Montanero in english


pronunciation: maʊntɪnɪr part of speech: noun
In gestures

montañero = mountaineer ; climber ; hill-goer. 

Example: So we see extraordinary hardships cheerfully borne (indeed, apparently enjoyed) by zealous mountaineers, earnest single-handed yachtsmen floating round the world, and all-weather fishing-hobbyists sit patiently at the side of, and sometimes in, rivers, undeterred by the paucity of their catches.Example: The article is entitled 'Getting to the summit: how do you get there from here? A climber's guide to consortium formation'.Example: Africa has lions, Alaska has grizzlies, Nepal has yeti. Britain has the worst of the lot - midgies! They make life hell for campers, walkers and hill-goers alike.

Montanero synonyms

mountain climber in spanish: montañista, pronunciation: maʊntənklaɪmɜr part of speech: noun
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