Morales in english


pronunciation: mɜrælz part of speech: noun
In gestures

moral = moral ; moral knowledge ; morale ; morality ; sense of morality ; ethics. 

Example: Clear examples of such support were the abandoned forms SOCIAL AND MORAL CONDITIONS under Negroes and HISTORY AND CONDITION under women.Example: P H Hirst defines eight such primary divisions of knowledge: mathematics, physical science, human science, history, moral knowledge, art, religion, philosophy.Example: When they changed jobs, morale in public services fell immediately.Example: A number of course leaders in the IT field regarded their lack of treatment of what might be termed morality of information provision as a drawback in their programmes.Example: This article points to a warped sense of morality in which there is no such concept as 'theft' in some people's lexicon.Example: For example, class R Philosophy is first divided into such canonical divisions as Logic, Epistemology, Metaphysics, ethics and Aesthetics.


» adoptar la postura moral correctatake + the high ground .

Example: We have something to gain by taking the high ground but you have to be conscious that appearing respectable and proper can come across as elitist.

» apoyo moralmoral support .

Example: I happen to believe laughter is the best moral support a person can receive.

» asesor moralguidance counsellorethicist  .

Example: Medical people, guidance counselors, career advisors, and the like now seem to have carte-blanche to take children from classes as and when they please.

Example: They understand their role in a merely conciliatory fashion as that of a 'comforter, mediator, educator, ethicist, and counselor'.

» autoridad moral, lamoral high ground, the .

Example: US politicians are vying for the moral high ground, but it's a struggle not to laugh out loud.

» bajar la morallower + morale .

Example: A decreasing materials budget affects an acquisitions department not only by limiting purchases and making selection more difficult, but also by lowering the morale of the acquisitions staff.

» carácter moralmoral character .

Example: This section concerns issues of disciplinary proceedings, determination of good moral character in the professions, and unprofessional conduct.

» código moralmoral code .

Example: It shows us that the underbelly of human nature and its curiosity for things that are taboo is stronger than any moral or ethical code.

» comportamiento moralmoral behaviour .

Example: The author stresses the need for moral behaviour in the irreversible and irresistible globalization brought about by the information society.

» conducta moralmoral conduct .

Example: Two factor analyses were conducted on data obtained from measurements of the reasoning, moral judgment, and moral conduct of 75 retarded subjects.

» con la moral por las nubesin (very) high spirits .

Example: There are several reasons for the Japanese people to enter 2012 in high spirits.

» con la moral por los suelosdejecteddepresseddowncastin low spirits .

Example: Barefoot, unkempt, malnourished and dejected, they fend not only for themselves, but for their families as well by scavenging in garbage dumps.

Example: As I said in the study I did on the subject analysis of nonbook materials, the problem that librarians and media specialists felt most depressed about was the cataloging of music recordings.

Example: The poor little Grub was more confused than ever and he looked so downcast that the Frog took pity on him.

Example: If you have felt in low spirits or sad during the last two weeks put a tick in the third box from the left in the first row.

» corrupción moralmoral corruption .

Example: Machiavelli argued that the social benefits of stability and security can be achieved even in the face of moral corruption.

» deber moralmoral duty .

Example: While many scholars concede that military interventions are sometimes permissible, they balk when it comes to deciding whether they are ever a moral duty.

» decadencia moralmoral decay .

Example: The changing level of tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality might be one person's definition of moral decay and be interpreted by another person as an important moral step forward.

» decrepitud moralmoral decrepitude .

Example: Addiction still carries the stigma of moral decrepitude to some extent -- people don't want to be seen as addicts.

» degeneración moralmoral decay .

Example: The changing level of tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality might be one person's definition of moral decay and be interpreted by another person as an important moral step forward.

» depravación moralmoral depravity .

Example: There was a time when even in cities it was regarded as a evidence of complete moral depravity for a man to go out for a drive on Sunday.

» dilema moralmoral dilemma .

Example: Ethical dilemmas, also known as a moral dilemmas, are situations in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion.

» doble moraldouble standard .

Example: Parental protectiveness of children is surely a good thing if sensibly applied, but this nonsensical double standard doesn't help anyone.

» dominio moralmoral dominance .

Example: Thus the confrontation between its characters is not only a class
struggle but also a battle of the sexes, for power and moral dominance.

» hundirse la moralmorale + plummet .

Example: She said that morale would plummet among the rest of the staff if I permitted him to get away with taking off the way he did yesterday.

» iniquidad moralmoral turpitude .

Example: Thus, the Court must consider evidence of Burris's moral character in the form of a conviction for a crime of moral turpitude.

» integridad moralmoral character .

Example: This section concerns issues of disciplinary proceedings, determination of good moral character in the professions, and unprofessional conduct.

