Monitor in english


pronunciation: mɑnətɜr part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

monitor1 = instructor. 

Example: Its effectiveness has been erratic because of rapid turnover of instructors.

monitor2 = video terminal ; display unit ; monitor ; VDU (Visual Display Unit) ; CRT terminal ; video display. 

Example: Access to the system is through video terminals and by telex.Example: People are more used to going up for a closer look at an interesting feature on an object rather than selecting a close up photograph from some high-tech display unit.Example: At any point in your search, you can either view the records you have retrieved on your monitor or print them on your printer.Example: A visual display unit (VDU) is a unit used to display data from a computer onto a screen.Example: A CRT terminal is American terminology for a visual display unit (qv).Example: Microforms can be read by means of optically magnifying reading devices, or by equipment which presents the magnified image on a video display.


» monitor de ordenadorCRT screenCRT display screen .

Example: In the case of the card catalog complete sequences exist whether or not someone is actually viewing them, while on a CRT (cathode-ray tube) screen they exist only so long as the phosphors continue to glow.

Example: For outputting information, two common devices used are a printer which prints the new information on paper, or a CRT display screen which shows the results on a TV-like screen.

» monitor de pantalla planaflat-screen monitorflatscreen display .

Example: Peripherals will improve, note the introduction of touch terminals, and other significant developments are in the offing such as the flat-screen monitor which can be hung on a wall.

Example: Display devices are based mainly on the cathode-ray, or television, tube but other light-emitting or reflecting devices (e.g. plasma, liquid-crystals) are also in use on 'flatscreen' displays.

» monitor monocromomonochrome monitor .

Example: When you DISPLAY or TYPE records, your search terms appear in green (bold letters on monochrome monitors).

» pantalla del monitorVDU screenmonitor screen .

Example: Particular problems with reflections in VDU screens may need special diffused lighting or roller blinds, for example.

Example: My monitor screen keeps blacking out.

Monitor synonyms

proctor in spanish: procurador, pronunciation: prɑktɜr part of speech: noun reminder in spanish: recordatorio, pronunciation: rimaɪndɜr part of speech: noun supervise in spanish: supervisar, pronunciation: supɜrvaɪz part of speech: verb varan in spanish: varan, pronunciation: verən part of speech: noun admonisher in spanish: amonestador, pronunciation: ædmɑnɪʃɜr part of speech: noun ride herd on in spanish: montar la manada en, pronunciation: raɪdhɜrdɑn part of speech: verb monitor lizard in spanish: lagarto monitor, pronunciation: mɑnətɜrlɪzɜrd part of speech: noun
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