three persons died on the spot, while one was declared dead on arrival al the hospital.

» morir intentándolodie + tryingdie in + the attemptdie in + the process .

Example: He didn't get rich but he died trying.

Example: He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt.

Example: We will continue fighting until we succeed or die in the process.

» morir poco a pocodie off .

Example: Bees in southern Germany have been dying off in their hundreds of thousands.

» morir por agotamientodie of + exhaustion .

Example: He was unmarried and died of exhaustion through overwork, leaving many debts.

» morir por + Posesivo + paísdie for + Posesivo + country .

Example: Many people die for their country and many kill other people for their country or for their religious beliefs.

» morir quemado en la hogueraburn + Nombre + at the stake .

Example: In days gone by, they'd have burned her at the stake.

» morir sangradobleed to + death .

Example: A man bled to death when he was impaled on a large shard of glass after throwing his girlfriend through a shop window in a street row.

» morirse de aburrimientobore + Nombre + to tearsbore + Nombre + to deathbore + Nombre + stiff .

Example: However, before becoming the vivacious student we all loved, Camilla was stuck in a job that bored her to tears.

Example: Money matters bored her to death.

Example: She has just been fired by one of the city's top law firms because she had the honesty to admit the work bored her stiff.

» morirse de envidiasalivate at/overbe green with envy .

Example: A little over a year ago everyone was salivating over him and now, nothing.

Example: She was teased for being flat-chested as a teen and now she wants her bullies to be green with envy at how good she looks.

» morirse de fríofreeze to + deathfreeze + Posesivo + nuts off .

Example: The deportees died in part starving and freezing to death in concentration camps and in part working themselves to death under a barbaric police regimen.

Example: He excused himself because he was snivelling a bit as a result of sitting outside on Sunday for five hours in pouring driving rain, freezing his nuts off.

» morirse de ganas porbe raring to .

Example: He was an early riser and always raring to go at sunrise, either on vacation trips or to get to the asphalt plant on Chicago's north side.

» morirse de hambrestarvefamish .

Example: Spain's vultures are starving because of regulations that aim to stop the spread of mad-cow disease.

Example: Fie on ambition! fie on myself, that have a sword, and yet am ready to famish!.

» morirse de las ganassalivate at/over .

Example: A little over a year ago everyone was salivating over him and now, nothing.

» morirse de miedoscare + Nombre + to death .

Example: Things get a little harder when Dean himself gets infected by the heebie-jeebies and starts to scare himself to death -- literally.

» morirse de risalaugh + Posesivo + head offsplit + Posesivo + sides with laughterbe in stitches (with laughter)fall about + laughingdouble up in + stitches .

Example: Harry was a right laugh. I remember finding him in my bath one night, pissed as a lord, laughing his head off... and then weeping throughout till dawn.

Example: His dad pronounced the strange term to the best of his ability and the young man split his sides with laughter.

Example: Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.

Example: I told the lads about the conversation I'd had with the skipper and they all fell about laughing.

Example: Now science backs up that claim, even proving that you burn as many calories as 15 minutes on an exercise bike when you double up in stitches.

» morirse de sustoscare + Nombre + to death .

Example: Things get a little harder when Dean himself gets infected by the heebie-jeebies and starts to scare himself to death -- literally.

» morirse de vergüenzasquirm with + embarrassmentcringe with + embarrassment .

Example: This horrible caricature is supposed to be an Olympic symbol to be proud of, yet at this moment the British public can only be squirming with embarrassment.

Example: What are the books that you loved when you were younger, but now make you cringe with embarrassment?.

» morirse poritch forbe itching to .

Example: It seems like he's itching for a change but doesn't know exactly the direction or directions to pursue in order to accomplish the change.

Example: She was itching to give them a ringing good clip on the ear but she didn't because she thought their father was watching.

» morirse por + Infinitivobe dying to + Infinitivo .

Example: The article 'What our children are dying to know: AIDS information dissemination and the library' examines the paternalist approach (which censors information available and advocates abstinence) and the neutralist approach (which is based a respect for adolescent autonomy and reservation of moral judgement).

» morir trabajandodie in + harnessdie in + Posesivo + bootsdie with + Posesivo + boots ondie with + Posesivo + clogs on .

Example: One in ten expects to be so skint in old age, they plan on dying in harness.

Example: Nancy was beginning to tire of the workload and, as she kiddingly told her husband, George, worried that she'd 'die in her boots at Stoneymead'.

Example: She said she was grieving, but that she was proud that her son died with his boots on.

Example: He applied for an engagement at a variety theatre, saying, 'I know I am dying, and I want to die with my clogs on'.

» morir una muerte horriblesuffer + a horrible deathdie + a horrible death .

Example: Many who were wounded and still alive when this was going on a suffered a horrible death at the hands of the enemy.

Example: The article is entitled 'Making friends with the Web: traditional vendors must accept the Web, or die a horrible death'.

» ¡muérete de envidia!eat your heart out! .

Example: The article is entitled 'Eat your heart out, Jean Chapelain!'.

» nosotros lo hacíamos y no nos moríamosit never did + Pronombre + any harm .

Example: It never did me any harm, it just taught me to bear the consequences of my actions and the effects they had on others.

» quien a hierro mata, a hierro muerethose who live by the sword die by the sword .

Example: The death of the deposed Libyan leader on Thursday brings to life the old saying that those who live by the sword, die by the sword.

» sangrar hasta morirbleed to + death .

Example: A man bled to death when he was impaled on a large shard of glass after throwing his girlfriend through a shop window in a street row.

» ser para morirse de risabe a (real) hootbe a (real) screambe a (real) laughbe a (real) riot .

Example: Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out that chihuahuas actually were a type of rat?.

Example: Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.

Example: My group had a really great day -- it was a real laugh.

Example: These guys were a real riot and I enjoyed my brief encounter with them, even though I had to tolerate their noxious cigarette smoke.

Morir synonyms

go in spanish: ir, pronunciation: goʊ part of speech: verb break in spanish: descanso, pronunciation: breɪk part of speech: verb, noun exit in spanish: salida, pronunciation: egzɪt part of speech: noun fail in spanish: fallar, pronunciation: feɪl part of speech: verb pall in spanish: féretro, pronunciation: pɑl part of speech: noun dice in spanish: dado, pronunciation: daɪs part of speech: noun perish in spanish: perecer, pronunciation: perɪʃ part of speech: verb expire in spanish: expirar, pronunciation: ɪkspaɪr part of speech: verb break down in spanish: Descompostura, pronunciation: breɪkdaʊn part of speech: verb decease in spanish: fallecimiento, pronunciation: dɪsis part of speech: noun give out in spanish: repartir, pronunciation: gɪvaʊt part of speech: verb pass away in spanish: fallecer, pronunciation: pæsəweɪ part of speech: verb give way in spanish: Ceder el paso, pronunciation: gɪvweɪ part of speech: verb die out in spanish: morir, pronunciation: daɪaʊt part of speech: verb conk out in spanish: escoñarse, pronunciation: kɑŋkaʊt part of speech: verb become flat in spanish: volverse plano, pronunciation: bɪkʌmflæt part of speech: verb
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