Montar in english


pronunciation: maʊnt part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

montarse = hop on ; mount up. 

Example: The article 'Hop on the Internet, it's time' provides a general discussion of the advantages to be gained by using the Internet.Example: As Brienne mounted up again, she glimpsed a skinny boy atop a piebald horse at the far end of the village.

montar1 = ride. 

Example: I suppose my biggest piece of advice for riding at night would be to practice a little before you actually go off-road.


» ayudar a montargive + Nombre + a leg up .

Example: Gwen picked up the hem of her skirts, clearly expecting him to give her a leg up onto the horse.

» caballo de montarriding horse .

Example: It's a picture of a man smoking pipe while holding a riding horse and a pack horse by the reins.

» montar a bordo con dificultadclamber + aboard .

Example: Clambering aboard a superyacht from a speedboat is a mammoth task in itself, let alone climbing up steep steps in a teeny tiny white bikini.

» montar a caballohorseback ridinghorse ridingride + a horse .

Example: Outdoor enthusiasts may enjoy horseback riding, hiking, biking, birding and swimming, plus golf nearby.

Example: Horse riding holidays in Ireland are a great way to see the famous Irish countryside at close quarters.

Example: Animals can be magical in children's play -- whether it be milking a cow, riding a horse or simply keeping caterpillars in a cage until they emerge as butterflies = Los animales pueden ser fantásticos en los juegos infantiles -- ya sea ordeñando una vaca, montando a caballo o simplemente guardando gusanos en una caja hasta que se conviertan en mariposas.

» montar a cuestasride + piggyback .

Example: There is a strong bind between mother and offspring: newborns soon learn to cling to the mother's belly and, when older, to ride piggyback.

» montar a la amazonaride + side-saddle .

Example: The fact that ladies bikes have no crossbar dates back to Victorian times when the ladies of the day would wear long skirts and ride side-saddle.

» montar a la inglesaride + side-saddle .

Example: The fact that ladies bikes have no crossbar dates back to Victorian times when the ladies of the day would wear long skirts and ride side-saddle.

» montar a peloride + bareback .

Example: Riding bareback can be both a thrill and a challenge but more importantly it is an excellent way to build a bond with your horse .

» montar en bicibikeride + a bike .

Example: The main reason he wimped out was that he had a cheap bike that didn't gear properly, and made it extremely hard to bike efficiently.

Example: A 22-year-old man was knocked unconscious in an attack while riding his bike late at night.

» montar en bicicletabikingcycleride + a bikeride + a bicycle .

Example: Outdoor enthusiasts may enjoy horseback riding, hiking, biking, birding and swimming, plus golf nearby.

Example: Her experiences in Namibia involved cycling along dirt roads through the bush to village schools in order to read stories and help children make their own books = Sus experiencias en Namibia supusieron ir en bicicleta por caminos de tierra por el campo a las escuelas de las aldeas para leer cuentos y ayudar a los niños a hacer sus propios libros.

Example: A 22-year-old man was knocked unconscious in an attack while riding his bike late at night.

Example: Police are chasing leads of a murder suspect riding a little girl's bicycle from the scene of the crime.

» montar en bicicleta de montañamountain biking .

Example: Due to the diverse countryside, pursuits such as fishing, climbing, mountain biking and hiking are becoming increasingly popular.

» montar en globohot-air ballooning .

Example: Hot-air ballooning is the oldest and most romantic form of aviation in the world.

» montar en monopatínskateboarding .

Example: When skateboarding came to its brief zenith of popularity that there were three or four magazines quickly on the market to cater for this very specialised interest.

» montar en motobike .

Example: The main reason he wimped out was that he had a cheap bike that didn't gear properly, and made it extremely hard to bike efficiently.

» montar en quadquad biking .

Example: A young woman plunged to her death in a horror quad biking accident while on her dream holiday in Turkey.

» montar en trenride + a train .

