Morboso in english


pronunciation: mɔrbəd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

morboso = unhealthy ; gory ; lurid ; morbid ; juicy ; ghoulish. 

Example: I would venture to guess that he would have characterized these suggestions as the eructation of unhealthy souls'.Example: Nowadays, the gory process of 'blood doping' in athlectics has been replaced by genetic engineering.Example: At the end of the day, there may be only a thin line that separates news from advertisements, as one travels from the lurid to the ridiculous.Example: His in danger of becoming hipped, a prey to his own doubts and fears, and unable to accomplish anything in life beyond catering to his own morbid fancies.Example: The book 'If Looks Could Kill' is a juicy, tell-all, insider's look at the true world of fashion.Example: Run for your lives! It seems that some normally angelic children from the neighbouhood have been replaced by some ghostly and ghoulish characters and are coming to get YOU!.


» chisme morbosojuicy tidbit .

Example: If you're hoping for juicy tidbits or inside info on that game, you will not find them here.

» cotilleo morbosojuicy tidbit .

Example: If you're hoping for juicy tidbits or inside info on that game, you will not find them here.

» curiosidad morbosamorbid curiosity .

Example: Morbid curiosity may seem like a guilty pleasure, but that's how we learn what happens when we don't play by the rules.

Morboso synonyms

offensive in spanish: ofensiva, pronunciation: əfensɪv part of speech: adjective, noun pathological in spanish: patológico, pronunciation: pæθəlɑdʒɪkəl part of speech: adjective ghoulish in spanish: macabro, pronunciation: gulɪʃ part of speech: adjective unhealthy in spanish: insalubre, pronunciation: ənhelθi part of speech: adjective diseased in spanish: enfermo, pronunciation: dɪzizd part of speech: adjective pathologic in spanish: patológico, pronunciation: pəθəlɑdʒɪk part of speech: adjective unwholesome in spanish: insalubre, pronunciation: ənwɑlsəm part of speech: adjective
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