Momento in english


pronunciation: moʊmənt part of speech: noun
In gestures

momento = instant in time ; point ; time ; moment ; mo' ; blip. 

Example: This should suffice to guarantee the integrity of the catalog at any given instant in time.Example: The online catalog will then contain information about periodical issues from that point.Example: Because reorganisation allows the optimization of update and searching procedures, it moves the maintenance to a time when it does not affect the operation of the system.Example: There were moments when he could be almost affectionate, moments when his thoughts did not seem to be turned inward upon his own anxious solicitudes.Example: As we were walking up to the place, John, the owner, saw us from over by the barn and told us to just go on in and that he'd be there in a mo'.Example: Some of us live a fraction or two of a blip longer than others.


» a cada momentoby the second .

Example: Espadrilles have been around since at least the 14th century, and they're gaining popularity by the second!.

» alcanzar el momento cumbrereach + Posesivo + summit .

Example: The reputation of this place reached its summit in the 18th century.

» alcanzar + Posesivo + mejor momentopeak [Llegar al punto más alto o al mejor momento] .

Example: He reflected along the way on the conversation with the head of readers' services, and smiled when he concluded that Balzac's biorhythm chart must have been peaking at that very moment -- or so he hoped.

» alcanzar + Posesivo + mejor momento demasiado prontopeak + too early .

Example: I'm worried that Darryl may have peaked too early in his last match, but he seems to be in very good nick and is capable of holding off Webster.

» al momentowhile-you-wait [while-u-wait]on-the-flyinstantlyon the spotstraight away [straightaway]on the doublein no time at allin next to no timein no timeright awayat once .

Example: While-you-wait copying facilities are available in a number of reading rooms.

Example: Command interpreters work in the same way as a simultaneous interpreter in a meeting, translating 'on-the-fly'.

Example: Union catalogues are an important element in interlibrary lending by locating instantly requested documents.

Example: Libraries should be the first point of contact for people in need and should be capable, like the General Practitioner in medicine, of dealing with 75% of cases on the spot.

Example: When he arrived back at the media center, Anthony Datto whisked straight away into his glass-enclosed office, to the right of the entrance.

Example: The article is entitled 'Learning on the double'.

Example: In no time at all, the printing revolution also changed institutions, including the educational system.

Example: What we call the universe, in short, came from almost nowhere in next to no time.

Example: Follow each of these tips, and you'll be on the road to success in no time.

Example: Forms that are required right away are printed immediately.

Example: You say that this A/Z index entry will direct him at once to the specific subject he is looking for.

» a partir de ese momentofrom that moment on .

Example: Compound interest is the concept of adding accumulated interest back to the principal, so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on.

» a partir de este momentohereinafter .

Example: Apply this rule to legislative enactments and decrees of a political jurisdiction and decrees of a chief executive having the force of law (hereinafter referred to as laws).

» aprovechar el momentocatch + the momentcarpe diemseize + the momentlive for + the momentlive for + the presentlive for + todayseize + the daylife is a journey(, not a destination) .

Example: She is truly a master at catching the moment and making creative use of light, colors, and textures to draw out emotion.

Example: A celebrated poet of ancient Rome, Horace, first decreed the importance of seizing the day through his ode of 'carpe diem'.

Example: Opportunities like this do not come up every day so we must 'seize the moment'.

Example: Live for the moment -- it's now or never so let's stand together.

Example: You can hate your past, you can love your future, but live for the present because life is too short and it could end any minute.

Example: The following are famous quotes about the present, advocating living for today instead of dwelling on the past.

Example: A celebrated poet of ancient Rome, Horace, first decreed the importance of seizing the day through his ode of 'carpe diem'.

Example: Many people have adopted the Emerson quote 'Life is a journey, not a destination' as their life mantra.

» atravesando momentos difícilesbeleaguered .

Example: The prospect of cost savings for beleaguered university budgets have revitalized in resource sharing.

» atravesar un buen momentogo through + a good patch .

Example: Everyone goes through good and bad patches but Kenwyne is riding on the crest of a wave at the moment.

» atravesar un mal momentogo through + a bad patchgo through + a tough patchgo through + a difficult patchgo through + a rough patchgo through + a low patchgo through + a rough time .