Example: Riding a train to Osaka for the party dressed as a mummy was great fun.

» montarsehop onmount up [Generalmente en un caballo, mula o burro] .

Example: The article 'Hop on the Internet, it's time' provides a general discussion of the advantages to be gained by using the Internet.

Example: As Brienne mounted up again, she glimpsed a skinny boy atop a piebald horse at the far end of the village.

» montarse a bordojump on + boardclimb + aboard .

Example: This guy was out on his boat and a friendly seal decided to jump on board and make a friend.

Example: Seven desperate migrants have been fished out of the English Channel after trying to climb aboard a moving ferry bound for Britain.

» montarse con dificultadclamber .

Example: Earlier, police were spotted clambering over rooftops looking for a man who had allegedly abandoned a stolen car and was breaking off TV antennas.

» montarse enboardtake + a ride (on)take + a spin (on)step onto .

Example: At least six Muslim pilgrims were killed by a car bomb as they boarded a minibus yesterday.

Example: Of course, that's in addition to taking a spin on the carousel, taking a ride on the puffer train and getting to know the zoo's residents a little better.

Example: Of course, that's in addition to taking a spin on the carousel, taking a ride on the puffer train and getting to know the zoo's residents a little better.

Example: Each one in turn stepped onto the moving stairway, and as they were carried upward, they drew their swords.

» montarse en el autobúsget on + the busboard + a bus .

Example: When the group got on the bus for their field trip that morning, they had no idea they would be heading for a military prison.

Example: If you wish to board a bus, you should indicate clearly to the driver of an approaching bus.

» montarse en el aviónget on + the aeroplaneget on + the airplaneboard + an airplaneboard + a planeboard + an aeroplane .

Example: If you have paralysis, the practicalities of air travel, especially getting on and off the aeroplane, might be difficult.

Example: All I would have to do was to get on and off the airplane undetected.

Example: Flying these days means providing proper identification at several points before boarding an airplane.

Example: I haven't flown since I was a child so I am completely clueless as to what the steps are to boarding a plane.

Example: In the event that you are prevented from boarding an aeroplane, the airline company must pay you financial compensation.

» montarse en el trenboard + a trainget on + the train .

Example: You will save money by purchasing your tickets prior to boarding the train.

Example: When I got on the train, there wasn't an information tannoy, therefore I had no choice but ask the train crew questions even though they failed to understand my meaning.

» montarse en trineosledge [Inglés británico]sled [Inglés americano]sleigh .

Example: When was the last time you went sledging?.

Example: As the Buddhists sledded down the mountain they laughed and the sound created an avalanche that chased after them.

Example: Everyone had a good time sleighing in those days.

» montarse en una escaleraclimb + a ladder .

Example: Don't climb a ladder if the soles of your shoes or boots are wet, muddy or slippery.

» montarse en un barcoboard + a ship .

Example: The men boarded the ship as they cried 'Ahoy there!' but there was no answer.

» montarse en un cocheboard + a carget in + a carhop in(to) + a car .

Example: Given his nickname, it would probably come as no surprise that his was unable to take a seat, drive, or even board a car due to his rotundity.

Example: Getting in and out of the car is one of the most difficult and potentially painful activities for someone who has had a hip replacement.

Example: Let's just hop in a car and travel to wherever our hearts take us.

» montarse en un taxijump in(to) + a taxi/cab/taxi cab [Las tres posibilidades son jump in(to) a taxi o jump in(to) a cab o jump in(to) a taxi cab]hop in(to) + a taxi/cab/taxi cab [Las tres posibilidades son hop in(to) a taxi o hop in(to) a cab o hop in(to) a taxi cab] .

Example: I jumped in a taxi and sat anxiously as we made our way to the embassy.

Example: You might find it cheaper and more adventurous to hop in a taxi and head to places you really want to see rather than the places the cruise lines want to take you.

» montarse en + Vehículoride + Vehículo .

