Monólogo in english


pronunciation: mɑnəlɔg part of speech: noun
In gestures

monólogo = monologue [monolog, -USA]. 

Example: This article presents the issue of library use by homeless people in the form of two alternating fictional monologues, one in the mind of a homeless man, the other in the mind of a library official.


» monólogo humorísticostand-up comedy .

Example: The show is a combination of spoofs, gags and stand-up comedy and is rib-tickling.

» monólogo interiorstream of consciousness .

Example: This is an instance of the effort to integrate the history of the Holocaust into the general stream of historical consciousness.

Monólogo synonyms

soliloquy in spanish: soliloquio, pronunciation: səlɪləkwi part of speech: noun
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