Example: Everyone goes through good and bad patches but Kenwyne is riding on the crest of a wave at the moment.

Example: If you are going through a rough patch in your relationship and are looking for ways to mend it, I've got them.

Example: Unfortunately the company was going through a difficult patch and I was made redundant.

Example: My marriage is going through a rough patch and I am at a loss as to what to do.

Example: Many women find they go through a low patch after they give birth, feeling tired and weepy.

Example: If you have followed along with me over the years you may know that I went through heartbreak, divorce, depression and some rough times over the past few years.

» atravesar un momento buenogo through + a good patch .

Example: Everyone goes through good and bad patches but Kenwyne is riding on the crest of a wave at the moment.

» atravesar un momento malogo through + a bad patchgo through + a tough patchgo through + a difficult patchgo through + a rough patchgo through + a low patchgo through + a rough time .

Example: Everyone goes through good and bad patches but Kenwyne is riding on the crest of a wave at the moment.

Example: If you are going through a rough patch in your relationship and are looking for ways to mend it, I've got them.

Example: Unfortunately the company was going through a difficult patch and I was made redundant.

Example: My marriage is going through a rough patch and I am at a loss as to what to do.

Example: Many women find they go through a low patch after they give birth, feeling tired and weepy.

Example: If you have followed along with me over the years you may know that I went through heartbreak, divorce, depression and some rough times over the past few years.

» a último momentolast minute [last-minute] .

Example: In the case of BUSHMEN and HOTTENTOTS, the peoples' real names don't even appear as after-the-fact, last minute cross-references to the defamatory form.

» capturar el momentocatch + the moment .

Example: She is truly a master at catching the moment and making creative use of light, colors, and textures to draw out emotion.

» con cada momento que + pasarwith every passing moment .

Example: The reunion between siblings was prickly and the tension grew with every passing moment.

» de aquel momentoof the time(s) .

Example: Appearing as an expert witness the librarian proved that, between 1943-55, a librarian following standard library practices of the time could have identified and located literature on the subject of the health effects of exposure to asbestos and the means of controlling dust in the mining and milling of asbestos.

» dejar las cosas hasta el último momentoput things off to/until the last minute .

Example: In retrospect, this was a grave error -- my attitude in school was always to put things off to the last minute.

» dejarlo aprovechando el buen momentocash in + Posesivo + chipsquit while + the going + be + good .

Example: She could have cashed in her chips and fled to any number of countries that do not extradite to the United States rather than running the risk of a prison sentence.

Example: If one has reached a satisfactory level of success in a game, it is wiser to quit while the going is good rather than to keep pushing their luck and running the risk of it turning bad.

» del momentoof the time(s) .

Example: Appearing as an expert witness the librarian proved that, between 1943-55, a librarian following standard library practices of the time could have identified and located literature on the subject of the health effects of exposure to asbestos and the means of controlling dust in the mining and milling of asbestos.

» desde aquel momentoever after .

Example: The author focuses on debunking the Cinderella Myth -- that relates the tale of Cinderella who is abused and exploited until she finds Prince Charming and lives happily ever after.

» desde casi el primer momentofrom (very) early on .

Example: From very early on in your pregnancy, you may feel much more tired than normal.

» desde el primer momentofrom the word gofrom the (word) get-gofrom the jumpfrom the off .

Example: They were rooted to their seats and riveted to the screen from the word go!.

Example: Clearly, right from the get-go the assumption was that breast cancer is causally linked to environmental factors - specifically, chemicals.

Example: People knew from the jump whether or not they would be a fan of his or a hater.

Example: Astor set out her stall from the off: If you want an M.P. who will be a repetition of the 600 other M.P.s don't vote for me.

» desde ese momentofrom that pointever afterfrom that moment on .

Example: The online catalog will then contain information about periodical issues from that point.

Example: The author focuses on debunking the Cinderella Myth -- that relates the tale of Cinderella who is abused and exploited until she finds Prince Charming and lives happily ever after.

Example: Compound interest is the concept of adding accumulated interest back to the principal, so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on.

» detenerse por un momentopause .

Example: Since a number of different types of sequences have been attempted for serials, it is worth pausing to consider some of the alternatives.

» detenerse un momentobide awhile .

Example: It's nice spot to bide awhile especially if there is a band playing.