Example: But he was wiry and wily, too, and he would often hide in some nook of the station to save the fare, or riding, if necessary, till things cooled off and the world above became habitable again.

» montar sin sillaride + bareback .

Example: Riding bareback can be both a thrill and a challenge but more importantly it is an excellent way to build a bond with your horse .

» montar un ciriokick up + a fusskick up + a stinkraise + a stinkmake + a stink (about)make + a racketmake + a rowmake + a ruckusmake + a ruckuskick up + a rowhit + the roofkick up + a stormhit + the ceilinggo through + the roofgo through + the ceilingraise + the roofmake + a big deal aboutmake + a to-domake + a hullabalooraise + a hullabalooraise + a ruckuskick up + a shindy .

Example: If the cafe say it's butter and it's marge they could be in trouble if anyone cared to kick up a fuss.

Example: Encouraging an interest in maths among grown-ups is fine and dandy, but kicking up a stink about the lack of maths teachers is far more important.

Example: 'I'll call the young fellow and tell him there's been a mix-up -- I hope his parents don't raise a stink -- and I want you to know that it really sticks in my craw, it violates all my principles' = "Llamaré al joven y le diré que ha habido una confusión (espero que sus padres no me armen un escándalo) y quiero que sepas que es algo que me da patadas en el estómago, va en contra de todos mis principios".

Example: After all, making a stink is bad news for any public company, let alone a life-insurance company.

Example: In this illustrated book, children are encouraged to make a racket before slowly quietening down for a sound night's sleep.

Example: Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.

Example: At most summer camps, children shriek, laugh and generally make a ruckus.

Example: At most summer camps, children shriek, laugh and generally make a ruckus.

Example: The environmentalists have now kicked up a row over the cutting of trees along the Palace Road charging that the work was illegal.

Example: When she heard that, she hit the roof -- and she was still hitting the roof about it almost fifty years after it had happened.

Example: Grams is kicking up a storm at the care home she is currently residing in and is about to have her ass hauled onto the sidewalk if she doesn't quit at it any time soon.

Example: It is by no means certain that Congress will vote soon enough to increase the debt ceiling and some people, for good reason, are hitting the ceiling about that.

Example: Harry was out of the country when the contract was signed, and he went through the roof when he found out about it.

Example: I finally told him the night before I left, and he went through the ceiling, just as I expected him to.

Example: I understand he raised the roof when he read the report.

Example: He's the type of person who gets frustrated and makes a big deal about taking the wrong exit on the freeway or has a short fuse when something doesn't get done exactly the way he wants it.

Example: She must be mad to make a to-do about such trifling matters.

Example: These people are usually quiet and modest -- they don't make a hullabaloo or announce themselves to the world and demand trophies.

Example: He would steal from the hawkers just for the devil of it, raising a hullabaloo in the dense, crowded streets.

Example: Here's to a night of endless shenanigans, raising a ruckus, and any other tomfoolery we can get into.

Example: They kids were pushing chairs around, screaming ... and generally kicking up a shindy.

» montar un follónraise + a stinkmake + a stink (about)make + a racketmake + a rowmake + a ruckusraise + hellraise + Cainmake + a to-domake + a hullabalooraise + a hullabalooraise + a ruckuskick up + a shindymake + a din .

Example: 'I'll call the young fellow and tell him there's been a mix-up -- I hope his parents don't raise a stink -- and I want you to know that it really sticks in my craw, it violates all my principles' = "Llamaré al joven y le diré que ha habido una confusión (espero que sus padres no me armen un escándalo) y quiero que sepas que es algo que me da patadas en el estómago, va en contra de todos mis principios".

Example: After all, making a stink is bad news for any public company, let alone a life-insurance company.

Example: In this illustrated book, children are encouraged to make a racket before slowly quietening down for a sound night's sleep.

Example: Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.

Example: At most summer camps, children shriek, laugh and generally make a ruckus.