» inyección de moralshot in the arm .

Example: The article 'In-service training as basic diet and shot in the arm' describes how the Library School has shifted the emphasis from basic to in-service training.

» juicio moralmoral judgement .

Example: Two factor analyses were conducted on data obtained from measurements of the reasoning, moral judgment, and moral conduct of 75 retarded subjects.

» levantar la morallift + Posesivo + spirits up .

Example: It was obvious that Balzac's enthusiasm for the grant lifted his spirits up from their normal sagging state.

» mantener la moral altakeep + Posesivo + chin upkeep + Posesivo + pecker up .

Example: She's kept her chin up as she nurses a new life into toddlerhood, and is now doing a lot better.

Example: Honestly, I was so moved I nearly sent her a tenner, just to keep her pecker up.

» mayoría moral, lamoral majority, the [Grupo de ciudadanos con ideas religiosas conservadoras] .

Example: The Moral Majority, a coalition of religious groups, is a collective name for a group of Americans who regularly plot the defeat of incumbent politicians who do not support their views.

» moral + estar por los suelosmorale + be at rock bottom .

Example: By then, the political state of affairs in Taiwan was a shambles and morale was at rock bottom.

» moral + haber tocado fondomorale + be at rock bottom .

Example: By then, the political state of affairs in Taiwan was a shambles and morale was at rock bottom.

» moral públicapublic morality .

Example: It has been a nudist beach since the 1960s, but this year it has been labelled by local authorities as harmful to 'public morality'.

» obligación moralmoral obligation .

Example: Public librarians have a legal and moral obligation to provide a library service for all young adults, and particularly for the young unemployed.

» palabras para levantar la moralpep talk .

Example: A pep talk might take the tack of saying if only we pull together, our problems will vanish and the world will be a marvelous place in short order.

» por razones moraleson moral grounds .

Example: Some pharmacists, however, disagree and refuse on moral grounds to fill prescriptions for contraceptives.

» precepto moralmoral dictate .

Example: Should society's moral dictates be enforced with criminal sanctions?.

» principio moralmoral principle .

Example: First, they attempt to illustrate how moral principles or maxims might be most fruitfully applied or interpreted in concrete circumstances.

» responsabilidad moralmoral responsibilitymoral stewardship .

Example: Her central themes are still love and sex, but she digs deeper beneath the surface to examine the gray areas of moral responsibility and gender relations.

Example: Librarians seemed to feel that they enjoyed a mandate from God to enlighten the immigrant and went about their various tasks in a spirit of authoritarianism that reminds one of the 'moral stewardship' of an earlier generation of librarians.

» sentimiento moralmoral sentiment .

Example: There are other principles besides those already enumerated, which have a considerable influence upon the moral sentiments of mankind.

» subir la moralboost + Posesivo + moralelift + Posesivo + moraleincrease + Posesivo + moraleimprove + moraleboost + Posesivo + confidencebolster + Posesivo + confidence .

Example: It is important for the supervisor to let the technicians know that their work is appreciated and strive to boost their morale.

Example: This article discusses what steps may be necessary change the ethos of the library, including training programmes to lift staff morale.

Example: Once a willing ear is given to the suggestions and complaints, then morale will increase, as will production.

Example: Some objectives are tangible or measurable, while others are not -- for instance, one objective may be to improve morale, but how can one measure morale?.

Example: Saudi authorities have pumped money into the banking system to boost confidence but with strings attached.

Example: It is easy to be disheartened by the negative flow of news, but the strength of our labor market should bolster the confidence of our outlook.

» tener la moral por las nubesbe on cloud nine .

Example: The author hypothesized that schizophrenia patients would show impaired idiom processing for literally plausible idioms (e.g., kick the bucket) but not for literally implausible idioms (e.g., be on cloud nine).

» tener la moral por los suelosmorale + be at rock bottom .

Example: By then, the political state of affairs in Taiwan was a shambles and morale was at rock bottom.

» tener mucha moralhave + a lot of drive .

Example: Often, when people start their new weight loss program, they have a lot of drive to stick with it.

» valor moralmoral value .

Example: Even librarians who believe in intellectual freedom are sometimes troubled by books which challenge their individual moral values.

» victoria moralmoral victory .

Example: Another goal of terrorism is to demonstrate to terrorists their own worthiness and thus to claim a sort of moral victory over their enemies.

» virtud moralmoral virtue .

Example: The author explores some of the relationships of these two moral virtues to the traditional theological virtues of faith, hope, and love, and to heroism and saintliness.

morar = dwell. 

Example: He will dwell in the church that is built by martyrs fighting for justice, by children starving of hunger, by mothers and fathers walking the streets of misery.
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