» de último momentolast minute [last-minute] .

Example: In the case of BUSHMEN and HOTTENTOTS, the peoples' real names don't even appear as after-the-fact, last minute cross-references to the defamatory form.

» de un momento a otromomentarilyat any moment .

Example: Regular service will be resumed momentarily.

Example: In conversing with her you hadn't got to tread lightly and warily, lest at any moment you might rupture the relationship, and tumble into eternal disgrace.

» disfrutar al máximo (de) cada momentoenjoy + each moment to the full(est) .

Example: Sometimes we have to take a step back and remind ourselves to be present now and to enjoy each moment to the fullest.

» disfrutar (de) cada momentoenjoy + each moment .

Example: You can transform yourself completely through such luxury holidays where you can roll in the lap of comfort and enjoy each moment like never before.

» disfrutar (d)el momentoenjoy + the moment .

Example: He said he was still trying to enjoy the moment and not worry about how to repeat his success in 2012.

» disfrutar del momentosavour + the moment .

Example: Parents are usually very busy, and sometimes we forget to savour the moment for what it is.

» durante un momento fugazfor a passing moment .

Example: For a passing moment after resting her eyes on the tattoo on his arm, Lily had merely looked scared.

» el mejor momento de todosthe time of all times .

Example: Now is the time of all times to bury the tomahawk, throw aside all differences and unite in one great purpose of saving the State from further turmoil.

» el momento precisothe point in time at which .

Example: Even when drastic revision is seen to be necessary and accepted, the point in time at which to conduct this extensive review can be difficult to select.

» el + Nombre + correcto al + Nombre + adecuado en el momento oportunothe right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time .

Example: In sum, the librarian should have the knowledge, experience and sense to provide the right book to the right child at the right time = En suma, el bibliotecario debería tener el conocimiento, la experiencia y el sentido para ofrecer el libro correcto al niño adecuado en el momento oportuno.

» el sitio adecuado en el momento adecuadothe right place at the right time .

Example: There is an element of good fortune involved in being in the right place at the right time and it is essential to take the best advantage of whatever opportunities arise.

» en algún momentosomewhere along the line [En frase negativa la expresión es "anywhere along the line"]sometimeat sometimeat some pointat some point in timeat one time or anothersomewhere along the wayat one point or anotherat some point along the wayat some point or anothersomewhere down the line .

Example: It is scarcely possible to imagine the answer to a question such as 'Why do they launch a ship by breaking a bottle of champagne over her bow?' being found without the consultation of a printed book somewhere along the line.

Example: Read some critical articles on it sometime.

Example: At sometime LC will close down its catalog.

Example: At some point this is going to become common in many, many libraries.

Example: However, for many libraries a quite different decision has to be faced at some point in time.

Example: Indigestion is a common condition that many people -- even kids -- have at one time or another.

Example: So today I just came to the realization that I've been jinxed somewhere along the way in my life.

Example: Whether you're trying to be sexy, or you're just plain nervous, everyone bites their lower lip at one point or another.

Example: At some point along the way my camera died because I am such a gubbins I didn't charge my battery.

Example: Almost everyone has played the air-guitar at some point or another.

Example: Keep me in mind, somewhere down the line, you might get lonely = No te olvides de mí; puede que en algún momento de tu vida te sientas solo.

» en algún momento de la vidaat some time in + Posesivo + life .

Example: Most people will have felt homesick at some time in their lives and it is easy to forget just how overwhelming it can be.

» en algún momento de + Posesivo + vidaat some point in + Posesivo + life .

Example: I guess at some point in our lives we have definitely been victims of prank calls!.

» en aquellos momentosby then .

Example: By then, in Britain, less than 10 universities had post-war libraries.

» en aquel momentoat the timethe then + Nombreby this timeat that timeby thenby this pointby that point .

Example: At the time, it was a startling accomplishment and gained wide recognition.

Example: In 1892 Klas Linderfelt, the then ALA President, was jailed for 4 days on charges of embezzling more than $4,000 from library funds.

Example: By this time society could not tolerate anything which allowed the unlimited spread of knowledge for fear that it would upset the class system upon which the modern methods of mass production depended.