Example: American progressives have in recent decades gotten too shy, or too afraid, to raise hell about injustice and unfairness.

Example: Her husband and his father and stepmother owe you an apology for raising Cain at your wedding.

Example: She must be mad to make a to-do about such trifling matters.

Example: These people are usually quiet and modest -- they don't make a hullabaloo or announce themselves to the world and demand trophies.

Example: He would steal from the hawkers just for the devil of it, raising a hullabaloo in the dense, crowded streets.

Example: Here's to a night of endless shenanigans, raising a ruckus, and any other tomfoolery we can get into.

Example: They kids were pushing chairs around, screaming ... and generally kicking up a shindy.

Example: By midnight they were making such a din that the farmer's baby woke up.

» nata para montarheavy creamwhipping cream .

Example: Heavy cream is the richest type of liquid cream with a fat content of at least 36%.

Example: One cup of whipping cream yields two cups of whipped cream.

» pantalones de montarriding breechesjodhpurs .

Example: English riders will wear riding breeches with swede patches that fit very snugly.

Example: Jodhpurs were the most accessible pants available to women in the 1920s and 30s, due to the popularity of horse riding.

» poner la silla de montarsaddle .

Example: Watch as a seasoned horseback rider demonstrates how to tie up your horse before saddling it in the English style.

» silla de montarsaddlesaddle point [Lugar más bajo en la unión de dos vertientes que forman una especia de silla de montar] .

Example: The eight pieces are an embroidered saddle, two matching pistol-cases, an embroidered baldric, a buff coat, two felt hats, and a shoe.

Example: The regions are shaded according to which saddle point the dimer moved to.

» silla para montar elefantes o camelloshowdah .

Example: When borne on an elephant, Indian rulers sat on a howdah.

montar2 = mount ; stage ; put on ; assemble ; orchestrate ; set up ; put together. 

Example: There are now over 2000 data bases mounted on a number of computers spread at various locations throughout the world.Example: Book shops also participated by staging similar special features.Example: A book fair cannot be put on at a few days' notice.Example: This article describes step by step how to obtain the parts necessary to build a generic computer and how to assemble them into a working computer.Example: Change is needed and inevitable but it must be orchestrated by the national library.Example: The reference service is set up next to, on in the case of small units, in the reading room.Example: The way in which this scheme is put together in book form often causes some confusion at first.


» listo para montarflat pack .

Example: Tables are delivered flat pack and require simple assembly using an Allen key.

» montar bullakick up + a stinkkick up + a fussraise + a stinkmake + a stink (about)hit + the roofmake + a big deal about .

Example: Encouraging an interest in maths among grown-ups is fine and dandy, but kicking up a stink about the lack of maths teachers is far more important.

Example: If the cafe say it's butter and it's marge they could be in trouble if anyone cared to kick up a fuss.

Example: 'I'll call the young fellow and tell him there's been a mix-up -- I hope his parents don't raise a stink -- and I want you to know that it really sticks in my craw, it violates all my principles' = "Llamaré al joven y le diré que ha habido una confusión (espero que sus padres no me armen un escándalo) y quiero que sepas que es algo que me da patadas en el estómago, va en contra de todos mis principios".

Example: After all, making a stink is bad news for any public company, let alone a life-insurance company.

Example: When she heard that, she hit the roof -- and she was still hitting the roof about it almost fifty years after it had happened.

Example: He's the type of person who gets frustrated and makes a big deal about taking the wrong exit on the freeway or has a short fuse when something doesn't get done exactly the way he wants it.

» montar en cólerathrow + a tantrumthrow + a fitthrow + a hissy fitspit + featherslose + Posesivo + tempergo + ballisticfly into + a ragelose + Posesivo + raghave + a fithave + a meltdown .

Example: During the course of the observation, the researcher witnessed the teacher deal once with physical violence by helping a particularly dangerous student to 'take time out' instead of throwing a tantrum.

