Moneda in english


pronunciation: kɜrənsi part of speech: noun
In gestures

moneda = coin ; currency [currencies, -pl.]. 

Example: It describes the annual hobby exchanges week for 6th grade pupils at King's Cristian School library, when pupils swap collectable items eg baseball cards, stamps, coins and shells.Example: Although DOBIS/LIBIS must keep its accounts in a single currency, prices for documents may be entered in foreign currencies.


» acuñar monedasmint + coins .

Example: Some countries, however, have their euro coins minted in other countries.

» cambio de monedaexchange rateforeign exchangecurrency exchange ratemarket rate of exchangeforeign exchange ratecurrency raterate of exchangecurrency exchange .

Example: The price in the local currency is then calculated from the information in the exchange rate table.

Example: This article defines financial information by looking at the information needs of 4 major divisions of the financial community: commodities; foreign exchange; capital markets; and securities and equities.

Example: Their response was significantly different, however, in large part due to much better understanding of the effect of foreign currency exchange rates on subscription prices of scientific and technical journals.

Example: For some countries trade fluctuates with changes in the weekly market rates of exchange, but for others it changes only when their currencies are realigned in the European Monetary System.

Example: This article highlights the foreign exchange rate problem in library periodicals purchasing.

Example: These systems carry up-to-the-minute information on stock prices, currency rates, world and national events, etc.

Example: As well as cuts imposed by the Government, libraries were faced with inflation in the price of books and periodicals, and a falling rate of exchange between the pound and the dollar.

Example: However, not all banks provide a currency exchange service.

» casa de la monedamint .

Example: The author shows that silversmith Jan de Booser was responsible for cutting the dies of the mint of the Province of Groningen during 1673-1693.

» coleccionista de monedascoin collector .

Example: Research done in the field of collecting has primarily focused on those people who are known collectors such as gun, stamp, or coin collectors.

» dos caras de la misma monedatwo sides of the same coin .

Example: Immodesty and the lack of respect for women are two sides of the same coin.

» fabricación de monedascoinageminting .

Example: Monasteries frequently profited from the minting of coinage throughout the Middle Ages.

Example: Monasteries frequently profited from the minting of coinage throughout the Middle Ages.

» fracción de monedapennycoin denomination .

Example: If a currency has pennies (for instance, German marks, French francs, or Canadian dollars), amounts must be entered with the pennies.

Example: This unit of study walks early elementary students through the basics of counting and using the smallest U.S. coin denominations (penny, nickel, and dime).

» lanzamiento de monedacoin toss .

Example: The winner of the coin toss selects the goal to attack and the other team kicks off.

» lanzar una moneda al aireflip + a cointoss + a coin .

Example: For example, if you flip a coin 10 times, how many times do you expect it to come up heads?.

Example: When faced with two choices, simply toss a coin.

» la otra cara de la monedathe other side of the cointhe flip side of the coin .

Example: Leadership is the other side of the coin of loneliness, and he who is a leader must always act alone.

Example: The flip side of the coin is that the rich believe that they also deserve their fabulous wealth.

» las dos caras de la monedatwo sides of the coin .

Example: Several professors teaching risk management invariably used to tell the students that risk and reward are two sides of the coin.

» lleno de monedascoin-filled .

Example: His disgusted expression, however, loosened and settled on one of guilt as he saw the man's tattered clothing and coin-filled guitar case.

» máquina que funciona con monedascoin-operated machine .

Example: Most libraries maintain a small cash float for the giving of change and, in addition, money is received from coin-operated machines such as photocopiers and microform reader/printer.

» mercado de moneda extranjeraforeign currency market .

Example: Investing in the foreign currency market without acknowledging the importance of everyday events is certainly not a recipe for success.

» moneda de cambiobargaining chipbargaining counter .

Example: The only ones 'using' the war dead as a political bargaining chip are the Republicans who have fought to keep the images of these fallen heroes in the dark.

Example: One might recall the threat issued by the Chechen terrorists to Moscow in 1995 to seize nuclear reactors and use them as a bargaining counter.

» moneda de curso legallegal tender .

Example: But at least half a dozen other European mini-states and territories are using the euro as legal tender -- without approval from the European Central Bank.

» moneda de diez centavosdime [Moneda norteamericana de diez centavos de valor y equivalente a la moneda española de dos duros] .

Example: What do librarians do all day but collect nickels and dimes?.

» moneda de reservareserve currency .

Example: One of the spill-over effects still playing itself out is the decline of the US dollar as the dominant international reserve currency.

» moneda digitaldigital currency .

Example: It is unlikely the cost of using digital currency will be low enough to displace the use of hard cash.

» moneda electrónicaelectric money .

Example: Electric money will come in cent or less denominations to make high-volume, small-value transactions on the Internet practical.

» moneda extranjeraforeign currency .

Example: Although DOBIS/LIBIS must keep its accounts in a single currency, prices for documents may be entered in foreign currencies.

» moneda nacionallocal currency .

Example: The local currency price is always rounded off to whole pennies or units, depending on the currency.

» monedascoinage .

Example: Monasteries frequently profited from the minting of coinage throughout the Middle Ages.

» monedas sueltasspare changeloose changesmall change .

Example: If you've ever thrown your spare change in a coffee tin, you know how quickly it adds up.

Example: Forget climate change, voters want more loose change.

Example: Most people also tip taxi drivers any small change left over from the fare and $5 to $10 for tour guides.

» moneda únicasingle currency .

Example: The 12 countries in the euro zone changed over to the single currency on 1 January 1999.

» pagar con la misma monedaget + Posesivo + own back .

Example: Maria always takes the most horrific pics of me -- so I got my own back by taking a video of her having a poo in a public toilet!.

» pagar en buena monedapay in + good measure .

Example: There are naturally a number of, often good, reasons for our failure here; but we are now paying in good measure for our omission.

» papel monedabanknotepaper moneycurrency note .

Example: Watermarks for special papers used for such things as banknotes and bonds became increasingly elaborate.

Example: Guides to Thailand warn you never to stop windswept paper money with a stomp -- the King is on all bills, you would practically be committing treason.

Example: India's central bank, the Reserve Bank of India, says it will withdraw all currency notes printed before 2005 from 31 March.

» que funciona con monedascoin-operatedcoin-op [Abreviatura de coin-operated] .

Example: The question is: are libraries responsible for the potentially illegal use of coin-operated photocopying machines?.

Example: Pressure wash equipment is similar to a typical coin-op car wash only portable and more powerful.

» ranura de las monedascoin slot .

Example: Then he tried again, depositing nickel after nickel into the coin slot un- til at last the phone began to ring.

» ranura para las monedascoin slot .

Example: Then he tried again, depositing nickel after nickel into the coin slot un- til at last the phone began to ring.

» ser moneda corrientebe an everyday occurrencebe nothing out of the ordinary .

Example: People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.

Example: Language confusion is nothing out of the ordinary in Switzerland, which has four official languages.

Moneda synonyms

vogue in spanish: moda, pronunciation: voʊg part of speech: noun currentness in spanish: actualidad, pronunciation: kɜrntnəs part of speech: noun up-to-dateness in spanish: hasta la fecha, pronunciation: ʌptoʊdeɪtnəs part of speech: noun
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