Example: At that time a 1-room library served the West African Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, and the judges, magistrates and lawyers = En aquel entonces una biblioteca de tan sólo una habitación atendía al Tribunal de Apelaciones, la Corte Suprema, los jueces, magistrados y abogados de †frica occidental.

Example: By then, in Britain, less than 10 universities had post-war libraries.

Example: By this point it was close to midnight and I decided to call it a night.

Example: I arrived around 2pm so the lunch rush had slowed down by that point.

» en cada momentoat all times .

Example: One obligation resting upon every public institution in a democracy is that of standing ready at all times to render an account of itself to the people.

» en cierto momentoat one point .

Example: Although there was, at one point, a measure of extra-Belgian support there was never a coherent management system internationally organized and single mindedly directed.

» encontrarse en un momento clavebe at a watershed .

Example: Cooperation amongst American academic libraries is at a watershed = La cooperación entre las bibliotecas académicas estadounidenses se encuentra en un momento decisivo.

» encontrarse en un momento clave de cambiobe at a tipping point .

Example: The Ebola crisis is now at a tipping point, as the numbers of cases are likely to increase dramatically in the coming weeks.

» encontrarse en un momento decisivobe at a watershed .

Example: Cooperation amongst American academic libraries is at a watershed = La cooperación entre las bibliotecas académicas estadounidenses se encuentra en un momento decisivo.

» en cualquier momentoanytimeat any one timeat any pointat any point in timeat any timeat any momentat any given pointat any moment in timeat any given momentmomentarilyany day now .

Example: 'Now, whenever you want to see me about anything between these get-togethers,' she resumed, 'don't hesitate to drop by anytime'.

Example: Any one document may be required by author, title, subject, form or other characteristics, but this one document can only be grouped according to one of these characteristics at any one time.

Example: A girl stroked its keys and it emitted recognizable speech; no human vocal chords entered into the procedure at any point.

Example: Clearly, with computer-based systems a list of the terms in the language at any point in time can normally be printed, so this would specify the indexing language.

Example: Each user has a password which he can change at any time = Cada usuario tiene una contraseña que puede cambiar en cualquier momento.

Example: In conversing with her you hadn't got to tread lightly and warily, lest at any moment you might rupture the relationship, and tumble into eternal disgrace.

Example: Unlike alphabetical arrangement, systematic order is not self-evident, and indeed there may be differing views as to the best order at any given point.

Example: The analysis explores whether individual characteristics adequately explain the labor market situation of individuals at any moment in time.

Example: At any given moment, several hundred titles are available in print, and dozes more are published each year = En un momento dado, hay varios cientos títulos disponibles y cada año aparecen otros tantos nuevos.

Example: Regular service will be resumed momentarily.

Example: She is due to give birth any day now and was spotted out spending some quality time with her husband.

» en cualquier momento en el futuroat some stage .

Example: But at some stage they are going to take off and public librarians will need to be ready to stake their claim to be the most appropriate people to collect and organize local community information.

» en cualquier otro momentosome other time .

Example: We'll go into that some other time.

» en diferentes momentosat various timesat different times .

Example: At various times the library holds computer classes for children and adults.

Example: At different times Ms. Hinton has used revision, redraft, rewrite, new edition, revised edition, and second edition.

» en distintos momentosat different timesat various times .

Example: At different times Ms. Hinton has used revision, redraft, rewrite, new edition, revised edition, and second edition.

Example: At various times the library holds computer classes for children and adults.

» en el mejor momento deat the peak ofat the zenith of .

Example: He has confessed that he used to guzzle cough syrup when he was at the peak of his drug addiction.

Example: All great sportsmen at the zenith of their careers know well -- although they often forget -- the wisdom of walking away while at the top.

» en el mejor momento de Unoat + Posesivo + (very) best .

Example: Effective leadership ultimately results in individuals, teams and schools that perform at their best.

» en el momentoon the spot .

Example: Libraries should be the first point of contact for people in need and should be capable, like the General Practitioner in medicine, of dealing with 75% of cases on the spot.

» en el momento actualin this day and ageat the present time .

Example: In this day and age the library sociologist cannot do without using the word 'class' in the library context.

Example: At the present time online catalogs seem to be prohibitively expensive for public libraries.

» en el momento adecuadoat the right timeright on cue .

Example: The information worker can overcome this indifference by monitoring his clients' needs attentively and providing the right product at the right time.

