Mora in english


pronunciation: blækberi part of speech: noun
In gestures

mora1 = berry ; mulberry. 

Example: The most popular recreation forms in nature are swimming in summer, the picking of berries, and mushrooms, cross-country skiing, and fishing and hunting.Example: Documents were attached top and bottom only to the mounting boards with mulberry paper hinges.


» la mancha de mora con otra verde se quitaa hair of the dog that bit you .

Example: In its current usage, the phrase hair of the dog that bit you (or its shortened form, hair of the dog) is an allusion to the practice of drinking some of whatever it was that put you in that state in the first place, as an antidote to its ill effects.

mora2 = mora. 

Example: It has been reported that the accent nucleus of a Japanese word tends to be located on the antepenultimate mora.

morar = dwell. 

Example: He will dwell in the church that is built by martyrs fighting for justice, by children starving of hunger, by mothers and fathers walking the streets of misery.

moro = Moor. 

Example: This short documentary describes the glorious rule of Muslim Moors in what is now Spain.


» costar el oro y el morocost + the earthcost + an arm and a legcost + a pretty pennycost + a fortunepay + a pretty penny .

Example: The article is entitled 'Athena: a Windows-based library system that does not cost the earth'.

Example: Mishaps can cost an arm and a leg without insurance cover.

Example: In particular, site mirroring can cost a pretty penny because it essentially duplicates a company's network architecture and needs.

Example: Cheese on the other hand costs a fortune even if you make it yourself, unless you own a goat or a cow.

Example: No matter where you're driving over the limit, you could pay a pretty penny in fines, but it really depends on the city.

» dar el oro y el morogive + Posesivo + right arm .

Example: I can't help but feel gutted that people who would give their right arm to be there probably won't get tickets.

» gastarse el oro y el morospend + a pretty pennyspend + a fortunespend + a bundle (of money)spend + a packet (of money) .

Example: I love to look nice and I spend a pretty penny doing so.

Example: Rebecca wants to give her home an exterior makeover, but doesn't want to spend a fortune.

Example: You don't have to spend a bundle unless you buy new and want the very very best and latest.

Example: Webcams mean that everyone can operate their own video security systems without spending a packet.

» no haber moros en la costathe coast + be clear .

Example: The coast was clear, so I ran for the closest tree to hide behind.

» pagar el oro y el moropay + a pretty penny .

Example: No matter where you're driving over the limit, you could pay a pretty penny in fines, but it really depends on the city.

» prometer el oro y el moropromise + the earthpromise + the moon (and the stars) .

Example: Other political parties promise the earth, but don't actually provide policies that will deliver the goods.

Example: Politicians will promise the moon to get your vote, then, give you nothing when they get elected.

» querer el oro y el morohave + Posesivo + cake and eat it .

Example: The article is entitled 'Web lists or OPACs: can we have our cake and eat it, too?'.

» valer el oro y el morocost + the earthcost + an arm and a legcost + a pretty penny .

Example: The article is entitled 'Athena: a Windows-based library system that does not cost the earth'.

Example: Mishaps can cost an arm and a leg without insurance cover.

Example: In particular, site mirroring can cost a pretty penny because it essentially duplicates a company's network architecture and needs.

Mora synonyms

blackberry bush in spanish: zarzamora, pronunciation: blækberibʊʃ part of speech: noun
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