Mordida in english


pronunciation: baɪt part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

morder = bite. 

Example: The author examines why a deviant news story such as 'Man bites dog' is more memorable than 'Dog bites man'.


» estar mordiéndose las uñasbe on tenterhooks .

Example: Homeowners are on tenterhooks today waiting for banks to announce if they are raising interest rates again.

» intentar mordersnap at .

Example: After the alligator snapped at one of them, the teenagers beat it to death with their snow shovels.

» intentar morderse la colachase + Posesivo + tail .

Example: My pup chases her tail like it's going out of style.

» morder el polvobite + the dustgive up + the ghosteat + humble pieeat + croweat + dirtbe kaputkick + the bucketpop + Posesivo + clogsgo for + a Burtonleave + feet firstcash in + Posesivo + chipsconk out .

Example: The article 'Interchange bites the dust' comments on the decision by AT&T to abandon the Interchange online service technology.

Example: This article examines one such example, Cherrie Moraga's 'Giving Up the Ghost' where, for the first time, the issue of Chicana lesbian sexuality is addressed on the stage.

Example: I will have to eat humble pie and face humiliation though but I was good at the job and wish I could turn the clock back.

Example: You who carped that the 007 films had devolved into a catalog of fresh gadgets and stale puns, eat crow.

Example: He walloped Bud, tore his shirt, and made him eat dirt.

Example: I had a mechanic chap take a gander earlier on and he said it's possible the pedal itself is kaput, as in there's something fishy going on with the mechanics of it.

Example: The author hypothesized that schizophrenia patients would show impaired idiom processing for literally plausible idioms (e.g., kick the bucket) but not for literally implausible idioms (e.g., be on cloud nine).

Example: A tenth of the population is planning on working until popping their clogs in an attempt to pay the bills.

Example: He lost several good mates, and explained that they would stoically simply remark 'he's gone for a Burton' when one was lost.

Example: We come into this world head first and leave feet first -- everything in between is a matter of balance.

Example: The day my mother won't eat a smoked salmon sandwich I'll know she's ready to cash in her chips.

Example: One can conk out at any time of life so I have arranged to leave what I own to the poor.

» morder la mano del que + dar de comerbite + the hand that feeds + Pronombre .

Example: Moreover, it frees them from the fear that if they rattle the cages of city authorities they will be accused of biting the hand that feeds them.

» morderse el labiobite + Posesivo + lip .

Example: And so, over and over again, in public and right on cue, he wiped away a tear, bit his lip, and said how remorseful he felt.

» morderse la lenguastay + Posesivo + tongue [Controlarse a la hora de decir algo]hold + Posesivo + tonguebite + Posesivo + tonguebite + Posesivo + lippull + Posesivo + punches .

Example: But she stayed her tongue, and said instead: 'I don't have the materials I need to do the kind of work they want done'.

Example: The article is entitled 'Hold Your Tongue: Bilingualism and the Politics of 'English Only''.

Example: I've been trying to bite my tounge and let him do things his own way.

Example: And so, over and over again, in public and right on cue, he wiped away a tear, bit his lip, and said how remorseful he felt.

Example: She never pulled her punches; she called a spade a spade; and she kept a lot of her anarchism to the end.

» morderse las uñasbite + Posesivo + fingersbite + Posesivo + (finger)nails .

Example: I have been reading his post for a long time and I have been biting my fingers to keep from basting him.

Example: Darling was described as one of the most nervous first-class cricketers, often biting his fingernails before he went out to bat.

» no morderse la lenguacall + a spade a spadenot to hold any punchesleave + nothing unsaid .

Example: It's about time that people stopped tip-toeing around issues regarding people's identity and called a spade a spade.

Example: He doesn't hold any punches and likes to tell it like it is.

Example: He spent the final day of his life pouring out his heart, leaving nothing unsaid.

mordida = bite. 

Example: Likening this situation to eating an elephant, he advised: 'Start with a single bite' = Likening this situation to eating an elephant, he advised: 'Start with a single bite'.


» herida de mordidabite wound .

Example: The shark seized hold of his leg and left three deep bite wounds from his thigh to his calf.

Mordida synonyms

burn in spanish: quemar, pronunciation: bɜrn part of speech: verb, noun bit in spanish: poco, pronunciation: bɪt part of speech: noun sting in spanish: picadura, pronunciation: stɪŋ part of speech: noun, verb snack in spanish: bocadillo, pronunciation: snæk part of speech: noun nosh in spanish: comida, pronunciation: nɑʃ part of speech: noun morsel in spanish: bocado, pronunciation: mɔrsəl part of speech: noun chomp in spanish: chomp, pronunciation: tʃɑmp part of speech: noun, verb collation in spanish: colación, pronunciation: kəleɪʃən part of speech: noun pungency in spanish: acritud, pronunciation: pʌŋgənsi part of speech: noun sharpness in spanish: nitidez, pronunciation: ʃɑrpnəs part of speech: noun insect bite in spanish: picadura de insecto, pronunciation: ɪnsektbaɪt part of speech: noun seize with teeth in spanish: agarrar con dientes, pronunciation: sizwɪðtiθ part of speech: verb
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