Montante in english


pronunciation: əpraɪt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

montante1 = mullion. 

Example: In early Gothic ecclesiastical work, transoms are found only in belfry unglazed windows, where they were deemed necessary to strengthen the mullions.

montante2 = transom window. 

Example: The purpose of a transom window is to let out the hot air that's pooled at the top of the room.


» ventana montantetransom window .

Example: The purpose of a transom window is to let out the hot air that's pooled at the top of the room.

Montante synonyms

good in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective just in spanish: sólo, pronunciation: dʒʌst part of speech: adverb straight in spanish: Derecho, pronunciation: streɪt part of speech: adverb, adjective righteous in spanish: justo, pronunciation: raɪtʃəs part of speech: adjective standing in spanish: en pie, pronunciation: stændɪŋ part of speech: noun virtuous in spanish: virtuoso, pronunciation: vɜrtʃuəs part of speech: adjective vertical in spanish: vertical, pronunciation: vɜrtɪkəl part of speech: adjective perpendicular in spanish: perpendicular, pronunciation: pɜrpəndɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective erect in spanish: erguido, pronunciation: ɪrekt part of speech: adjective, verb stand-up in spanish: Levántate, pronunciation: stændəp part of speech: adjective rearing in spanish: crianza, pronunciation: rɪrɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective unbowed in spanish: sin arquear, pronunciation: ənboʊd part of speech: adjective erectile in spanish: eréctil, pronunciation: ɪrektəl part of speech: adjective unbent in spanish: no doblado, pronunciation: ənbent part of speech: adjective fastigiate in spanish: expedir, pronunciation: fæstɪdʒət part of speech: adjective straight-backed in spanish: respaldo recto, pronunciation: streɪtbækt part of speech: adjective, adverb upright piano in spanish: piano vertical, pronunciation: əpraɪtpiænoʊ part of speech: noun unsloped in spanish: sin rodar, pronunciation: ənsloʊpt part of speech: adjective
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