Moretón in english


pronunciation: bruz part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

moretón = bruise. 

Example: Imagining themselves as the doctor at the hospital, students were no more likely to be suspicious of the bruises when the boy was believed to be from a stepfather family than from a biological family.


» moretonesbruising .

Example: This behaviour is deliberately adopted by the librarian to keep the client at a distance, to hide one's real self, and often to protect one's own personality from too much bruising = El bibliotecario adopta deliberadamente esta postura para mantenerse alejado del usuario, para ocultar su verdadero yo y a menudo para proteger su personalidad de muchas magulladuras.

Moretón synonyms

contusion in spanish: contusión, pronunciation: kəntuʒən part of speech: noun contuse in spanish: contundir, pronunciation: kɑntuz part of speech: verb
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