Momentáneo in english


pronunciation: moʊmənteri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

momentáneo = momentary. 

Example: Washington shot a timid momentary look at her.


» repunte momentáneodead cat bounce [Referido generalmente a las finanzas] .

Example: In this graph you can see a few dead cat bounces in the late 2000s, shortly before the company's Chapter 11 filing in 2010.

Momentáneo synonyms

short in spanish: corto, pronunciation: ʃɔrt part of speech: adjective fleeting in spanish: fugaz, pronunciation: flitɪŋ part of speech: adjective fugitive in spanish: fugitivo, pronunciation: fjudʒətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun momentaneous in spanish: momentáneo, pronunciation: moʊmənteɪniəs part of speech: adjective
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