Monotonía in english


pronunciation: mənɑtəni part of speech: noun
In gestures

monotonía = drabness ; monotony ; plateauing. 

Example: It is impatient with Juctionville for its failure to move ahead as fast as it would like and is bothered by the city's drabness and general lack of class and culture.Example: Monotony can be avoided by special lighting for individual cubicles, issue counters and exhibition areas.Example: Plateauing is reaching a stage in work or life where there is no more growth or movement and it can destroy motivation, allegiance, commitment, and productivity.


» monotonía diariadaily grind .

Example: With all of the things that make up our daily grind, we often find ourselves craving for the next getaway, for the next relaxation period.

» romper la monotoníarelieve + the monotony .

Example: Her purpose by doing this was to relieve the monotony of rows and rows of books in strict author (fiction) or classified (non-fiction) order.

Monotonía synonyms

sameness in spanish: igualdad, pronunciation: seɪmnəs part of speech: noun
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