Example: The diva then threw a fit when told they couldn't serve her a milkshake.

Example: Perhaps I should have thrown a hissy fit, but I just couldn't be bothered.

Example: It makes me laugh to think of you poor losers spitting feathers about the government.

Example: His father gave him a bag of nails, and told him to drive a nail in the fence in the backyard whenever he lost his temper.

Example: Allegedly mellowed coach Mike Ditka went ballistic on his inept players as they were being crushed by the visiting team.

Example: He winkled the truth out of her, flew into a rage, and demanded she gives her friend an ultimatum.

Example: A Judge has slammed a police officer who 'lost his rag' and broke the jaw of the man he was arresting.

Example: We both thought they'd have a fit if they found out I'd been involved with a man who had a wife and children.

Example: When your toddler has a meltdown, it's perfectly natural to want to fly off the handle.

» montar mueblesassemble + furniture .

Example: Many of us might shy away if asked to assemble furniture ourselves.

» montar natawhip + cream .

Example: Always chill the bowl and whisk attachment before whipping the cream.

» montar + Posesivo + propio negocioset + Reflexivo + up in business .

Example: The women, having first taken a loan from the Grameen Bank to set themselves up in business, make a living by providing a mobile phone service to their neighbours.

» montarse en el dólarmake + big moneyearn + big money .

Example: Making big money depends quite a bit on what one considers to be big money.

Example: Unless you are extremely lucky and fall on the right thing at the right time you are going to have to work to earn big money.

» montárselo bienbe onto a good thingbe into a good thingbe in for a good thingcome in for + a good thingbe on to a (real) winnerbe on to something big .

Example: You know when you are onto a good thing when demand doubles and then doubles again.

Example: They are plainly and simply greedy people who are into a good thing.

Example: The value of shares were steadily rising and we began to hope that we might be in for a good thing at last.

Example: They are the kind who complain of their hard luck when some one else happens to come in for a good thing.

Example: And if the results of a recent survey are anything to go by, the firm could definitely be on to a winner.

Example: Having sold out in just three hours on their first day of business in 2011, the owners quickly realized they were on to something big.

» montarse un polloall hell + break loosebedlam + break looseopen (up) + a can of wormsall hell + let loose .

Example: The newspaper that he was writing for at the time started to publish excerpts from Rushdie's book and as a result all hell broke loose.

Example: It is suggested that if bedlam should break loose the teacher should try to understand the cause or causes and use remedies.

Example: It may seem as though we have opened a can of worms, but there is no need to despair.

Example: I was just quietly reading the papers at the weekend when all hell let loose and the sky was filled with angry jackdaws.

» montar una base de datosmount + a database .

Example: This article describes some of the current planning efforts to mount additional data bases as part of the MELVYL catalogue.

» montar una compañíabuild + a company .

Example: In most cases, building a company is a marathon journey, a lot of hard work, and much less glamorous than the movies would have you think.

» montar una escenamake + a scene .

Example: I am looking for a zesty girl who isn't afraid to break a few rules and make a scene, spontaneity is huge for me.

» montar una exposiciónmount + a displaymount + an exhibitionput on + a displayput on + an exhibition .

Example: I have used the following as structures on which to mount displays: a Jacob's ladder built into an interesting shape, covered with sacking and decorated appropriately.

Example: An exhibition presenting different aspects of life in and around Darlington during the period 1900-1950 was mounted and events such as sing songs for elderly people, demonstrations of domestic crafts, and historical talks took place.

Example: In every school, from kindergarten onwards, there are opportunities for children to help with the organisation and provision of books: in putting on displays, in ordering and preparing stocks, in promotion and publicity, and the like.

Example: Her class teacher began it all by putting on an exhibition of about thirty of the best picture books in the school's infant-class library books for the five-to-seven-year- olds = Todo empezó con la exposición que montó su profesora de los treinta mejores cuentos de los libros de la biblioteca de la clase de primaria para los niños de cinco a siete años.