Example: And so, over and over again, in public and right on cue, he wiped away a tear, bit his lip, and said how remorseful he felt.

» en el momento apropiadoright on cue .

Example: And so, over and over again, in public and right on cue, he wiped away a tear, bit his lip, and said how remorseful he felt.

» en el momento deat the time(s) (that/of) .

Example: This order is consistent with the established relationships between subjects at the time that the scheme was first published (1876).

» en el momento de escribir estas líneasat the time of writing .

Example: At the time of writing, a 'value statement' is being prepared by the group together with guidelines for determining such local objectives and related performance measures.

» en el momento de la impresiónat the time of going to print .

Example: This information was correct at the time of going to print, May 2004.

» en el momento de + Posesivo + muerteby the time of + Posesivo + death .

Example: By the time of his death, Hoggart, then 95, had been suffering from dementia for some time and had long been out of public life.

» en el momento de/queby the time (of/that) .

Example: The saved document list may actually contain fewer documents than were reported back because, by the time the list is saved, duplicates are removed.

» en el momento en que...the second...the minute... .

Example: The second those words slipped out of her mouth I knew in my gut that she was right.

Example: The minute she was gone, he tore the slip of paper up and walked away in the other direction, feeling very much like a big shot.

» en el momento en que se necesitaat the point-of-needat the point of usepoint of use .

Example: Since reference service occurs at the point-of-need, that library function is the logical conduit for an informal training programme based on research protocols.

Example: There is still a tendency to devalue any service which is free at the point of use.

Example: The library should emphasize basic point of use instruction for first time searchers and deemphasize workshops.

» en el momento en que + Subjuntivothe moment + Verbo .

Example: The moment we compromise among ourselves to adopt rules that are incompatible with ideology then I think we are merely providing the necessity before very long to have these changes brought about.

» en el momento equivocadoat the wrong time .

Example: The important thing to know is that all feet pronate and supinate, but abnormal feet do one of these things too much or at the wrong time.

» en el momento erróneoat the wrong time .

Example: The important thing to know is that all feet pronate and supinate, but abnormal feet do one of these things too much or at the wrong time.

» en el momento indicadoright on time .

Example: At this point the project has moved along with zero delays so I expect us to be done right on time.

» en el momento inoportunoat the wrong time .

Example: The important thing to know is that all feet pronate and supinate, but abnormal feet do one of these things too much or at the wrong time.

» en el momento justoright on cue .

Example: And so, over and over again, in public and right on cue, he wiped away a tear, bit his lip, and said how remorseful he felt.

» en el momento más álgido deat the peak ofat the zenith of .

Example: He has confessed that he used to guzzle cough syrup when he was at the peak of his drug addiction.

Example: All great sportsmen at the zenith of their careers know well -- although they often forget -- the wisdom of walking away while at the top.

» en el momento más débil de Alguienat + Posesivo + weakest .

Example: Ozon's novel falls flat because the plot is not only foreseeable pretty well every step of the way but, at its weakest, slumps into novelettish cliche.

» en el momento oportunoat the right timenot a moment too soonnot a minute too soon .

Example: The information worker can overcome this indifference by monitoring his clients' needs attentively and providing the right product at the right time.

Example: Spring comes has come to Bloomington -- not a moment too soon.

Example: This highly anticipated follow-up album is due to hit the streets shortly, and not a minute too soon.

» en el momento peor de Alguienat + Posesivo + weakest .

Example: Ozon's novel falls flat because the plot is not only foreseeable pretty well every step of the way but, at its weakest, slumps into novelettish cliche.

» en el momento que + salir + por lathe moment/second + Nombre + walk + out (of) the/that door .

Example: In her mind, she still feared becoming another woman he'd check off the list after debauching her, almost as if he'd be done with her the second he walked out that door.

» en el último momentoat the eleventh hourat the very last minuteat the very last momentat the very lastat the last minute .

Example: The final versions were agreed at the eleventh hour, late on Tuesday 9 December, just before the opening of the Summit.

Example: They always chicken out at the very last minute.

Example: By the time the 50 minutes of the show were up, everybody was moved to tears, but then, at the very last moment, it left them smiling.

Example: She had lived alone, except for her dog who, at the very last, sat patiently beside the bed and licked her hands until they grew cold.

