Monótono in english


pronunciation: mənɑtənəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

monótono = dull ; monotone ; monotonous ; stale ; drab ; dreary ; uninspiring ; samey. 

Example: These librarians are given Haykin upon the day of their arrival and are expected to read the entire dull document and use it as a guideline in establishing subject headings.Example: The notion of functional dependency requires an additional structure in the form of a monotone nondecreasing function.Example: An ugly voice, one that is monotonous or grating, weak in power, incomprehensible or strained, is never likely to receive and retain anyone's attention for long.Example: We librarians are already infiltrators into the stale round of our readers' domestic daily life.Example: Have reading foisted on you as a duty, a task to be put up with, from which you expect no delight, and it can appear a drab business gladly to be given up.Example: The city was considered to be seedy (decayed, littered, grimy, and dreary), crowded, busy, and strongly idiosyncratic (quaint, historic, colorful, and full of 'atmosphere').Example: Though the novel begins like a house ablaze, it later thickens slightly into an acceptable if uninspiring finale.Example: Pop music really is facile, repetitious and samey.


» hacerse monótonogo + stale .

Example: The method has one big disadvantage: rote-learned material may go stale after a few performances, just as a play may go stale for actors.

» recitar en tono monótonochant .

Example: Finally, add the mass confusion wrought by the sudden appearance of a new technology in the library, with its practitioners chanting acronymic prayers, seemingly derived from a mushroom ritual.

» trabajo monótonodrudge workdrudgery .

Example: I hope this new technology somehow will liberate us from the drudge work.

Example: When a computer is used to produce a printed book or microform catalogue the drudgery of 'filing' the entries in an alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric order is removed since this can be done automatically.

Monótono synonyms

dull in spanish: aburrido, pronunciation: dʌl part of speech: adjective humdrum in spanish: monótono, pronunciation: hʌmdrəm part of speech: adjective monotone in spanish: monótono, pronunciation: mɑnətoʊn part of speech: noun monotonic in spanish: monotónico, pronunciation: mɑnətɑnɪk part of speech: adjective unmusical in spanish: no musical, pronunciation: ənmjuzɪkəl part of speech: adjective unmelodious in spanish: cascado, pronunciation: ənmɪloʊdiəs part of speech: adjective unmelodic in spanish: no melódico, pronunciation: ənmɪlɑdɪk part of speech: adjective
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