Mono in english


pronunciation: mʌŋki part of speech: noun
In gestures

mono1 = monkey ; ape. 

Example: For example, 629.1388 in DC has to house all documents on Astronautics documents on Instrumentation, Earth satellites, monkeys in space, Manned flights, and so on.Example: Edgar Rice Burroughs, best known as the creator of 'Tarzan of the Apes', is one of America's most popular writers of genre fiction = Edgar Rice Burroughs, best known as the creator of 'Tarzan of the Apes', is one of America's most popular writers of genre fiction.


» aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se quedaYou can't make a silk purse out of a sow's earYou can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy .

Example: Everybody knows 'you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear,' suggesting that something without inherent value can't be transformed into something valuable.

Example: Or, as they say around here, 'You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy'.

» hacer (la) monaplay + hookyplay + truantskip + class .

Example: She admitted to having been the ringleader of the girls who played hooky.

Example: They were like two peas in a pod but the only problem was that they did not like school and often played truant.

Example: Some students, whose motivation is not too strong, resist the temptation to skip classes if they know that they will be examined at the end of the course.

» mono enanobonobo .

Example: The lion, chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, hyena, wolf, dog, sheep, cow and elephant cultures are less desirable than the cat culture, which has to operate on the principle that cats cannot be made to do anything that they do not wish to do.

» ser el último monofeel + pulled and tugged .

Example: This article describes a study of stress conducted in a university library using the following categories: workload; schedule and workday; feeling pulled and tugged; physical facilities; unchallenging work; and miscellaneous.

mono2 = overalls ; bodysuit ; jumpsuit ; boiler suit. 

Example: Factories are manufacturing hundreds of diversified products: paper containers, overalls, wire products, icepicks, furniture, building supplies, soap, buttons, wallpaper, kitchenware, shirts, cosmetics, carpets, paint -- the list goes on.Example: This article covers the general intellectual property situation and specific patents relating to aspects of virtual reality (headsets, data gloves, bodysuits, complete systems).Example: Jumpsuits are all good and fun until someone needs to go for a wee wee.Example: The man was described as at least six feet tall, stocky, with short dark hair and wearing a boiler suit.


» mono de petodungarees .

Example: These stretchy dungarees are just the ticket for casual wear.

» mono interiorlong jonhs [Prenda de ropa interior con mangas y pantalones largos todo de una pieza]long underwear [Prenda de ropa interior con mangas y pantalones largos todo de una pieza] .

Example: Clothing for children should consist of long johns, turtlenecks, shirts, pants, sweater, coat, warm socks, boots, gloves or mittens, and a hat.

Example: I know there are some guys out there that enjoy wearing long underwear, even in the summer.

mono3 = cute ; dinky ; darling ; peachy ; peachy-keen. 

Example: Frequently the youngest child takes on the role of the mascot; he acts cute, mischievous, and endearing.Example: This dinky pink handbag is ideal for day or evening use.Example: Anyhow, family -- including my darling niece and nephew, who were a little bit off their oats when I arrived.Example: Grab your sunscreen and a frisbee, it's a peachy day for the beach!.Example: Sure, other than all that, I guess they've been peachy-keen.

mono4 = withdrawal symptoms. 

Example: When heavy or frequent drinkers suddenly decide to quit 'cold turkey' they will experience some physical withdrawal symptoms.


» tener el monosuffer from + withdrawal symptoms .

Example: He seems to be suffering from withdrawl symptoms now that there is no footie on the telly at weekends.

» tener mono dehave + cravings for .

Example: It is normal to have cravings for meat when you go veg.

moño = bun ; chignon. 

Example: The typical librarian was described as a female with grey hair in a bun constantly silence with a grim and unhappy face.Example: There's nothing more romantic than a beautiful twisted chignon.


» estar hasta el moño debe sick ofbe sick to death ofbe sick to the (back) teeth ofhave had + a bellyful ofhave + Posesivo + fill of/withhave had + Posesivo + bellyful of .

Example: I think this song means just being sick of the same old thing and routine you do everyday.

Example: I'm sick of it, and everyone else in this room is fucking sick to death of it, and you need to shut the fuck up now.

Example: I'm an adult, and I'm sick to the teeth of you bossing me around as if I'm some sort of half-wit.

Example: A large portion of American people have had a bellyful of left-wing demagogues like him, incessantly insisting the United States has failed.

Example: In this rollicking, inspirational tale, a kid has his fill of back-breaking work in the steel mill, thumbs his nose at college and sets off to seek his fortune.

Example: Indeed, most would welcome it as they have had their bellyful of cant, hypocrisy and bluster and most, again, can see through it.

» estar hasta el moño (de)be fed up to the back teeth (with) .

Example: I am a smoker and I am just about fed up to the back teeth with people banning this and banning that, and of course treating me like a leper.

» estar hasta el moño debe sick ofbe sick to death ofbe sick to the (back) teeth ofhave had + a bellyful ofhave + Posesivo + fill of/withhave had + Posesivo + bellyful of .

Example: I think this song means just being sick of the same old thing and routine you do everyday.

Example: I'm sick of it, and everyone else in this room is fucking sick to death of it, and you need to shut the fuck up now.

Example: I'm an adult, and I'm sick to the teeth of you bossing me around as if I'm some sort of half-wit.

Example: A large portion of American people have had a bellyful of left-wing demagogues like him, incessantly insisting the United States has failed.

Example: In this rollicking, inspirational tale, a kid has his fill of back-breaking work in the steel mill, thumbs his nose at college and sets off to seek his fortune.

Example: Indeed, most would welcome it as they have had their bellyful of cant, hypocrisy and bluster and most, again, can see through it.

» horquilla de moñohairpin .

Example: Children insert toys, sweets, hairpins, hair grips, safety pins, etc. into the vagina mainly out of curiosity.

Mono synonyms

tinker in spanish: gitano, pronunciation: tɪŋkɜr part of speech: noun imp in spanish: diablillo, pronunciation: ɪmp part of speech: noun rascal in spanish: bribón, pronunciation: ræskəl part of speech: noun tamper in spanish: manosear, pronunciation: tæmpɜr part of speech: verb, noun potter in spanish: alfarero, pronunciation: pɑtɜr part of speech: noun scamp in spanish: pícaro, pronunciation: skæmp part of speech: noun rapscallion in spanish: rapscallion, pronunciation: ræpskæljən part of speech: noun putter in spanish: holgazanear, pronunciation: pʌtɜr part of speech: noun scallywag in spanish: canalla, pronunciation: skæliwæg part of speech: noun scalawag in spanish: pícaro, pronunciation: skæləwæg part of speech: noun mess around in spanish: perder el tiempo, pronunciation: mesɜraʊnd part of speech: verb monkey around in spanish: mono alrededor, pronunciation: mʌŋkiɜraʊnd part of speech: verb muck around in spanish: andar por ahí, pronunciation: mʌkɜraʊnd part of speech: verb
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