Example: Display stands of very light construction that can be prepared beforehand and taken to the site of a lesson at the last minute are fairly easily available these days.

» en ese mismo momentoat that very moment .

Example: He reflected along the way on the conversation with the head of readers' services, and smiled when he concluded that Balzac's biorhythm chart must have been peaking at that very moment -- or so he hoped.

» en ese momentoat that pointat this pointat that timejust thenat that point in time .

Example: If the user does not know what the answer is, he stops the command chain at that point, lets the system show an intermediate display for guidance, and then continues his work.

Example: At this point the user can enter a number or an 'o' for system, in which case the system will assign the borrower number.

Example: If it is proved that older files are not at all used, some disposition may be made of them at that time.

Example: There was no other way that William could just then express the understanding he had clearly reached that some books are impossible to read.

Example: And at that point in time he was able to look others in the eye and make them believe he was telling the truth.

» en este momentoat this pointat this stageat this junctureat this timeat this moment in timeright nowat this moment .

Example: At this point the user can enter a number or an 'o' for system, in which case the system will assign the borrower number.

Example: At this stage we need not worry about the precise nature of this information.

Example: So at this juncture all we can do is to apply common sense = Así pues, llegado este momento todo lo que podemos hacer es aplicar el sentido común.

Example: Even though both projects are building of the Cornell software and experience, they have encountered the usual delays associated with new technologies, so no significant information is available at this time.

Example: While people dominate at this moment in time, they are altering their environment and, at some future point, will become extinct, giving way to dominance by another organism.

Example: At these words he gulped loudly, spilling his coffee recklessly, and then said 'Right now!'.

Example: But, at this moment, all the tattle is slowly transforming into facts and even leaks from the company, with or without intention.

» en este momento dein this neck of [Usado tanto para referirse a un momento en el tiempo o a un lugar] .

Example: The scarcity of aircrafts in this neck of the war necessitated the immediate dismantling of their frames after crack-ups.

» en mal momentoat an inconvenient time .

Example: This forced update could happen at an inconvenient time so we recommend that you manually update when convenient.

» en momentos de apurosif it comes to the crunchwhen push comes to shovewhen it comes to the crunchin + Posesivo + hour of needwhen the chips are downwhen the crunch comes to the crunchif the crunch comes to the crunchif the chips are down .

Example: You may never need the soldering iron, but if it comes to the crunch and you suddenly find you need one, you'll be glad it's there.

Example: When push comes to shove, it seems that short-term economic interests steamroller scientific arguments.

Example: Interestingly, when it comes to the crunch, there seem to be a hell of a lot of agnostics out there.

Example: I am indebted to you, not just for the help you gave Loub in his hour of need, but also for the kindness you have shown to us.

Example: When the chips are down, these civilized people, they'll eat each other.

Example: But above all, he is still my brother and when the crunch comes to the crunch, we will all be there for him, no matter what the circumstances.

Example: He's told the Argies that if the crunch comes to the crunch America will side with Britain.

Example: It has always been in my character that even if the chips are down, I will stick by what I believe is right.

» en momentos de dificultad(es)if the crunch comes to the crunchif it comes to the crunchwhen it comes to the crunchwhen the chips are downwhen the crunch comes to the crunchin times of needin times of difficult(y/ies) .

Example: He's told the Argies that if the crunch comes to the crunch America will side with Britain.

Example: You may never need the soldering iron, but if it comes to the crunch and you suddenly find you need one, you'll be glad it's there.

Example: Interestingly, when it comes to the crunch, there seem to be a hell of a lot of agnostics out there.

Example: When the chips are down, these civilized people, they'll eat each other.

Example: But above all, he is still my brother and when the crunch comes to the crunch, we will all be there for him, no matter what the circumstances.

Example: Some people may require 'safety nets' or private and public forms of social insurance that contribute to subsistence in times of need.

Example: In times of difficulty we long for something beyond the here and now, beyond the day-to-day, beyond what we can see.

» en momentos difícilesin + Posesivo + hour of needif the crunch comes to the crunchif it comes to the crunchwhen it comes to the crunchwhen the chips are downwhen the crunch comes to the crunch .

