Monetario in english


pronunciation: mɑnəteri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

monetario = monetary ; pecuniary. 

Example: For example, if the local currency is Belgian francs, monetary amount are always entered in whole francs.Example: George Watson Cole refers to his mental derangement and pecuniary embarrassment.


» asuntos monetariosmoney matters .

Example: Money matters bored her to death.

» brigada de delitos monetariosfraud squad .

Example: Local police forces have been forced to shrink their own fraud squads since their priorities are street crime, drugs and normal policing.

» conversión en valor monetariomonetisation [monetization, -USA] .

Example: While the monetisation of food aid generates money for NGOs to pursue other aid activities, it also reduces prices for local producers and traders in poor countries, effectively rigging the market against them.

» convertido en valor monetariomonetised [monetized, -pl.] .

Example: Although the cost of lead paint abatement is measured in billions of dollars, the monetized benefits of such a Herculean task have been shown to far outweigh the costs.

» convertir en valor monetariomonetise [monetize, -USA] .

Example: This is a means to monetize stranded natural gas resources around the world.

» cuestiones monetariasmoney matters .

Example: Money matters bored her to death.

» cuestión monetariamoney issue .

Example: My girlfriend and I looked at rings together about a year ago, then put the idea on the back burner because of money issues.

» desde un punto de vista monetariomonetarily .

Example: In appraising the worth of a title, both historically and monetarily, the bookseller turns to reference sources which enable him/her to assess its value.

» donación monetariamonetary donation .

Example: You can also send monetary donations to the address below, please mark your envelope 'dog pound'.

» economía monetariamoney economy .

Example: From this point of view there was not one rise of money economy but several rises of several money economies.

» fluctuaciones monetariascurrency fluctuations .

Example: For decades, large multinational companies have recognized that currency fluctuations can have an impact on the bottom line for cross-border transactions.

» Fondo Monetario Internacional [FMI], elInternational Monetary Fund [IMF], the .

Example: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has cut its forecast for world economic growth for a third time this year.

» mercado monetariomoney market .

Example: He is the lord and master of the money markets of the world and virtually lord and master of everything.

» política monetariamonetary policy .

Example: Information about capital has finally replaced gold as the standard by which fiscal and monetary policies are set.

» problema monetariomonetary problem .

Example: Librarians are fully aware of and sympathetic toward the monetary problems of journals because libraries have the same problems.

» prohibiciones monetariascurrency restrictions [En ciertos países con gobiernos autoritarios, prohibición de que los ciudadanos posean moneda extranjera, principalmente dólares] .

Example: Tariff barriers, currency restrictions and trade embargoes often make the task of the librarian impossible if the intention is to plan the free flow of material and information as openly as possible.

» recompensa monetariamonetary reward .

Example: The editor of textbooks in both secondary and higher education generally receive both monetary reward and professional acclaim for it.

» sin compensación monetariauncompensated .

Example: Employees routinely performed an average of 30 minutes of unrecorded and uncompensated work.

» sistema monetariocoinage .

Example: Monasteries frequently profited from the minting of coinage throughout the Middle Ages.

» sistema monetario, elcoinage system, the .

Example: Three stages in the development of monetary systems -- the barter system, the coinage system and the debenture system -- are compared with three stages in the origin, development and study of language.

» Sistema Monetario EuropeoEuropean Monetary System .

Example: For some countries trade fluctuates with changes in the weekly market rates of exchange, but for others it changes only when their currencies are realigned in the European Monetary System.

» unidad monetariacurrency unit .

Example: Prices are determined in the common currenty unit of the Community (ECU), as uniform pricing between countries is fundamental to the free movement of goods.

» unión monetariamonetary union .

Example: Customs barriers and restrictions on agency agreements for publishers may make life easier but there is no immediate sign of monetary union which would simplify the payment for international interlending transactions.

» valor monetariomonetary worth .

Example: This aura of religiosity has been chiefly created by the work's incalculable monetary worth.

Monetario synonyms

pecuniary in spanish: pecuniario, pronunciation: pekjunieri part of speech: adjective
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