Mordedura in english


pronunciation: baɪt part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures



» mordedura de serpientesnakebite .

Example: Medical concerns examined in section six include first aid kits, drugs, blisters, diarrhea, stings, bites, anaphylaxis, snakebite, and hypothermia.

Mordedura synonyms

burn in spanish: quemar, pronunciation: bɜrn part of speech: verb, noun bit in spanish: poco, pronunciation: bɪt part of speech: noun sting in spanish: picadura, pronunciation: stɪŋ part of speech: noun, verb snack in spanish: bocadillo, pronunciation: snæk part of speech: noun nosh in spanish: comida, pronunciation: nɑʃ part of speech: noun morsel in spanish: bocado, pronunciation: mɔrsəl part of speech: noun chomp in spanish: chomp, pronunciation: tʃɑmp part of speech: noun, verb collation in spanish: colación, pronunciation: kəleɪʃən part of speech: noun pungency in spanish: acritud, pronunciation: pʌŋgənsi part of speech: noun sharpness in spanish: nitidez, pronunciation: ʃɑrpnəs part of speech: noun insect bite in spanish: picadura de insecto, pronunciation: ɪnsektbaɪt part of speech: noun seize with teeth in spanish: agarrar con dientes, pronunciation: sizwɪðtiθ part of speech: verb
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