Example: I am indebted to you, not just for the help you gave Loub in his hour of need, but also for the kindness you have shown to us.

Example: He's told the Argies that if the crunch comes to the crunch America will side with Britain.

Example: You may never need the soldering iron, but if it comes to the crunch and you suddenly find you need one, you'll be glad it's there.

Example: Interestingly, when it comes to the crunch, there seem to be a hell of a lot of agnostics out there.

Example: When the chips are down, these civilized people, they'll eat each other.

Example: But above all, he is still my brother and when the crunch comes to the crunch, we will all be there for him, no matter what the circumstances.

» en ningún momentoat no timeanywhere along the line [Usado en frase negativa; en frase positiva la expresión es "somewhere along the line"] .

Example: George Ticknor noted that this flood of new immigrants 'at no time, consisted of persons who, in general, were fitted to understand our free institutions or to be intrusted with the political power given by universal suffrage'.

Example: 'Didn't you learn anywhere along the line that a subordinate has an obligation to keep a supervisor informed about what's going on?' she flamed out indignantly.

» en otro momentosome other time .

Example: We'll go into that some other time.

» en qué momentoat what point .

Example: Libraries are having to decide at what point a service should become chargeable without creating a disadvantage to those who cannot pay = Las bibliotecas tienen que decidir cuándo se debería cobrar por un servicio sin crear un problema para los que no pueden pagar.

» en su debido momentoin due time .

Example: Whatever carrier you use, for long-term preservation (over decades) you have to refresh and migrate data carriers in due time.

» en su mejor momentoat + Posesivo + peakat its peakat its heightat its zenithat its (very) best .

Example: The Penny magazine sold 200,000 copies a week at its peak in the mid 1830s.

Example: At its peak in 1987, the rebel army consisted of more than 25000 fighters.

Example: At its height in 1929 the stock, circulation and readers were only slightly fewer than those of the secular public libraries.

Example: America was at its zenith to the outside world forty years ago when the first human landed on the moon.

Example: If you want to experience acting at its very best, you should not head to Hollywood or even Broadway.

» en su momentoin timely fashion .

Example: There was no dependable way to ensure that the recipient actually received the message in timely fashion.

» en su momento álgidoat + Posesivo + peak .

Example: The Penny magazine sold 200,000 copies a week at its peak in the mid 1830s.

» en todo momentoat all timesat every instantpass + Nombre + off asthroughoutat every turnday in and day outat all hourstime after time(at) every step (of the way) .

Example: One obligation resting upon every public institution in a democracy is that of standing ready at all times to render an account of itself to the people.

Example: At every instant the darkness of the line being drawn is made equal to the darkness of the point on the picture being observed by the photocell.

Example: She shamelessly steal other people's work and pass it off as her own original content.

Example: Nevertheless my debts are real, and I particularly want to thank David Foxon for his illuminating commentary on the final sections, and D. F. McKenzie for his encouragement throughout.

Example: Three of the five councilors, one of whom is the mayor, thwart him at virtually every turn in his efforts on behalf of these institutions.

Example: People with diabetes have to do it every day, day in and day out.

Example: Since many people go into and out of the hospital at all hours, theft is a concern.

Example: These plates can be stored and used again time after time provided they are wiped over with a gum solution after each use to prevent oxydization.

Example: He wants a mate who will challenge him at every step, a female strong of will and body.

» en un determinado momentoat one point .

Example: Although there was, at one point, a measure of extra-Belgian support there was never a coherent management system internationally organized and single mindedly directed.

» en un momentoin a timein a flash .

Example: However, many indexing systems have evolved over the last century, and have their roots in a time when detailed specification of subjects was unnecessary.

Example: In a flash, without a moment wasted on intelligent astonishment, the poor accosted earthling gives a detailed description of the instrument he apparently assumes without further investigation the stranded space man needs.

» en un momento concretoat a particular point in timeat a particular point in time .

Example: This method has been defined as a nonobtrusive observation 'during which the personal characteristics and behavior of sedentary individuals in a complex are recorded at a particular point in time= Se ha definido este método como la observación no intrusiva por parte del investigador "durante la cual se tomaba nota de las características personales y el comportamiento de las personas que no estaban desplazándose en un gran edificio en un momento concreto".