» montar un ciriokick up + a fusskick up + a stinkraise + a stinkmake + a stink (about)make + a racketmake + a rowmake + a ruckusmake + a ruckuskick up + a rowhit + the roofkick up + a stormhit + the ceilinggo through + the roofgo through + the ceilingraise + the roofmake + a big deal aboutmake + a to-domake + a hullabalooraise + a hullabalooraise + a ruckuskick up + a shindy .

Example: If the cafe say it's butter and it's marge they could be in trouble if anyone cared to kick up a fuss.

Example: Encouraging an interest in maths among grown-ups is fine and dandy, but kicking up a stink about the lack of maths teachers is far more important.

Example: 'I'll call the young fellow and tell him there's been a mix-up -- I hope his parents don't raise a stink -- and I want you to know that it really sticks in my craw, it violates all my principles' = "Llamaré al joven y le diré que ha habido una confusión (espero que sus padres no me armen un escándalo) y quiero que sepas que es algo que me da patadas en el estómago, va en contra de todos mis principios".

Example: After all, making a stink is bad news for any public company, let alone a life-insurance company.

Example: In this illustrated book, children are encouraged to make a racket before slowly quietening down for a sound night's sleep.

Example: Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.

Example: At most summer camps, children shriek, laugh and generally make a ruckus.

Example: At most summer camps, children shriek, laugh and generally make a ruckus.

Example: The environmentalists have now kicked up a row over the cutting of trees along the Palace Road charging that the work was illegal.

Example: When she heard that, she hit the roof -- and she was still hitting the roof about it almost fifty years after it had happened.

Example: Grams is kicking up a storm at the care home she is currently residing in and is about to have her ass hauled onto the sidewalk if she doesn't quit at it any time soon.

Example: It is by no means certain that Congress will vote soon enough to increase the debt ceiling and some people, for good reason, are hitting the ceiling about that.

Example: Harry was out of the country when the contract was signed, and he went through the roof when he found out about it.

Example: I finally told him the night before I left, and he went through the ceiling, just as I expected him to.

Example: I understand he raised the roof when he read the report.

Example: He's the type of person who gets frustrated and makes a big deal about taking the wrong exit on the freeway or has a short fuse when something doesn't get done exactly the way he wants it.

Example: She must be mad to make a to-do about such trifling matters.

Example: These people are usually quiet and modest -- they don't make a hullabaloo or announce themselves to the world and demand trophies.

Example: He would steal from the hawkers just for the devil of it, raising a hullabaloo in the dense, crowded streets.

Example: Here's to a night of endless shenanigans, raising a ruckus, and any other tomfoolery we can get into.

Example: They kids were pushing chairs around, screaming ... and generally kicking up a shindy.

» montar un espectáculoput on + a showmake + a sceneraise + a hullabaloomake + a hullabalookick up + a shindy .

Example: Libraries both public and academic sometimes put on shows, plays and musical events to promote the library.

Example: I am looking for a zesty girl who isn't afraid to break a few rules and make a scene, spontaneity is huge for me.

Example: He would steal from the hawkers just for the devil of it, raising a hullabaloo in the dense, crowded streets.

Example: These people are usually quiet and modest -- they don't make a hullabaloo or announce themselves to the world and demand trophies.

Example: They kids were pushing chairs around, screaming ... and generally kicking up a shindy.

» montar un follónraise + a stinkmake + a stink (about)make + a racketmake + a rowmake + a ruckusraise + hellraise + Cainmake + a to-domake + a hullabalooraise + a hullabalooraise + a ruckuskick up + a shindymake + a din .

