Monástico in english


pronunciation: mənæstɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

monástico = monastic ; monkish. 

Example: The library was originally housed in a former monastic cloister and, until 1829, entry to the library was via a staircase in the University church.Example: Nonetheless, the monkish chroniclers of the time report that the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid sent Emperor Charlemagne a brass clock and an elephant.


» biblioteca monásticamonastic library [Biblioteca perteneciente a una institución monástica o monasterio] .

Example: Early American printers were often also book dealers and had access to monastic libraries whose holdings included books from various parts of the world.

» orden monásticamonastic order .

Example: Mystic experience is especially associated with members of the cloistered monastic orders and with anchorites or anchoresses.

» votos monásticosmonastic vows .

Example: Consider the more familiar tradition of making marriage vows, which in principle, are similar to monastic vows.

Monástico synonyms

monk in spanish: monje, pronunciation: mʌŋk part of speech: noun cloistered in spanish: conventual, pronunciation: klɔɪstɜrd part of speech: adjective unworldly in spanish: espiritual, pronunciation: ənwɜrldli part of speech: adjective conventual in spanish: monje, pronunciation: kənventʃuəl part of speech: adjective cloistral in spanish: de monasterio, pronunciation: klɔɪstrəl part of speech: adjective monastical in spanish: monástico, pronunciation: mənæstɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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