Example: This method has been defined as a nonobtrusive observation 'during which the personal characteristics and behavior of sedentary individuals in a complex are recorded at a particular point in time= Se ha definido este método como la observación no intrusiva por parte del investigador "durante la cual se tomaba nota de las características personales y el comportamiento de las personas que no estaban desplazándose en un gran edificio en un momento concreto".

» en un momento dadoat a given point in timeat any one timeat any given pointat one particular timeat any given timeat any given momentat a given moment in timeat a given moment .

Example: It is easy to install appropriate guiding at a given point in time.

Example: Any one document may be required by author, title, subject, form or other characteristics, but this one document can only be grouped according to one of these characteristics at any one time.

Example: Unlike alphabetical arrangement, systematic order is not self-evident, and indeed there may be differing views as to the best order at any given point.

Example: The inflexibility of notation tends to crystallize (fossilize!) the arrangement in a structure reflecting the approach to knowledge at one particular time.

Example: One aspect of this is the 'staleness' of Web search engines; that is, a search engine goes stale for users when a significant number of hits it returns at any given time point to Web pages that are no longer viable.

Example: At any given moment, several hundred titles are available in print, and dozes more are published each year = En un momento dado, hay varios cientos títulos disponibles y cada año aparecen otros tantos nuevos.

Example: Librarians have no control over the effect that a book will have on a particular reader at a given moment in time.

Example: The study attempts to find out the percentage of Web sites that on average remain accessible to the user at a given moment.

» en un momento deat a time ofat one stage of .

Example: CD-ROM has given the library a public relations boost but this has led to higher expectations of the library by users at a time of budgetary restraint.

Example: When at one stage of his journey Christian lost his roll, he was very distressed until he found it again.

» en un momento de apuroswhen the worst comes to the worstif (the) worst comes to (the) worstif (the) worse comes to (the) worst .

Example: When the worst comes to the worst what we should really fear is ourselves, and each other.

Example: If the worst comes to the worst and you are attacked, try to escape rather than fight back, especially if you believe that your assailant may be armed.

Example: If worse comes to worst, you can always see if your employer may be amenable this time to giving you a cash advance.

» en un momento de cabreoin the heat of the moment .

Example: It's time to start leading by example and not going around like a lunatic all the time, loosing my cool, raving, saying things in the heat of the moment I don't mean.

» en un momento de enfadoin the heat of the moment .

Example: It's time to start leading by example and not going around like a lunatic all the time, loosing my cool, raving, saying things in the heat of the moment I don't mean.

» en un momento de enojoin the heat of the moment .

Example: It's time to start leading by example and not going around like a lunatic all the time, loosing my cool, raving, saying things in the heat of the moment I don't mean.

» en un momento determinadoon any one occasion .

Example: On any one occasion there will always be children who do not want to borrow or buy, but they are still learning to live with books and how to search out the ones that interest them.

» en un momento en el queat a time when .

Example: The business community entered the field at a time when the world economy was shaken by the oil price rises of the seventies.

» en un momento inoportunoat an inconvenient time .

Example: This forced update could happen at an inconvenient time so we recommend that you manually update when convenient.

» en unos momentosmomentarilyat any moment .

Example: Regular service will be resumed momentarily.

Example: In conversing with her you hadn't got to tread lightly and warily, lest at any moment you might rupture the relationship, and tumble into eternal disgrace.

» es el momento adecuadothe moment is ripethe time is ripe .

Example: We must be ready to be flexible in our work, seizing the moment when it is ripe for introducing a book, and altering our methods to suit.

Example: The time is now ripe for library schools and libraries to work more c

Momento synonyms

bit in spanish: poco, pronunciation: bɪt part of speech: noun minute in spanish: minuto, pronunciation: mɪnət part of speech: noun, adjective second in spanish: segundo, pronunciation: sekənd part of speech: adjective, noun consequence in spanish: consecuencia, pronunciation: kɑnsəkwəns part of speech: noun import in spanish: importar, pronunciation: ɪmpɔrt part of speech: noun, verb instant in spanish: instante, pronunciation: ɪnstənt part of speech: noun, adjective present moment in spanish: momento presente, pronunciation: prezəntmoʊmənt part of speech: noun here and now in spanish: aquí y ahora, pronunciation: hɪrændnaʊ part of speech: noun
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