Monarca in english


pronunciation: mɑnɑrk part of speech: noun
In gestures

monarca = monarch. 

Example: Here is an institution which knows, neither rank nor wealth within its walls, which stops the ignorant peer or the ignorant monarch at its threshold, and declines to unveil to him its treasures, or to waste time upon him, and yet welcomes the workman according to his knowledge or thirst for knowledge.

Monarca synonyms

sovereign in spanish: soberano, pronunciation: sɑvrən part of speech: noun, adjective monarch butterfly in spanish: mariposa monarca, pronunciation: mɑnɑrkbʌtɜrflaɪ part of speech: noun crowned head in spanish: cabeza coronada, pronunciation: kraʊndhed part of speech: noun milkweed butterfly in spanish: mariposa de algodoncillo, pronunciation: mɪlkwidbʌtɜrflaɪ part of speech: noun danaus plexippus in spanish: danaus plexippus, pronunciation: dænaʊzpliksɪpəs part of speech: noun
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