Montaje in english


pronunciation: maʊntɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

montaje = set-up ; staging ; assembly ; montage ; editing. 

Example: Areas of particular concern are: equipment set-up and use; helping develop search strategies, logon/logoff procedures; and emergency assistance when things go wrong.Example: The author describes the success of a library in staging a series of music concerts as a public relations exercise.Example: This is an application area of artificial intelligence that deals with the assembly of complex systems from a set of simple components.Example: With this method, the original text, illustration or montage must be on a flat sheet of paper.Example: To ensure further that all the index entries generated by chain procedure are indeed helpful, the initial analysis of the chain may require editing.


» cadena de montajeassembly line .

Example: The same sort of breakdown of an individual may also be experienced in the repetitive work done by some assembly line workers.

» línea de montaje de cochescar assembly line .

Example: The housewife cleaning her house, shopping, cooking meals, rearing her children and washing and ironing is undoubtedly working just as much as is her husband on the car assembly line or in the insurance office.

» montaje de vídeosvideo editing .

Example: Future video applications such as video editing demand a random access capability at video frame level.

» montaje fotográficophotomontage .

Example: It is a maze-like photomontage of pictures of the changing rooms and corridors of an indoor swimming pool.

» montaje turísticotourist trap [Generalmente usado en inglés para indicar que el sitio en cuestión está enfocado exclusivamente al turista con precios demasiado elevados] .

Example: This is the most kitchsky and ritzy part of my Hollywood experience and a definite tourist trap for tourists.

» planta de montajeassembly plant .

Example: The author describes the implementation of an engineering drawing system at Cessna aircraft assembly plants.

» programa de montaje de aplicacionessoftware packager .

Example: This software packager allows programmers to deal with interfaces between software components and ignore complex integration details.

» sala de montaje de vídeosvideo editing suite .

Example: There is a drop-in centre with a fully equipped sound recording studio and video editing suite offering guitar tuition and rehearsal space to local teenagers without charge.

» ser todo un montajebe all for show .

Example: Take a closer look to see a tiny flash of a cheeky grin and you will quickly realize that his huff and puff is all for show.

Montaje synonyms

climb in spanish: subida, pronunciation: klaɪm part of speech: verb, noun climbing in spanish: alpinismo, pronunciation: klaɪmɪŋ part of speech: noun instigation in spanish: instigación, pronunciation: ɪnstɪgeɪʃən part of speech: noun fomentation in spanish: fomento, pronunciation: foʊmenteɪʃən part of speech: noun
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