Morbosidad in english


pronunciation: mɔrbɪdəti part of speech: noun
In gestures

morbosidad = morbid curiosity. 

Example: Morbid curiosity may seem like a guilty pleasure, but that's how we learn what happens when we don't play by the rules.


» morbosidad infantilinfant morbidity .

Example: Mother-to-child transmission of HIV continues to be a major cause of infant morbidity.

Morbosidad synonyms

mortality in spanish: mortalidad, pronunciation: mɔrtæləti part of speech: noun morbidness in spanish: morbosidad, pronunciation: mɔrbɪdnəs part of speech: noun mortality rate in spanish: tasa de mortalidad, pronunciation: mɔrtælətɪreɪt part of speech: noun deathrate in spanish: índice de mortalidad, pronunciation: deθreɪt part of speech: noun unwholesomeness in spanish: insano, pronunciation: ənwɑləsəmnəs part of speech: noun
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