Example: 'I'll call the young fellow and tell him there's been a mix-up -- I hope his parents don't raise a stink -- and I want you to know that it really sticks in my craw, it violates all my principles' = "Llamaré al joven y le diré que ha habido una confusión (espero que sus padres no me armen un escándalo) y quiero que sepas que es algo que me da patadas en el estómago, va en contra de todos mis principios".

Example: After all, making a stink is bad news for any public company, let alone a life-insurance company.

Example: In this illustrated book, children are encouraged to make a racket before slowly quietening down for a sound night's sleep.

Example: Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.

Example: At most summer camps, children shriek, laugh and generally make a ruckus.

Example: American progressives have in recent decades gotten too shy, or too afraid, to raise hell about injustice and unfairness.

Example: Her husband and his father and stepmother owe you an apology for raising Cain at your wedding.

Example: She must be mad to make a to-do about such trifling matters.

Example: These people are usually quiet and modest -- they don't make a hullabaloo or announce themselves to the world and demand trophies.

Example: He would steal from the hawkers just for the devil of it, raising a hullabaloo in the dense, crowded streets.

Example: Here's to a night of endless shenanigans, raising a ruckus, and any other tomfoolery we can get into.

Example: They kids were pushing chairs around, screaming ... and generally kicking up a shindy.

Example: By midnight they were making such a din that the farmer's baby woke up.

» montar un numeritokick up + a fussmake + a big deal aboutmake + a scene .

Example: If the cafe say it's butter and it's marge they could be in trouble if anyone cared to kick up a fuss.

Example: He's the type of person who gets frustrated and makes a big deal about taking the wrong exit on the freeway or has a short fuse when something doesn't get done exactly the way he wants it.

Example: I am looking for a zesty girl who isn't afraid to break a few rules and make a scene, spontaneity is huge for me.

» montar un númerokick up + a fusskick up + a stinkraise + a stinkmake + a stink (about)make + a racketmake + a rowmake + a ruckuskick up + a rowhit + the roofkick up + a stormhit + the ceilinggo through + the roofgo through + the ceilingraise + the roofmake + a big deal aboutmake + a scenemake + a to-domake + a hullabalooraise + a hullabalooraise + a ruckuskick up + a shindy .

Example: If the cafe say it's butter and it's marge they could be in trouble if anyone cared to kick up a fuss.

Example: Encouraging an interest in maths among grown-ups is fine and dandy, but kicking up a stink about the lack of maths teachers is far more important.

Example: 'I'll call the young fellow and tell him there's been a mix-up -- I hope his parents don't raise a stink -- and I want you to know that it really sticks in my craw, it violates all my principles' = "Llamaré al joven y le diré que ha habido una confusión (espero que sus padres no me armen un escándalo) y quiero que sepas que es algo que me da patadas en el estómago, va en contra de todos mis principios".

Example: After all, making a stink is bad news for any public company, let alone a life-insurance company.

Example: In this illustrated book, children are encouraged to make a racket before slowly quietening down for a sound night's sleep.

Example: Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.

Example: At most summer camps, children shriek, laugh and generally make a ruckus.

Example: The environmentalists have now kicked up a row over the cutting of trees along the Palace Road charging that the work was illegal.

Example: When she heard that, she hit the roof -- and she was still hitting the roof about it almost fifty years after it had happened.

Example: Grams is kicking up a storm at the care home she is currently residing in and is about to have her ass hauled onto the sidewalk if she doesn't quit at it any time soon.

Example: It is by no means certain that Congress will vote soon enough to increase the debt ceiling and some people, for good reason, are hitting the ceiling about that.

Example: Harry was out of the country when the contract was signed, and he went through the roof when he found out about it.

Example: I finally told him the night before I left, and he went through the ceiling, just as I expected him to.

Example: I understand he raised the roof when he read the report.

Example: He's the type of person who gets frustrated and makes a big deal about taking the wrong exit on the freeway or has a short fuse when something doesn't get done exactly the way he wants it.

Example: I am looking for a zesty girl who isn't afraid to break a few rules and make a scene, spontaneity is huge for me.

