Monográfico in english


pronunciation: mɑnəgræfɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

monográfico = monographic. 

Example: 'I.F. Stones Weekly', a serial, is not different in character from any other monographic report of I. F. Stone.


» colección monográficabook seriesmonographic collection .

Example: S Karger is Switzerland's principal medical publisher and concentrates on highly specialized research work in monographs, irregular book series and journals = S. Karger la principal editorial especializada en medicina de Suiza y se centra en trabajos de investigación muy especializados en monografías, colecciones monográficas irregulares y revistas.

Example: Prediction of future shelving needs in the monographic collection was charted out on spreadsheets.

» no monográficonon-monographic .

Example: At the last meeting of the Board of Trustees of OCLC the staff was empowered to initiate scheduling the development of an interface between the OCLC network and these other nonmonographic data bases.

» número monográficothematic issue .

Example: This is a contribution to a thematic issue on microcomputers in UK government libraries.

» serie monográficamonographic series [Conjunto de obras independientes, numeradas o no, relacionadas entre sí por el hecho de que, además de su título propio, llevan un título colectivo que se repite en cada una de ellas] .

Example: A monographic series is a group of separate items related to one another by the fact that each item bears, in addition to its own title proper, a collective title applying to the group as a whole.
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