Monopolizar in english


pronunciation: mənɑpəlaɪz part of speech: verb
In gestures

monopolizar = monopolise [monopolize, -USA] ; hold + a monopoly on. 

Example: The fact that this catalogue is in book form means that there is less likelihood of one reader monopolizing the catalogue.Example: This book is a welcome reminder that antifascism did not hold a monopoly on culture.


» monopolizar el mercadocorner + the market .

Example: The article 'Cornering the market' argues that if bookshops want to capture a slice of the market, they need to experiment with multimedia products.

» monopolizar la atenciónsteal + the showsteal + Posesivo + scenesteal + Posesivo + thundersteal + the limelight [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]steal + the spotlight [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]hog + attention .

Example: The article is entitled 'Did Paris Steal the Show for American Library Innovations?'.

Example: But once again her little sister, famous as Kate if not more, is stealing her scene.

Example: She said some of the most hurtful things a person could say and it was all because she was afraid I was going to steal her thunder.

Example: Little in general is said about the retrieval side of the systems: document analysis has stolen the limelight.

Example: It is her big screen debut tonight, so Katy Perry would have wanted to ensure nobody stole the spotlight.

Example: When she's not hogging attention from her parents, she loves playing frisbee and snuggling with her two big brothers.

» monopolizar la pelotahog + the ball .

Example: But every now and then you'll run into someone who's truly a bad sport -- a kid who plays dirty, hogs the ball, or says mean things to you.
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