Example: She must be mad to make a to-do about such trifling matters.

Example: These people are usually quiet and modest -- they don't make a hullabaloo or announce themselves to the world and demand trophies.

Example: He would steal from the hawkers just for the devil of it, raising a hullabaloo in the dense, crowded streets.

Example: Here's to a night of endless shenanigans, raising a ruckus, and any other tomfoolery we can get into.

Example: They kids were pushing chairs around, screaming ... and generally kicking up a shindy.

» montar bullakick up + a stinkkick up + a fussraise + a stinkmake + a stink (about)hit + the roofmake + a big deal about .

Example: Encouraging an interest in maths among grown-ups is fine and dandy, but kicking up a stink about the lack of maths teachers is far more important.

Example: If the cafe say it's butter and it's marge they could be in trouble if anyone cared to kick up a fuss.

Example: 'I'll call the young fellow and tell him there's been a mix-up -- I hope his parents don't raise a stink -- and I want you to know that it really sticks in my craw, it violates all my principles' = "Llamaré al joven y le diré que ha habido una confusión (espero que sus padres no me armen un escándalo) y quiero que sepas que es algo que me da patadas en el estómago, va en contra de todos mis principios".

Example: After all, making a stink is bad news for any public company, let alone a life-insurance company.

Example: When she heard that, she hit the roof -- and she was still hitting the roof about it almost fifty years after it had happened.

Example: He's the type of person who gets frustrated and makes a big deal about taking the wrong exit on the freeway or has a short fuse when something doesn't get done exactly the way he wants it.

» montar un serviciomount + a service .

Example: To date the computing centre and library have successfully mounted several library services on a campuswide network.

» que se monta en cólera fácilmentehair-trigger .

Example: He has an incredibly limited vocabulary and a hair-trigger temper that betrays his bestial nature.

» tanto monta, monta tantosix of one (and) half a dozen of the other .

Example: It may be six of one and half a dozen of the other genetically, but socially these are not interchangeable relationships.

» volver a montarreassemble [re-assemble]  ; put + Nombre + back together .

Example: The control counter and associated screening are part of a co-ordinated modular system comprised of units which are readily reassembled into different configurations.

Example: The first time I took the thing apart it took a few hours to finally figure out how to put it back together.

Montar synonyms

rise in spanish: subir, pronunciation: raɪz part of speech: noun, verb ride in spanish: paseo, pronunciation: raɪd part of speech: verb, noun launch in spanish: lanzamiento, pronunciation: lɔntʃ part of speech: noun, verb wax in spanish: cera, pronunciation: wæks part of speech: noun mountain in spanish: montaña, pronunciation: maʊntən part of speech: noun setting in spanish: ajuste, pronunciation: setɪŋ part of speech: noun climb in spanish: subida, pronunciation: klaɪm part of speech: verb, noun go up in spanish: subir, pronunciation: goʊʌp part of speech: verb put on in spanish: ponerse, pronunciation: pʊtɑn part of speech: verb, adjective get on in spanish: subir a, pronunciation: getɑn part of speech: verb backing in spanish: soporte, pronunciation: bækɪŋ part of speech: noun bestride in spanish: cabalgar, pronunciation: bɪstraɪd part of speech: verb jump on in spanish: saltar sobre, pronunciation: dʒʌmpɑn part of speech: verb climb up in spanish: subir, pronunciation: klaɪmʌp part of speech: verb hop on in spanish: subir, pronunciation: hɑpɑn part of speech: verb saddle horse in spanish: caballo de silla, pronunciation: sædəlhɔrs part of speech: noun mount up in spanish: montar, pronunciation: maʊntʌp part of speech: verb riding horse in spanish: Montando caballo, pronunciation: raɪdɪŋhɔrs part of speech: noun climb on in spanish: subirse a, pronunciation: klaɪmɑn part of speech: verb
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