Moralidad in english


pronunciation: mɜræləti part of speech: noun
In gestures

moralidad = morality ; righteousness ; morals. 

Example: A number of course leaders in the IT field regarded their lack of treatment of what might be termed morality of information provision as a drawback in their programmes.Example: Some of themes depict the diverse possibilities available to those who 'tread the path of righteousness and enter the gates of salvation'.Example: She wrote for the daily press on the manners and morals of society, on the plight of London's working women and children, and on the international traffic in women.


» doble moralidaddoublespeak .

Example: Careful reasoning can inoculate us against religious fanaticism and political doublespeak.

» falta de moralidadamoralityimmoral conduct .

Example: Despite the unsavory characters, bawdiness, and amorality in several of his plays, Middleton was more committed to a single theological system than, for example, Shakespeare.

Example: A chapter on adequate cause for dismissal addresses incompetency, neglect of duty, insubordination, and immoral or unethical conduct.

» sentido de moralidadsense of morality .

Example: This article points to a warped sense of morality in which there is no such concept as 'theft' in some people's lexicon.

Moralidad synonyms

ethics in spanish: ética, pronunciation: eθɪks part of speech: noun morals in spanish: moralidad, pronunciation: mɔrəlz part of speech: noun ethical motive in spanish: motivo ético, pronunciation: eθəkəlmoʊtɪv part of speech: noun
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